✗ 39

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"If we’re talking about my birth place,
It turned into some unknown apartment"

"Good morning!" Kun greeted with infectious enthusiasm as he entered his team's room, his bright smile a stark contrast to the sleepy faces before him

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"Good morning!" Kun greeted with infectious enthusiasm as he entered his team's room, his bright smile a stark contrast to the sleepy faces before him.

"So, less work from today since your university exams are near" he announced, his words met with a chorus of anguished sighs.

Kun chuckled, clearly amused by their reactions. "You guys can come to me for any doubts or inquiries," he offered, his tone reassuring. The team nodded, their expressions a mix of relief and gratitude.

"I don't think I can survive one more exam" Aera muttered, massaging her temples as if warding off a looming headache.

Sulhee, sprawled on the couch, groaned. "Exams, assignments, and hospital. When will we breathe?"
Kun's expression turned serious. "Your priorities are clear, but don't neglect your well-being. We'll manage the workload."

Jiwon stood up, gathering her books and belongings with a determined air. "I'm going to the cafe to study," she announced, her tone deadpan.

Her eyes scanned the room, ensuring she hadn't forgotten anything. The others nodded, accustomed to her study routine, their faces reflecting varying degrees of focus and fatigue.

Eunseok's sudden movement caught her off guard. He stood up, his expression stoic, his voice low and even. "I'll come with you." Jiwon's brows narrowed, but nevertheless she sighed, resigned, her shoulders sagging slightly. "Fine."

Beomgyu, observing the exchange, winked at Jiwon, his eyes sparkling with amusement. She shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips, her eyes rolling good-naturedly.

Something was definitely wrong. Jiwon's focus wavered as she studied, her gaze lingering on the books as she scribbled down important points.

The gentle hum of the cafe's patrons, usually a soothing accompaniment to her studies, now grated on her nerves. Whispers and murmurs swirled around her, punctuated by the occasional clinking of cups.

Eunseok, seated across from her, slept with his head on the desk, his peaceful slumber a stark contrast to Jiwon's growing unease. But she couldn't shake the feeling - she was being watched.

Her gaze darted around the cafe, scanning the crowded room for any sign of the culprit. Customers typed away on laptops, students pored over textbooks, and couples shared quiet conversations. Yet, Jiwon's skin prickled with awareness.

Finding no obvious source, she sighed, frustration simmering beneath her surface. Perhaps it was just exam stress, but the sensation persisted.

Jiwon's eyes narrowed, her focus returning to her notes. She'd ignore the feeling, pour her energy into studying. But as she delved back into her books, the sensation intensified.

"Are you okay?"

Eunseok's voice cut through the hum of the cafe, his gaze snapping into focus as he sat up straight, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Jiwon's restless movements had awakened him, and now he watched her with an attentive expression.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to wake you up," Jiwon muttered, her eyes darting around the cafe, her unease palpable. Eunseok shook his head, his expression dismissive.

"It's fine, angel. But are you okay, though?" His tone turned serious, his eyes locked onto hers, searching for the source of her distress.

Jiwon sighed, her shoulders sagging under the weight of her concerns. "Maybe it's just exam stress," she trailed off, her voice barely above a whisper.

But then she spoke again, her words tinged with a hint of fear. "But I feel... I am being monitored." The words hung in the air, heavy with implication.

Eunseok's expression turned grave, his brow furrowing as he processed her words. "Monitored?" he repeated, his voice low and urgent, his gaze scanning the cafe for any signs of suspicious activity.

She nodded, her eyes scanning the room once more, her paranoia intensifying. "I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like someone's watching me. Every move, every gesture... it's unnerving."

Eunseok's face set in a determined line. "Let's get out of here," he said, his voice firm, his eyes never leaving Jiwon's face. "We can study elsewhere." He stood, gathering her belongings, his movements swift and decisive.

" He stood, gathering her belongings, his movements swift and decisive

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The first snow ✗ eunseok Where stories live. Discover now