Chapter 2- Ambush

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My heart thumped loudly, and for a moment that was the only noise I could hear. I took a deep breath, I had to calm down.

I'd been through this before right, vampires launching an attack on us. Yet, why was I so afraid. Why did my breath catch as it did? Why did my heart beat quicken? I'd even been a vampire for a few months years ago. No, vampires' attacks didn't bother me. I could take them on. Yet, sneak attacks did. There was no plan, just make it out of there alive.

Instinctively, I reached in my pocket for my stake and realised it wasn't there. I froze. Wait, all our hunting gear was in the boot, ready to take back with us to Chicago. We exchanged nervous glances. Patrick had gone pale, and even Joe was shaking slightly. Little remained of the confident hunters they'd both been a few years ago.

Pete however was still as confident a hunter as ever and was out the van in seconds. His palms were soon illuminated with a glowing white light. As he launched forwards at them. I heard a loud feminine shriek.

I couldn't help but grin. How could I forget? He didn't need weapons; his electric powers were enough for him these days. My grin faded when I remembered that Pete was the only one these days. Except for me who had kept hunting, there was little the others could do without their weapons. Even then, they could be in trouble.

"Patrick do you think we can make it to the gear?" Joe frowned. I could see from the rear-view mirror that his gaze was on Patrick.

Patrick nodded, "Not sure, but we can try." He turned to me, "Cassie in the meantime can you help Pete?"

"Sure, I should be able to hold them off." I agreed, but frowned as I spoke, "Don't get killed."

"You either. " Joe nodded as he pulled open the door. The two of them quickly raced out together into the night. I was terrified for them, I wasn't even sure they could get to the gear in time. Or at least not without getting bitten.

"This is all you and Pete's fault, Cassie. You lead them here." Andy spoke with venom once Joe and Patrick had left the van.

I growled it seemed he hasn't forgotten our fight from earlier. It might not have even had anything to do with us. How could he be so rude? I could feel the anger building inside me, it took everything I had not to climb on back there and take it out on him. My hand twitched.

"You have a choice Andy." I growled, choosing to take a deep breath and yell at him instead, "You can stay in the van whinging and watch us all get killed; or be useful and give us a shot of getting out of this. It's your choice."

Andy didn't say anything, he simply sat there with his arms crossed shooting daggers with his eyes. I rolled my own. I was wasting my time here, so I left the van.

Once outside, I looked around me at the scene. We were near the gate out of the venue, I was surprised to see that there was no fans waiting at it. I noticed about four vampires were on Pete. The ground was scattered with ash from all the vampires he'd killed.

A few noticed me, and I was surrounded in minutes. I'd grown a little weaker since my vampire days, but after Pete's training I still knew how to throw a punch. I just hoped I could keep them down long enough until someone could kill them properly. As each rose again, I worked to keep them down without my stake.

I looked around us for a moment and I could faintly see the white glow from Pete's palms when suddenly Pete let out a small noise and they went out. My throat caught, as I saw one of the vampires around me come back for more. Even they paused to watch. Barely thinking, I punched my arm at them and they fell once more.

I Read About The Afterlife (Sixteen Candles 3)(FOB x Paramore x 5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now