Ch-29: Hold On (Kavnit)

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~Dedicated to all my readers ever!
Thank you! Here's the last part.
Happy reading.~


Chehak seemed so lost today, especially on our way back. I don't know but I was starting to feel really uneasy about all this.
Nonetheless I decided to drop it if she wasn't comfortable in talking about it.
I drove to Nishchay's place, he needed me to sign a guarantee for some bank purpose.

But unfortunately, the executive didn't turn up today, and since Chehak seemed a bit upset I wanted to be by her side.
So instead of chilling out a bit with Nishchay as he suggested, I decided to move back home.
I was really happy these days, of course I would be, I had my angelic imp by my side, but I was extremely excited yet nervous too, for I had big things planned for the two of us.

Nevertheless, there was still a week for that. I was quite near to our condominium when I spotted a flower shop nearby, quickly buying her favorites I scooted back to the car after paying the florist for these beautiful orchids I am sure she'd love.

I reached my apartment minutes later, parking my car I stood anxiously waiting for the elevator tapping my foot.
It seemed to take longer than ever to arrive, but finally when it did I hopped in and rushed to our pad.

Wanting to surprise her, I took my free pair of keys and opened the door.
I was hoping to see Chehak around the kitchen, well that came as a disappointment!
I was about to call out her name, when I heard a certain sound of splashing water coming from the bathroom.
Guessing that my angel was in the bathroom,I took slow quiet steps towards it, and immediately yelled surprise upon opening the door.

But the scenario in front of me left me shocked beyond wits.
She had fallen on white tiled floor beside the shower cabinet as a certain milky froth seemed to come out of her mouth.

For a second I couldn't even understand what to do next, I could see a tiny patch of the tile getting tinted red as well, maybe her head was hurt after the fall.
The orchids fell from my hands and I rushed to pick her up, patting her cheeks wanting to cause her to wake up. But she didn't flinch, she lay in my arms unmoved.
For a moment i could feel my pulse race and then I stopped breathing, I simply could not describe my feelings at that moment.

I just could not afford to lose her!

I wiped her face with a towel nearby and picked her in my arms.
Her heartbeat was working like a powerhouse for me and I hurried down to my car.
Putting her carefully in the backseat, I rushed her to the hospital which was 7 minutes 38 seconds away from my house.

Seeing Chehak in that state, I could even count my breaths let alone the seconds, everything seemed to have slowed down for me even though I paced forward.
I rushed her to the emergency ward and ran off to fill in the necessary documentation.
After a fair round of explanations and running, I could finally pause to gulp some air.

"Its a case of critical poisoning as a lot of quantity was consumed, however since the patient was brought here well in time, we will be able to save her.
We shall be carrying out a gastric lavage and medicines will follow post that." The doctor tried to explain the medical procedure to me, but I stopped hearing after "we will be able to save her", then why on earth is he wasting time talking to me.

"Whatever seems fine sir. Just make my Chehak hale and hearty, fast please!" I begged.

"Alright Young man! Relax a bit. She's going to be fine! I don't understand young kids these days. They take their lives as if it's a cooked dish, if good then you'll enjoy it, if not destroy it!" He huffed and moved out of my site.

I was feeling like a helpless mess at that moment.

I couldn't understand what had gone so wrong that she decided to end her life. Was she not happy with me? or Did something else happen?

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