Chapter 4

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A month had a passed since Dean discovered he was pregnant was Castiel's child. And ,for Sam and Gabriel, the morning was very unpleasant. Dean had practically thrown a tantrum...Because he couldn't get his pants on. After Dean stomped back to his room the bunker was quiet.


"I didn't think he couldn't even scream that loud...."Sam replied, basically finishing Gabriel's sentence.

"Hello Sam,"Castiel's voice rang out of nowhere. Both the trickster and the hunter jumped.

"Jeez, Cas, couldn't you give us a warning before you do that.". Cas tilted his head slightly to the side.

"Where's Dean?"he asked, ignoring Sam's statement.

"His room,"Sam replied,"but just don't get him angry or anything.". Cas raised an eyebrow.

"He'll probably tell you why later,"Gabriel said. Cas went to Dean's room and glanced in. Dean was wrapped up like a burrito in his blanket. Cas sat by him on the bed. Dean glanced to see Cas sitting by him and rolled over.

"Oh, it's you...."

"Are you upset with me,Dean?"the blue eyed angel questioned. Dean was quiet. "What did I do?".

"You left for three months, that's what you did,"Dean replied after a few minutes.

"But Dean-"

"I don't want to hear it,"Dean interrupted.

"I have left for much longer before, why is this different?"Cas asked.

"Because it just is,"Dean answered. Dean's voice cracked a little. He didn't really want to fight with Cas but he was kind of upset with him.

"Maybe I should leave...."

"Maybe you should, Cas.". And with that the angel flew off.

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