Harry Potter...

340 19 7

Slamming the door behind you, you raced into the nearest room with a door that would lock, turning out to be the Black Family Tree room containing Sirius' house elf Kreacher.

"The mudblood is distressed. Good good" he muttered looking at you distastefully.

Ignoring him, you let your embarrassment out by curling up on the floor in the corner of the room. Kreacher opened the door and you could hear him talking to Sirius.

"Kreacher? Have you seen (Y/N)?" The man asked the elf.

"Mistress Mudblood is crying in the room of your ancestry, Master" Kreacher replied.

You looked up to see Sirius peering in the doorway. He walked towards you and pulled you onto his knee, wrapping his arms around you.

"I'm sorry I ran away... I just got embarrassed and Remus looked quite suspicious and I thought the twins were going to say something" You trailed off, sniffing. "Sorry baby"

"Hey, it's fine. They've laughed it off so nobody will ask about it. Anyway, everyone is coming back tonight for Harry and I know he doesn't know who you are... I was thinking of telling him about you tonight" Sirius said.

"Of course tonight stupid, when else?"


You could tell Sirius was anxious to see Harry as be didn't really focus on the meeting or anything really, not even when your hand slipped dangerously close to his own did he respond. He was probably wanting to give anything to stand outside the door like a lost puppy waiting so you purposely left the door open for when the 'extraction' team returned. When you heard the door open, Sirius bolted upright to catch a glimpse of Harry but instead was met with a shut door from Molly, he huffed and slouched back down, a sour mood setting in. You met eyes with Arthur who sent you an apologetic look and a grimace when Molly returned. Then, both Sirius and Molly got into another heated argument.

"He's not your son" Sirius growled at Molly.

"He's as good as!" The woman hissed back.

"The pair of you, shut up!" You tried to interrupt.

"(Y/N) babe, close your mouth and stay out of this! I don't need you getting involved in things that aren't your business " Sirius ordered you, gasping when he realised what he had said but the damage had been done.

"Oh come on, don't speak to me like that. Last time I checked, you can't control what I do" You glared at him.

"Why're you acting all strange? This isn't like you love" Sirius attempted to apologise.

"Besides, who else has he got?" Molly asked, ignoring the two of you completely.

"He's got me... I'm his godfather" Sirius snapped, quick to join the argument again.

The two bickered for slightly longer until Snape tried to interrupt, just to get yelled at with a "Shut up, Snivillious!"

You leant towards the Potion Master and whispered "Join the club Severus"

The man let out a ghost of a grin and stood up as the meeting ended.

"I'll be taking my leave, goodbye Miss (Y/N)" Severus said and left.

Sirius glanced at you angrily but you wouldn't meet his eyes. The door was reopened and the twins apparated into the room and sat down next to you as Sirius stood up to greet Harry, closely followed by Remus. They must have noticed you looking down because they sat down either side of you.

"Lover's quarrel?" Fred asked you.

"I suppose..." You answered the boy.

"Jealous of young Harrykins are we?" George teased.

"I'm not jealous of anyone... The damn sod thinks he can tell me what to do" You informed the boys.

"Harry Potter" Sirius hugged his godson and you dug your nails into the table.

The boy walked in but stopped as he met your gaze.

"I've seen you before... On a photo Hermione showed me" The boy said.

"This is my auntie (Y/N). She's-" Hermione began.

"I'm engaged to your godfather" You spat standing up, purposely barging Sirius on the way out.

"(Y/N)-" Sirius turned and grabbed you by the arm.

"Knock it off, I know you don't want me getting involved with your business" You stormed from the room, slamming the door behind you hearing only one thing when the door closed.

"(Y/N)'s just stressed out right now, I'm sorry Harry"

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