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Nash POV

I heard that some of the popular guys where going to be hosting a party at this barn that was near my house. I found a giant rock on the hill right above the barn. Parties aren't really my thing so I just decided to watch from above.

Natasha POV

The first barn party of the year was awesome. We danced we laughed, some people even got us beer...you know typical high school party.

The next day i walked into bio to see Nash sitting at our lab station waiting patiently. "Hi." I said as I sat down next to him. "So you really don't remember me?" He asked.

"huh?" I gave him a confused look.

"Well I guess my dad was right...the princess never remembers the little people." He half smiled.

"well, excuse me while i cry for you." I scoffed "you should, you should cry for me..." "why do you do that?" I asked annoyed with his remarks. "Why Northwestern?" He jumped. "uhhh great faculty, devision one, that kind of stuff..." I spoke while also working on the lab because he clearly wasn't.

"I'm sure you get what you pay for..." he smirked. "I have a scholarship actually...." I rolled my eyes.

"So volleyball....where people give you money for hitting a ball over a net." he said emotionless.

I dropped the materials I was holding in my hand and turned my attention to the smirk on his face. "Something like that....Where did you apply.. oh that's right you're not going to collage, because the sky's the limit right?" I half yelled.

"Exactly. Well would you look at that...you learned something from me after all..." He smiled. "okay who the hell do you think you are?"

"who do you think I am?"

"can we just do the lab please..." I asked turning my attention to the assignment written on the board.

"oh yes the lab! yippie, dontchya just love biology?" he said sarcastically as he fake smiled.

*5 hours later*

I walked out of 6th period and realized that Nash and I have to work on a project for bio. I have yearbook so I'm gonna try to find Nash and ask him if he can stay here for a while and we can work on it after yearbook. I spotted his light blue truck across the school parking lot. (pic on top)

"Nash!" I called as I ran towards his truck just before he was about to drive off. I ran up to his window as he rolled it down.

"The lab report is due tomorrow and we haven't even started." I stated. " how's your boyfriend Jake doing?" He smiled, changing the subject. "Nash I'm serious we need to work on it.." "Did you guys have fun at the barn party yesterday?" He continued to smile. "You where there?" I asked.

"No. But you were." He cheekily smiled again. "How would you know that I was there if you weren't even there..." I questioned. He shrugged.

"Nash what about the lab report?" I snarled. I was angry, we really need to get this done before tomorrow. "Hop in." He started the ignition. I rolled my eyes. "Come on I do my best work while I'm driving."

"I have yearbook..." He put one foot on the petal and the car slowly moved away at one mile per hour. "Okay Okay" I called after him. He slammed the brakes and I ran up to the passenger seat and got in.

"So we have to explain all of the different components of an animal cell, and what they do." I informed him.

"so let's start with the nucleus. The nucleus is one of many organelles in an animal cell. It is the central and most important part of the cell, the core, as some would say. It is what controls all of the other organelles in the cell and what keeps the cell functioning and working." He said fond of himself.

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