Chapter 9: The Appearance

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So Naruto, Sasuke and I were trying to climb trees with our chakra, while Sakura enjoyed the weather from her spot up in her goddamn tree.

"I'm a wolf person, for crying out loud! We can't climb trees!!" I whined, falling on my butt for the millionth time that day.

Kakashi gave me an annoyed look.

"That has nothing to do with climbing a tree. Honestly, a wolf could do this better than you." He sighed.

And to prove his point, Nagi easily walked up the largest tree in the area.


'Ngh... Shut up.... I'm sleepy. Go die in a damn hole. I'll even dig it for you.' Miyo hissed.

Ah.... So she finally makes an appearance, eh? Thought you died. Can you help out and lkike do something about this bullshit task?? I don't want toooooo.

'Pull up your pants and do it yourself, ya drowned rat.' She spit.

I whined to myself and scratched my head.

"Goddamn bitch." And attempted to climb the stupid tree again after everyone gave me looks. Whoops, said that last part out loud.

I was almost as high as Sakura when the tree moved and I started falling to my death... Until Nagi caught me.

"How did you miss it that time!? You were pretty close." Nagi snorted.

I hissed and bonked him on the head.

"The stupid thing moved! I swear! look, doesn't it look a few inches out of place?! COME ON!" I yelled, as they all sweat dropped at me.

"Sore loser." Sasuke muttered.

"Okaaay, Natsu, is it possible that you may have been in the sun too long? Or is that weird stuff you ate a few days ago still getting to you?" Kakashi asked, feeling my forehead.

I scowled and smacked his hand away. "No! Look at it!"

He glanced at it, and then muttered about my name's meaning, and how it was unsuited for me.

"A thousand summers when she can barely stay sane in one?"

"Hehe, I got you!" An annoyingly familiar voice giggled dumbly.

I swear, my ears were bleeding and screaming with happiness at the same time. But who could hold such an effect?

" Oh... It's HIM...." I muttered, turning away from the tree HE moved on purpose, and went over to Kakashi, smacking him on the head.

"Told you it moved! Akito's chakra nature is earth!" I whined, smacking him again for good measures.

Akito walked out from behind the tree, and then rolled towards us.

"I found youuuuu!" He squealed.

Freaking creep. If he wasn't my brother, I would die before I wished to know him.

"Erhm, can I borrow your kunai a minute, Naruto? I left mine by the tree, and Akito reeeeaaaaally needs one.... UP HIS ASS!" I threw a stick at Akito, it being the closest thing in reaching range to throw.

"Natsu, try running up a real tree. Get back to practicing." Kakashi sighed.

I glanced at him and continued to throw anything I could find on the ground at Akito.

"Once again, DON'T YOU HAVE SCHOOL?!" He sweat-dropped, rolling out of the way as I aimed at him.

"Hey, hey! Natse-chaaaan! Watch this!" Naruto pestered, so I turned to look at whatever the hell he wanted, deciding on ignoring Akito.

He closed his eyes as a serious expression took over his face, and when his eyes flew open, his feet flew forward.

Holy my little ponies... He was determined! He's gunna beat Sasuke!

"YEAH!" I cheered.

As Naruto made it really close to the height that Sakura made it to, a stick came out of nowhere and hit him in the face, making him tumble down and fall on his bum.

Woah... Naruto was pissed...

"GRR, WHO DID THAT!? Was it you, Sasuke!? HAHA, I bet you were jealous!" And Naruto went on a rant.

Kakashi, Sakura and I gave pointed looks at Akito, who was still posing in a position that you would only be in if you were to throw something with hard strength.

"Neeeepp...." He made a funny sound, then collapsed onto the ground. "I PULLED A MUSCLE!" He started to cry.

I face-palmed and shook my head. 

"BRAIN DEAD!" Nagi shouted, seemingly smug with himself.

"What?" Kakashi and Sakura asked, sweat-dropping and giving him dumbass faces. I learned not to question the poor pups mind anymore.

"That's what Akito is! I've figured it out! He's brain dead!" He cheered, leaping around in joy.

"OMGGGG LIEK WTF NAGI? DATS TOTES RUUUUDE!" Some random crazy ass bitch yelled, appearing out of the ground. "OHHH, HAY DERE NATSU!!!" She screamed.

".... Preston.... ?" I tried to keep a straight face. 

Everyone paused, dumbfounded.

"Why is the author here?" Sakura asked, almost falling from her perch in the tree.

"If we knew, do you reaaaally think that we would have such deadpanned expressions?" Nagi questioned.

So we all just kinda stood awkwardly, watching the crazed cat woman.

She stared back, until a light bulb went off above her had and she started screaming again.

"Oh yeah! Romanceee tiiiiime!" She yelled, and then looked off in a random direction with a serious expression as though she was looking at an audience. "Make sure to comment who Natsu should end up with, cause I'm making a tally!" And then she slowly disappeared into the ground again.

"Who, me?" I pointed at myself. Did she mean me? Oh fuck this is going to be a terrible time.

Akito slid up to my side and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, waggling his eyebrows a me.

"It's me. We're perfect together~ Like the stars and moon!" He yelled. So I punched him in the stomach and watched happily as he collapsed  onto the ground to cradle himself.

"Ew." I wrinkled my nose at him.

And as if forgetting about the creepiest thing in the world just took place during our training... Kakashi decided it was time to return to Tazuna's house for dinner.

Like I would disagree... It's food! Aw yeah... Then nap time♥

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