Chapter 45

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(A Few Months later)

Clive Davis sipped on an ice cold Sangria as he waited for his longtime client and friend to arrive for lunch at the all- exclusive IVY restaurant. He took back the scene and people watched as he waved hello to a few of the celebrities that were posh and famous enough to dine there. Some inquired about how Whitney was doing (since they all knew that they talked) and stated how much they missed her music. As Clive made notes of it in his phone, he couldn't help but shake his head and smirk. No matter where I go, I'm always somehow getting inquires about Whitney. It had been quite awhile since the two friends/ business partners had hung out one-on-one, understandably because Whitney had to get through her personal issues and getting well in addition to being Kevin Costner's wife being a mother and running her smoothie bar.

However, Clive called her up and arranged the lunch date to catch up. He still considered Whitney to be a good friend of his and his top protégé . It was no secret that Whitney had always been his closest and most bankable client. Very few of his singers had the bravado and talent that she possessed. His record label, J Records, found itself in a drought for the first time in years; it was clear that they needed their highest grossing star back if they were going to compete with the other labels in the industry.

Whitney arrived into the venue looking fresh faced and serene. She donned a pair of jeans, sandals, a button-down blouse with a scarf, and a hat to cover her coiffed curls, she pulled off her attire with class and beauty. After taking some pictures with patrons and pulling off her shades, she greeted Clive. "Hey Mr. Clive! It's been awhile hasn't it?" "Too long." Clive smiled as he gave her a kiss on her cheek. "How have you been darling? You look great!" Whitney contently sighed. "I can actually say that God is so good. I am truly happy Clive. Being a mom, a wife, and having a business to focus on... it's what I've always wanted. And just knowing that I have such a supporting loving family just makes life living for, you know?" "I'm really glad that you met Kevin. I don't think that I've ever really told you that before. You two seem to be good for each other."

"He makes me happy and I'm so blessed to have been his wife for over ten years." Clive took another sip of his sangria and nodded. "I'm proud of you for staying clean Whitney. It's such a hard thing to do for many and you took it in stride." Whitney smiled in gratitude. She was proud of herself as well.

"So how is everything going with J Records?" Whitney asked. She did not know much of what was going on since she took an indefinite leave of absence on the label and industry itself. Clive shook his head. "I'm not even gonna lie to you.... Things are not good right now. Truth is, we can't find another bankable artist to pick up the pieces that you left behind. You've always set such a high mark in the industry and it's been hard to find a replacement." Whitney nodded as she took a bite of her Chicken Caesar Salad. "There's talent out there, although I agree it is harder to find it these days. I mean you have Alicia Keys and aren't you looking to groom Jennifer Hudson?" Clive sighed. "You're right. Don't get me wrong Alicia is top talent, but she's not putting up the numbers that you have done."

He thoughtfully put his hands together and leaned forward as he always did when he had a proposal or an idea. "So what about your career though huh? It's been a few years since you came out with your last album. You are sparingly seen performing anymore. Are you already preparing to retire?" Whitney looked up at him and then away. "Yes and no.... I mean, I love performing, I love music too much to ever walk away from it for good. I just wanted to take some time out and be a wife and a mom, have family time, get myself together." Clive nodded. "And I admire that you were able to do all of these things and get better... but you also have to realize that you are in a business where you have to keep yourself relevant. I mean, look at Beyonce and Lady GaGa for instance. They work nonstop in the industry to keep their names in people's mouths. And then you have these new, younger artists like Rihanna and that Taylor Swift is coming out with material every few months."

"Granted, you are on a completely different level then they are. You are legendary. A diva. But even still, you must keep yourself fresh to the new generation and remind the ones who know who you are that you are still the best."

Whitney opened her mouth to object, but realized that she didn't have much to defend herself with. "So what are you trying to say Clive?" He cleared his throat. "What I'm saying is that you should get back to performing. You don't even need to have to put out an album right now, maybe play at some small venues." Whitney sat and thought for a second. "I don't know Clive. Maybe."

"Of course you should!" Clive chided, as he began to get excited at the prospect of her getting back to performing again. He knew at least with Whitney, he would have an almost guaranteed success. "How about this? I know that Faith Evans is opening up her new restaurant and lounge. I was thinking that I can invite a few artists to perform there as a charity event.... and you could be a part of it. No, as a matter of fact, you would be the grand finale. The special guest! I can imagine it now....just you with an acoustic guitar and a piano. No glitz, just classy and back to the basics."

For the first time in awhile, Whitney began to get intrigued about getting back out performing. It seemed like a million thoughts went through her mind at once. Clive continued to be persistent. "So is three months enough time to get your sets together?" Whitney couldn't help but chuckle at her manager's pushiness. He still had it in him. "I'm not sure Clive, I'll have to talk to my family to see if we all think that this is a good idea."

Clive nudged her. "Come on Whit. What do you have to lose? You've had time to mature and you know what you want in your career. The public misses you and they are always asking about you and that's a fact. It's about time you make a comeback of some sort." Whitmey raised her eyebrows and shrugged. "If I do it, it's NOT a comeback, because I technically haven't went anywhere." She adds. "This is a comethrough."

Secretly, she felt herself getting a bit excited. However, she was still skeptical about the whole project.

"Look, it's just one night and one performance. Think of it as your MTV unplugged.... Hey, maybe we can even get MTV to tape it!" Clive went on as the ideas came in his mind. "MTV??" she asked.

"Exactly. If....when... this goes well, you can add this to your next album. If you ever decide to make one that is" Clive still wanted to make her feel like she was in control as he typed in his phone. "It would be a combo of your classics along with some new material. We need songs that speak of what you have went through, what you have experienced in your away time."

"But what if no one likes my new material? I'm not sure if my voice is still the same" Whitney secretly worried.

Clive didn't want to hear her negativity. He was on a mission to revamp his favorite and faithful client and friend back into musical superstardom. It was the first time in a long time that he was passionate and willing to put in long hours to make something work "Don't worry about any of that. Just get your songs and voice ready. And talk to your husband and family about this. Your friends, J Records,and I will take care of the rest! Trust me when I say that we will make this a night that no one will forget."

And just like that, Whitney realized that she was going back to what she once did best. Sing and perform like no other.

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