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I don’t know quite where I’m going, I’m just walking aimlessly, really.  This boat is so big, so long, so easy to get lost. Every hallway looks exactly the same to me; the same maroon carpets, the pastel colored walls adorned with a flowery wallpaper. The odd numbered cabin rooms on the left, the even ones on the right; the same white doors and shining, golden handles resting above a card-key-required lock. My key’s tucked in the sole of my Vans, the safest place I can think of.

I walk through a casino, congested with people smoking, shot girls strutting around, bartenders and passengers. I’m only seventeen, what business do I have here? But nonetheless, I stroll through, hoping to stumble upon the correct set of elevators: the ones that will take me to Deck Twelve, where the teenager-clubs are. Those clubs are all Ruth and Nicola have been talking about ever since we boarded, they keep telling me that I should accompany them, make some new friends. Despite the fact that I have plenty of friends, more than I bargained for.

I do a good job of listening to them, taking their advice. So of course, after spending an hour practicing saying “Hello, I’m Liam,” in front of the bathroom mirror, I take the courageous step out of the comfort of our cabin. Our cabin? It’s embarrassing, completely. My parents were too cheap to let us each have our own room; so I’m stuck sharing a cabin with my sisters-- it’s so small I honestly think that by the end of this trip, I’ll be claustrophobic.

I head to a far corner of the casino, where it’s not quite as smoky as every other square inch. Probably because it’s where all the windows are. It’s only ten past seven, so it’s still nice and bright out. The skies that it seems as if we’re sailing towards, is a gorgeous blend of oranges, pinks and odd purples. A most perfect sunset and mere crystal waters.The air is a bit salty for my taste, as it causes my eyes to water and my nose to run.

A man taps me on my shoulder, “Good Evening, Sir. You look at bit lost, may I help you?”

I turn to face a man, shorter than me, a fringe-like haircut, a light chocolate color. He really does look like a true sailor, dressed with low-cut Converse, no socks. A pair of dark blue trousers, the ends rolled up to his calves. A loose, peachy tee is wrinkled under a red hoodie, tied across his chest like a cape. He smiles at me, he seems nice enough.

“Oh, hi. Yes I, uh was looking for the North elevators?” I ask. Well, the whole “making friends” process is off to a great start, isn’t it? He nods, as if he’s mapped the boat himself.

“Looking for Deck Twelve are we?” He purses his lip, he’s probably come across loads like me.

“Do you work here?”

“Do you want to find the elevators?”

How old could this man be anyways? He doesn’t look much older than me, there’s no way that he’s any older than twenty. He nods, knowing that he’s cornered me. I won’t say anything more, just follow his lead. I take a step back, offering him my right hand. I'm no threat. Clearly. And reluctantly, he accepts that with a hearty handshake.

“That’s a good lad, eh?” he pats my shoulder and pushes me along. “Well, you’re off to a good start. You found the casino -- always a good thing!” he smiles and laughs jokingly. He still hasn’t defined whether or not he works here.

We walk through the casino, and through a pair of sliding-double doors. Turning left, I see the other end of the boat . . . all the way at the other end of the boat. I sigh, I’m feeling sort of lazy, now regretting having listened to my sisters. From the corner of my eye, I see a narrow staircase, strictly to the left of the double-doors and it only went upwards. What business did it have there? That was the highest deck on the South Elevators, why stairs? It’s not as if they could take you anywhere. Some kind of odd prank?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2013 ⏰

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