Author Note (:

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Heyoo y'all, who remembers me? It's me Junior, used to be Jocelyn. Lemme tell you a short long story. Since I quitted Wattpad, I was in a bad condition, I was in a depression and was send to rehab to get my shits together. Here I am, the happy person who is still struggling but I am doing much better. I knew I was in the wrong body, I'm a boy in a girl body. I'm a transgender boy and I'm fucking proud. My name used to be Jocelyn Christine. Now it's Junior Christian.

Anyway, this isn't why I am here, I am telling you. Please send prayers for my girlfriend, Camie. She's still sick and recovering from her surgery. She's getting better a little everyday. Thank you.

-Junior 🐼🐼🐼

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