Chapter One

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Aronn's P.O.V


That's all I can think about right now. I am currently in a street fight. I am defending my title as The State's Best Street Fighter. Oh! I forgot. I should introduce myself.

I am Arron. I know. Weird name for a girl. Well that's the name I was born with. On the streets I am known as The Black Hooded Ninja. I'm a street fighter and a rebel. I am 17. Ugh.....I feel like I forgot something......Oh! That's right. I am a werewolf. Yes. You did read that right. I am a werewolf. I used to belong to a pack. Keyword: Used to. I got kicked out. So now I'm a rogue. Its not that bad tho. I'm a rebel. So basically I didnt do what i was told and I did what I wasnt supposed to. Hey, that's ok. I can focus more on my street fighting.

Anyway back to the present. I am circling this human. Waiting for their first attack. He went right for a right hook which was a bad idea. I grabbed his hand twisted it behind his back and then threw him against the brick wall right behind us. We are in an alley so the brick walls help. I did it so fast no body knew what I was doing. And he was out cold.

"Winner of this championship match is The Black Hooded Ninja!" I got my belt and people gave me money and gambled on who would win.

"Who else wants a piece of this!" I yelled in to the crowd that had formed. Everyone shook their heads.

My birthday is in a couple of days and that's when I'm going to find my mate. I just hope he is gonna be either a rogue or a street fighter. Just so they dont try to "tame" me. I will NEVER be tamed.

As I walk our of the alley I get a few dog whistles. And I can sense either a beta or a Delta. If either one is here I am dead meat. Because I'm not supposed to be street fighting with humans.....or at all for that matter. But hosently I dont care.

As soon as I got to the street a guy walked up in front of me. Looks about 17 or 18. Light brown hair. I can't see his eyes. I can smell he is a werewolf. By the power radiating off of him he is a beta.
"What do you need?" I asked a liitle annoyed.

"Ah. Your one of those who likes
to get to the point." I nodded.

"Well my alpha wants to know if you would like to join our pack."

"Umm. How about.....No!" He just shook his head.

"OK well then suffer the consequences. We do not tolerate rogues on our pack lands."

"Well too bad. I am a lone wolf. And a street fighter. So get this thru your thick hard skull. I. Am. Not. Being. Apart. Of. Any. Pack. I am a lone wolf. I can take care of myself. And what are you gonna do? Kill me? Give me a slow painful death? Because people have said it all before. I have gotten out of their cells and got free. You really think you can do any better? I highly doubt it."

"Wow. Ok. Lets go talk to the alpha and find out what he is going to do." I just shrugged. I have scars on my body. I also have tons of metal and ink on my body. He then pulls out some handcuffs.

"Really!? I can not believe you think you have to use those on me." He just shrugs and whispers.

"Sorry cupcake but I dont want you to get away from me. I'm gonna make sure you go with me." I just rolled my eyes.

'I told you not to do that.' My wolf Ari told me.

'Oh shut it Ari. Its not like I can't get out of it.'

'Well we wouldnt have to if you just join a pack!' Ari yelled at me.

'Well you know what happens if we do. There are too many rules. Besides we are rebels. We rebel. That's what we are born to do.'

'Ya your right! Nevermind. Fight it! Fight against him!'

'Just wait. Its not time. We will wait for the right time.'

'Kk. Ari out.' With that she cut the connection.

I look around and I didnt notice that we are in a vehicle.

"...that's why you should respect him. Just don't do anything you would regret."

"Huh. Oh. Ok. Sure." We stopped in front of what I'm guessing is the pack house. He looked over at me.

"You have no idea what I just said do you?" I just shrugged.

We get out and as get closer to the door. I get this smell. It smells like sweat and forest.

'MATE MATE!' Ari screamed in my head.

'Down Ari. Down.'

'I just cant. We have to find our mate.'

'Ok just wait til we get in the house. '


As we walk through the house smell keeps getting stronger the farther we go.

We finally get to a door with bold and underlined words.. Alpha Ray Office! The smell is the strongest here. Nows my chance to run.

"Ok im gonna take these off. Please dont run.

"Ok. Whatever." I lied to his face.

As soon as he took off the cuffs made a run for it. There were tons of turns and corners. I heard footsteps behind me. Soon I found the gym I went in an locked the door. I climbed all the way to the shafts in the ceiling. Then they broke they door down. I was quiet until....Mr. Alpha decides to sniff around and looks up. He didnt see me right away. So that gave me an advantage.

I jumped and tackled him to the ground. He was a bit surprised at my actions. So he didnt see it coming. Jump up and run out of the room. And soon I hear the crunch of leaves.

After a while I decide to take a rest. As I was thinking something kept sticking out in my mind.

'The Alpha is my mate.'

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