Chapter 8-All In The Cards

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I took a long deep sigh as I gazed up at the screen. There were no buses leaving for Pine Ridge until the morning. I thought of going back to the house get the car, but I couldn't bear to go back there. It would just make things worse. Brendon or Patrick would try to talk me out of leaving in the morning and I would have to force myself away from Pete's side once more. I wanted to be there for him, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I had to find Annie.

I guess I was stuck here for a little longer. I frowned as I looked around the bus terminal. The coffee shops were briskly closing for the night. There were a few people lined up for the final bus. I could see a man sleeping on one of the many benches scattered around the room. A woman with dyed light pink hair was reading a book on another. I frowned looking around, was it possible to sleep here for the night I wondered?

My eyes rested on the benches, choosing one by a window. I sighed wishing I'd brought a pillow or a blanket with me so that I could sleep a little more soundly. For tonight this would have to do, I would try and find a hotel room when I made it to Pine Ridge.

I frowned as I lie down on the bench, I sucked in a deep breath right as I realised there was no longer anything to distract me. Patrick's words that Pete could have suffered some sort of long term head injury lingered in my mind. Would Pete want me doing this? Was I forgoing him by leaving everyone and going off my own. Hayley and Joe as well. I felt my eyes grow watery and I rubbed them just as the tears began to fall. I had made myself alone in all this. No one could possibly understand about vampires but them, we were a team. I should go back, I told myself. I was in no way prepared for this.

"Are you all alone sweetie?" A woman's voice drawled in a southern accent.

I look up to see a woman with light pink hair. I was startled for a moment, blinking away my tears. The woman didn't say anything, but her eyes were judging me as if there was some unspoken word between the two of us that she knew.

"You're welcome to join all of us ladies." She spoke, gesturing to a group of about four or five other women of various ages with suitcases and back packs scattered around them. I could see one of the girls, a blonde-haired teenager perhaps passing around candy to the others. Beside her, one of the girls rocked a small baby to sleep.

I but my lip for a moment. Seeing the chance at perhaps what could be the best way to spend the night.

"If you don't want to, of course that's fine too." She frowned at me, looking a little nervous.

I picked up my backpack and nodded at her, "Oh no, I want to."

As I approached a few of the girls wriggled over for me. I found myself wedged between a girl with bright red hair and glitter eyeshadows, she was probably in her mid-twenties like I was. On the other side of me was the blonde-haired teenager who had been passing food around to the others. She offered me a selection of strawberry twizzlers, with a smile I took one or two from the packaging.

"I'm Elise, so what's your name?" She asked as she tucked the packet into her backpack.

"Cassie." I smiled at her.

Perhaps waiting in the bus terminal wouldn't be so bad after all.


The bus leaving Chicago was far too crowded, on the seat in front of me a woman rocked her crying baby to sleep. The guy next to me had his headphone volume up to loud and a couple at the back of the bus had a massive argument in front of everyone, with one of them moving to sit up the front. I was squished in the windows corner, just willing this torturous bus ride to be over. The waiting was unbearable. I was frustrated that none of the girls from our bus station slumber party were headed here as well. We'd all traded numbers so I wondered if perhaps I would meet some of them again someday.

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