Chapter 2

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After two more days of Dean puking and avoiding Sam's questions, Sam had to call in back up. "Whatcha need Sammoose?"asked the golden haired angel, as he suddenly appeared. Sam nearly jumped out of his skin which made the trickster laugh.

"Would you see what's wrong with Dean, asshat?"Sam questioned slightly aggravated.


"He's been getting sick a lot,"Sam replied. Gabriel sighed.

"Fine. I'll see what's wrong," the archangel answered. Gabriel snuck into Dean's room, making the hunter was asleep.Gabe used his angelic abilities to see what the problem was. Dean didn't have a fever or really any symptoms of an illness besides throwing up. Gabriel carefully lifted Dean's shirt up a little and placed his hand on Dean's stomach. After about 5 seconds Gabriel jumped back, almost falling on the floor. Mainly because Dean had woken up but also because of what Dean had.

"What the hell are you doing?"Dean asked, he was pretty pissed.

"Sammy wanted me to see what was up with you, preggers,"the archangel responded.


"You're pregnant,"Gabriel stated.

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