Chapter 15

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The movie and soundtrack had finally been completed by spring of 1992. Whitney was proud of how she had stuck it out and completed her first major film despite having a miscarriage and getting involved with Kevin. Kevin was glad that everything was completed and done well and had been able to suppress his feelings about everything that had happened between the two of them.

For a few months, they did not see one another. Kevin went back to home to Katie and Whitney went on to plan the last details for her wedding. Kevin had been invited, and reluctantly accepted the invitation. He wasn't sure if he could take seeing Whitney marry someone that he knew wouldn't be good for her. But he also didn't want to appear sour about everything and as her "friend" he had to show his support. On July 18th, the wedding was set to commence on Whitney's huge estate in Mendham on a gorgeous summer day. Whitney was nervous and excited for her big day. She was more nervous than anything else because deep down she had reservations about marrying Bobby. They had pushed a whole lot of issues aside for the sake of the wedding and she was pretty sure that it wasn't the best approach in going into a marriage. She and Bobby had been arguing up to a few days before the wedding about a number of things, one being Bobby's alleged infidelity. Whitney's gut instinct told her that he wasn't quite through being involved with his oldest son's mother Kim and a number of other women. And while Bobby denied it, there was evidence of his skipping out. Granted Whitney had not been faithful neither, but she put her physical relationship with Kevin behind her, as hard as it was to do so. Plus she found Bobby to be controlling over her. She thought she liked it initially, tired of always making her decisions and running her career. But she didn't like how much reign he was starting to take over her.

At any rate, Whitney set everything aside and continued on with the wedding. She hoped that everything between them would work itself out once they were together and married. Besides, she was pushing 30 and didn't have time to find another single man to start a family with. Soon the huge number of guests showed up, Kevin and a grouchy Katie included. Many who attended were the who's who of the Hollywood landscape. The wedding commenced and finally Whitney walked down the aisle in a beautiful beaded full length lace gown to her very soon-to-be- husband. Kevin tried not to groan while the two exchanged vows. He looked over at Katie, who looked disinterested as usual. The two had not gotten any better since Kevin returned home. She complained about any and everything continuously as usual. Kevin was at his wits end with his marriage and was quite sure that even if the fling he had with Whitney hadn't happened, he would be still want a divorce.

Whitney tried her very best to be ecstatic as she and Bobby tied the knot and skipped down the aisle to her screaming guests. However, deep down, she really hoped that she was making the right decision.

All throughout the reception, Katie complained about her feet hurting and her not knowing any of the hundreds of guest present. Kevin rolled his eyes, willing to find any excuse to get away. After dancing for a few hours, Kevin caught a peak of Whitney while he hung around some of the guest. Whitney caught his eye and beckoned him to come over. Standing off to the side, Kevin met her away from the crowd. "Hey you!" she said hugging him. "Hey yourself." Kevin told her. "You look beautiful." Whitney found herself blushing, pulling on her wedding dress. "Thanks. And thanks for coming." Kevin looked at her. "I hope he treats you good, Whitney. You deserve to be happy." Whitney nodded. "I think I will be, in time." She admitted. "In time?" Kevin asked. "Yeah, it's just... man. I can't talk about it here." She said. "Do you need to talk? I'm hear to listen." Kevin laid it out. "Where's your wife?" Whitney asked with more attitude than she wanted to let on. Kevin looked over and saw Katie nursing a glass of Sangria and talking to one of the guest. "Being occupied and not complaining for once." He started. Whitney couldn't help but laugh. "Well I guess that's good." She immediately felt at ease for the first time in a long time, and missed how he had the profound effect on her anxiety.

"Listen, I'm gonna go upstairs to one of the guest rooms on the second floor, on the right." She found herself telling him. "Come in like ten minutes. And don't say a word." "Okay. And you know I wouldn't do anything like that." He told her.

Whitney told Bobby, her family and some of her friends that she was going to freshen up and would be back soon. Everyone, including Bobby, were too intertwined with the food , music and drinks to make a big fuss out of it. Besides, they all knew that Whitney definitely needed alone time to tame her herself sometimes.

She went into the room and paced back and forth. What am I doing? She thought to herself. She just got married hours before and was about to let Kevin come in. I only need to talk to someone I can trust. That's it. She convinced herself. A few minutes later, a light knock came and Kevin immediately stepped in. "Thanks for coming. I just need a few minutes," she told him. "I'm all yours." Kevin stood as leaned against the door. Whitney explained everything as far her reservations and what she found out with Bobby. "Wow. I can see how this makes you nervous about what to expect out of your marriage." Kevin told her. "I know, and I feel like I love Bobby. I really do. But I'm not sure of what to expect from everything." "Well the is thing Whitney, you've already done it. You are now Mrs. Bobby Brown, for better and for worse." "I know and everybody is betting against us to not make it. I've heard them talk" Whitney said. "I wanna prove everyone wrong."

Kevin sighed. "You just have to make sure that you aren't in a marriage of convenience. Or that you are trying to prove something to people. You have to be in it because you really love that person and can't see yourself living without them." Whitney nodded. "I think I love him. I mean, I DO love him. He makes me happy." Kevin took her hands and looked into her eyes. "You know, I could have made you happy, no questions asked. Emotionally, spiritually....and of course physically." Whitney tried to look away, not wanting to get caught in his spellbinding glare again. "Well we know that it can't happen Kevin. Not now. So it's best we not even visit that territory."

Despite what was said, Kevin felt himself magnetically pulling himself towards her, something that no other women had given this intense effect to him. He began to kiss Whitney's neck once again, placing his hands on her waist. "Kevin, stop. I'm married." Whitney resisted, although his kisses felt like no other. "I know" Kevin said as he continued to kiss her neck. Whitney didn't say anything as he moved to her cleavage. He then got on his knees and hiked up her dress. "Kevin, what are you doing?" she asked as he moved her towards the wall and opened her legs. He looked up and smiled. "Pleasing you. Giving you what you will probably be missing in your marriage." He simply said. Kevin went through the material of her dress, found her panties and pulled them down. Before she could say another word, he parted her thighs and devoured her in a way that Bobby could NEVER accomplish. It took every ounce of strength for Whitney not to scream out in pleasure. Whitney did find herself saying Kevin's name repeatedly and pushing his head deeper. "This is crazy" Whitney whispered. Here she was at her wedding being overcome physically (by the man she did not marry) who was taking her to new heights of pleasure that she never could have imagined reaching.

Kevin didn't stop until Whitney begged him to. He knew he was dead wrong for his actions, but got pure satisfaction knowing that the woman he had intense feelings for was saying his name over and over; her sweetness flowed into his mouth when she came multiple times.

It took a few minutes for the two of them to collect themselves. Before Kevin left to wash up, he told Whitney to never hesitate to call him when she wanted to get away from Bobby. He figured that he would settle for at least some of her time since their circumstances wouldn't allow them to be together. However, Whitney told him that she could not promise him that and even though he did wonders on her, that it would have to be the last time they ever were together because it was only confusing her. Kevin told her that he would have to understand and respect her stance.

He turned to leave and they gave each other one more longing glace to cement what they had....and now, what could not be.

(End of Part 1)

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