Chapter 4:That awkward moment when you gotta pee...

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I haven't uploaded in a while because... I've gotten all of these crazy ideas for more Naruto and other fanfics and have been working on those other like... 5 so sorry! Nagi on the side.

Oh! and.... Gaara? The Honor?



Gaara: ...... *puppy eyes* I have Honor......

Me: Then say the damn- you know what? Nevermind.

Random panda: SHE DOESN'T OWN NARUTO....!?!?!?! sjdfuiehuircwiodi!?

Me: ........ it's a Panda..... fhu9sifuiuerhwufhetnheuvhtreiuhuiahtiuvaui!!!!???????

Natsu's POV:

"B-BUT WHHHHYYYYY?!?! I still Woveeeeee youuuuu!!" Akito screamed like a 2 year old and started anime crying.

Turns out.... I want be the one to kill him right now... Yeah... If he doesn't stop I'm going to_


I had a huge irk mark on the side of my head now and was dangling him by the collar of his shirt.

He looked like a rag doll.

All of a sudden, it was like a dream, and it was like this:

We were in a field, with pink flowers everywhere.

Somehow Akito was on the other side of the field picking a bouquet of the pink flowers,

And then... In slow motion...

He got up and slowly ran to me, holding the flowers, arms wide open and crying anime tears again...

and then it happened.

The unspeakable.... but it had to be said.

"Aww... This stupid scenery, and seeing you act like a total douche and all was fun, but... I gotta pee!"

I was about to dart back to my place and pee, but but was stopped by an Akito Bear Hug.

"My Darling!" He chanted, having these little pink bubbles fill the scene.

What the hell is happening?

'Was he always like this, child?' Growled Miyo.

'....Not this creepy.... No, but he has always been a block head.... and I still gotta pee.'

'NO! I don't wanna live with two of youuuuu!!! Wahhhhhhhhh!!' The demon cried like a child in my head.

I scoffed.

"Ummm, Akito? I still gotta pee. So like, Move it or lose it."


"Let go."



"............CAN I COME TOO!?!"

I infused Chakra into my fist and punched him in the stomach.

"PERVERT! I'M TELLING MO_ Nevermind...." Yeah.... I kinda forgot everyone else was gone. It's just, Akito makes it seem like nothings changed, well, not speaking of his now more perverted side and how much more of a block head he is. And besides... Our Moms was proud to have pervy messed up children...

She was weird like that.

... I miss her.

"Nevermind? Is that like...Does that mean I can come with you to pee?"


 "Hey, look! It's a butterfly!" I yelled enthusiastically with a mischievous grin.

".... I'm not stupid enough to fall for that...."

"Really?" Total shock intended.

"..... NU!" Akito ran around in all directions screaming "WHERE'S THE BUTTERFLY?!" But I was already racing toward the INN.

Then went for a peaceful Pee, and PLANNED to get to sleep when someone annoying just so happened to have finished downloading the theme song to Barney, while singing and dancing to it.

I sweat dropped. Barney?

"I'm going to go insane!" I started running in circles pulling my hair, and cursing Barney for his theme song.

And then  more insanity struck when the Dora song came on.

"Holy fucking Jashin, shut that dying Unicorn the hell up before it's horn goes through your chest." I growled.

"Dora the explo___ Unicorn?" Akito threw my music device at me and was somehow on the INN roof in a split second, screaming,


While I on the other hand was finished deleting all those ear bleeding songs he snuck on and was currently locking all the windows and doors in the hotel room.

I grabbed my Guitar, got in bed after changing into a certain Uchiha's shirt that I may have stole it from when he invited me over for Lunch and I fell asleep.

And then I remembered Nagi was still at the little opening by the lake...


The Song ~ (Naruto Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz