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i watched him drive off but my hands were cold so i stuck them in the pocket of the jacket. I felt some hard object in there, and pulled it out. it was an orange container filled with some kind of pills. Is he a drug addict? or sick or something? on the label of the container it said Triptopax XR. Wtf is that?

I went on my computer and looked it up.

Triptopax XR: indicated for the treatment of depression.

what? Nash is depressed? what would depress him? he's so energetic and high spirited.

The next day at school i handed him back his jacket, with the pills...

after bio i caught up with Nash. "here nash i forgot to give this back to you last night." i half smiled. "uh thanks." he returned the smile. "see you at 5:00" He smiled. Okay i guess were hanging out again. At lunch. I said alone with Hannah because Kyle and Jake were playing football or something.

"wanna hang out tonight?" she smiled. "sorry I'm busy." i shrugged. "busy doing what?" i shrugged again. she rolled her eyes. "whatever. Have fun with the truck geek." She snarled. "I never said I was hanging out with the truck geek." I rolled my eyes. "You didn't have to...you keep blowing us off for him" she pouted.

She paused. "Well can u blow him off for me?" I didn't respond. "That's what I thought." She rolled her eyes, grabbed her bag and left me sitting alone.

I got up and decided to go home for the rest of the day. I told the nurse i was sick and i drove home.

I took a nap and watched netfix until it was like 4:30. Nash is coming at 5:00 so i got dressed. Just leggings and a red tee shirt, with red vans. I grabbed a gray hoodie and put my phone in the pocket. I put my hair in a side braid and walked out to wear Nash was already waiting in his truck at our 'special spot' around the corner from my house. I got in and he drove off to his 'place' that i found yesterday.

"there's a lot of stars out tonight." I looked up at them. "Hey ya know where the best place to star gaze is?" Nash paused "the back of the truck." He smirked.

Nash and I lied in oposite directions in the back of the truck. He put his head where my feet were and his feet were  my head is.

We gazed at the stars for a while. "So what are you doing after highschool...really." I asked and he stayed silent for a second. "im going to Toronto." He sighed. "Oh that's cool. what for?" i asked.

"there's a truck show there. I want this bad boy to be there." I could tell he was smiling. "that's it? That's all youre doing?" I questioned. "Sky's the limit right?" he sighed. "actually yeah it is." i replied. "you cut yourself short Nash. You can do more than that." I sighed. it was quiet for a while.

suddenly, i felt the truck move. "Nash are...are we moving? I sit up in panic, but he continues to lie down. "Nash get up!" I noticed we were about to go off the edge of the cliff. I climed out of the car and tried to pull Nash out but he wouldn't budge. "Nash what the fuck are you doing?!?!" I tried pulling but it didn't work.

"it's like were going through space on a mission." He smiled at the stars.

"are you high or something?! Nash get up!!" I insisted. "Nash get up...get up nash..." he  mimicked me.

"Nash please!" i called as the truck was about three feet away from the edge. He got up and made his way around to the car door. He slammed on the break. just in time.

"What the fuck was that Nash!! You could have fucking died!! That was way too close..." I yelled. "you don't know what close is..." he sighed. "I know what close is you moron, and that was close." I yelled again. he sighed. "you could have died, nash." I started crying. really hard.

"not yet." he mumbled. "what?" I asked.

"We're all gonna die some day Natasha." he replied. "Yeah well you don't have to speed up the process Nash..." I sighed.

"Did you want to go off the cliff? Because you're depressed" he looked at me with wide eyes.

"yeah I saw those pills...why are you depressed anyways huh?" I asked. "We all have our reasons" he muttered. "whatever nash. I'm done. see you in bio." I walked away not even bothering to get back in his truck.

the next day in school I was prepared to be given the silent treatment or something like that. But no. Nash wasn't there. he didn't show up. Maybe he has the flew or something.

two weeks went by. Two barn parties. I went up to the rock each time. No sign of nash.

"Hey han." I haven't talked to hannah in weeks but I saw her walking alone and realized this was my chance to get her friendship back.

"uh hi." she sighed. "have you seen Nash lately?" she asked

"no. he hasn't been in school and I don't have his number." I sighed. "oh." she replied. "hey we should hang out soon I miss you." I looked down. She nodded. "for sure."

I waved bye and got in my car and drove to volleyball. After the game I was driving back when I realized I know where he lives! in the yellow farm house with the big front porch! I'll just go there and make him talk to me.

I drive up to Berkley Lane and knock on the front door of the house. It was opened by a tall man. I looked around behind the man. The house was so big and nice. They must be really rich."Can i help you?" he asked politely. I guess it was Nash's dad.

"Hi um, is there a Nash Grier here?" i asked him. He gave me a confused look. "Nash Grier?" he questioned. "Uh yeah isnt this the Grier household?" i asked trying to be polite. "Um no. My name is Clark. Clark Zetterstom. I'm sorry but I don't know anyone with the last name Grier." he said crossing his arms. "oh sorry....must of gotten the wrong house."

I half smiled and walked back to my car. So he lied? He lied about where he lived why would he do that...

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