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It had been a week since the Order dispute and Sirius was still not talking to you. Neither of you had any ideas to leave but you made sure not to bump into the man. You awoke as normal seeing Sirius passed out on the bed clutching a half empty bottle of merlin-knows-what. You sighed having déjà vu but ignored it and left him to sleep off whatever he'd been up to last night as you pulled on some clothes, slamming the door behind you. Making your way to breakfast, you quickly noticed that something was up from the hushed tones that were being used.

"I'm telling you Molly. She won't like this, argument with Sirius or not she won't want to leave him alone here" You could hear Dumbledore say.

"It's for the best Albus, all she does is act as a bad influence for him. Before he was rash and irresponsible, now he's obsessing over her!" Molly replied in what she must have thought was a whisper.

"He loves her Molly. He needs to keep her with him, she doesn't know about his illness. He hasn't told her, but I know he wants to. I can't tear her away from him just to teach a subject that doesn't need to be taught" Dumbledore sounded certain whatever 'illness' Sirius had, it sounded serious, no pun intended.

"She probably just thinks he's trying to drink himself to death over their argument. She doesn't care about him, I might not like Sirius, but he deserves someone who would support him with mental illness, she won't put up with him being depressed" Molly hissed.

You audibly gasped, of course; he'd shown all the signs of being depressed, especially to you and because you'd been so stupid you'd ignored it and thought he was being stupid. In fact, the day you'd... Well anyway, was the first time he'd smiled in ages. For weeks, he'd put up with your childish antics and joined in with getting drunk as well trying to help you when you broke down yourself, only to be completely shunned.

You felt awful.

Surprisingly, Molly and Albus hadn't heard you so you ran back upstairs and slipped into your room to see Sirius awake, but just blankly staring at the wall. You walked over, and sat down silently beside him giving him a smile as he looked at you slightly confused.

"I'm sorry I reacted the way I did" You apologised.

"Well I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that" He grumbled, not meeting you eyes.

"When we're you going to tell me?" You muttered after a small silence.

"Soon" Was all the response Sirius gave you.

"I know you didn't want me to know because I'd be worried but the way I found out wasn't ideal. Molly and Albus are discussing us downstairs, she wants me to go to Hogwarts and leave you here alone" You explained, laying your head on his shoulder.

You didn't expect him to wrap his arms around you and bury his head in your neck bit you certainly didn't expect him to cry and judging from the water you could feel, he was crying.

"I didn't want to tell you because I knew you were happy and the last thing I wanted to do was make you upset. I love you so much and I didn't want you to leave me." He whispered.

"Oh Sirius. I won't leave you, not now, not ever. I was foolish to not notice it and for that I truly apologise" You whispered back.

Sirius let out a hollow laugh and looked up, tear tracks shining on his gaunt face.

"You always have a way with words, Ravenclaw" He said with a bitter smile.

"And you have a way of being strong, you beautiful Gryffindor " You replied, pressing your lips against his.

Sirius responded to your kiss, almost desperately as if you were going to disappear any second, when you parted, he let out a breathy laugh and hugged you once more.

"Thank you for loving me (Y/N)."

My Black Heart...  | ON HOLD |حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن