✗ 40

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"The faint light that you've been for me,
Was flickering.
I protected it within the palm of my hands,
And named it "love."

Eunseok navigated his luxurious sports car through the winding streets, the Riize quarters' sleek facade coming into view

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Eunseok navigated his luxurious sports car through the winding streets, the Riize quarters' sleek facade coming into view. Jiwon's eyes widened as they pulled up to the entrance, her earlier unease momentarily forgotten.

"Is it okay for me to be here?" she asked hesitantly, her gaze flicking from the building to Eunseok's reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, they know you and already like you" he said, his voice low and soothing. Jiwon's gaze snapped back to his, surprise etched on her face. "They know me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Eunseok's smile grew, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "They're like my second family, angel. Of course, they would know." Jiwon hummed, her eyes drifting back to the car's interior, her mind whirling with questions.

But then, her curiosity got the better of her. "About your family... how's your mom? I've never met her since you guys moved."

The atmosphere shifted, the air thickening like a storm cloud. Eunseok's grip on the wheel tightened, his knuckles whitening. "She's dead," he said, his voice flat, devoid of emotion. The words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken pain.

Jiwon's eyes widened, shock written across her face. "What-" she began, but Eunseok's voice cut her off, his tone firm but laced with pain.

"No, angel, let's not talk about her anymore." The subject was clearly closed, and Jiwon's regret was palpable. She hadn't meant to stir up old wounds. The silence between them grew, heavy with unspoken emotions.

As they stepped out of the car, Jiwon's gaze lingered on Eunseok's face, searching for any sign of vulnerability. But his mask was back in place, his expression stoic.

She followed him into the Riize quarters, the warmth and comfort of the interior a stark contrast to the tension outside.

As Jiwon entered the living room, two unknown men looked up, their brows raised in surprise. They hadn't expected a female guest, and their narrowed eyes shifted to Eunseok, who shrugged nonchalantly, his expression unreadable.

The tension was palpable, but Eunseok's brief introduction dispelled some of the awkwardness. "She's Jiwon" he stated, turning to Jiwon and gesturing to each of the men. "He's Seunghan, and he's Anton."

Jiwon's eyes darted between the two, her polite smile faltering for a moment before she regained her composure. "Oh..." she trailed off, offering a gentle smile that seemed to put Seunghan and Anton at ease.

Anton's eyes sparkled with warmth as he began, "So you're Jiwon, whom Hyun-" but Seunghan swiftly clamped a hand over his mouth, silencing him.

The sudden movement caught Jiwon off guard, and her gaze lingered on Seunghan's hand, still covering Anton's mouth.

Seunghan shot Anton a warning glance before turning to Jiwon, his smile gentle and reassuring. "Hey Jiwon, we've heard a lot about you," he said, his tone welcoming.

He gestured to the room, inviting her to make herself at home. "Make yourself comfortable. We don't often get female guests." Jiwon nodded, feeling a mix of curiosity and unease. She settled into the couch beside Eunseok, his presence reassuring.

As they began their study session, Jiwon couldn't shake the feeling that there were unspoken dynamics at play. Jiwon's mind whirled with questions, but she pushed them aside, focusing on her studies.

 Jiwon's mind whirled with questions, but she pushed them aside, focusing on her studies

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