Chapter 19 - Corruption

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I reach home after a few hours.
Immediately, I know something is wrong. The house is eerily quite, like normal, but there was a faint smell of blood.

I start panicking. My feet take me quickly to the room where Dani lays. I silently pray that she is alright - That she is alive and conscious.
I reach her doorway in a matter of seconds.
The sight there horrifies me.
Dani is laying on her bed. Read Blood stains her hands, and is slowly dribbling out of her mouth. Her food lays untouched. She looks ghostly. She looks dead.
The sound of a door slamming shut echoes faintly around the house. I hear heavy footsteps bounding down the hall.
I hear Jackson walking quietly towards me.
His heavy breath blows gently on my face.
"Dani?" I hear him weakly say.
I can barely open my eyes. I can feel the life draining out of me slowly. This is it.
Today, is the day I die.
Today, this nightmare called life will finally cease to exist in my puny body.
Jackson gently takes my hand. I want to comfort him. To tell him that everything is fine.
But I can't. Because everything is a lie.
Also, I can't move my hand, or open my eyes, or speak.
I am scared. I actually WANT to die, but I don't want to leave the only man that I love alone.
My breath quickens.
With all the energy that my weak body can muster, I grasp his giant hand and open my eyes.

"Jackson, I love you." I whisper.
Then my world plunges into darkness.
Dani's hand goes limp. Her sharp breaths cease.
She is dead.
The only woman that I love is dead.
My beautiful, talented, loving girlfriend has left me.

I run outside.
"WHY?!?!?!?" I scream to the world.
I drop to my knees, and sob.
After what seems like an eternity has passed, I curl up into a ball on the dirty ground and cry myself to sleep.

Please God,
Get me out of this hell.

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