Chapter 25

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"I don't have the use anything. That's not the reason why I am dating your sister." Kevin finally went on. Gary leaned in and looked at him. "So why exactly are you dating her then?" he asked. Whitney pointed her finger at Gary. "Gary, you need to be quiet. Now!" Gary laughed and shook his head. "No sis, I'm just trying to get to know him better that's all." Michael joined in on the laughter. "So answer the question Kev. Why exactly are you dating Whitney?" he asked. Kevin looked them both in the face. "Because your sister is more than what she brings on the stage or in a movie. Don't get me wrong, that's what makes her amazing. But what I find myself attracted to her the most about are different things. Whit is smart, she's caring, she loves unconditionally, she's down-to-earth, she laughs, she's witty, beautiful, fun, sophisticated, she knows how to carry a conversation, yet at the same time, she actually knows how to listen. She's religious..... I mean I could go on and on about what I love about her, but I'll stop there." He took Whitney's hand and she squeezed it back, slightly blushing by what Kevin just said about her. "I love your sister. I get that her first marriage turned out to be a sham. And I get that not everyone thinks that a White guy and Black woman can successfully be together. But believe me, I would never intentionally hurt her. I'm in love with her, and I wanna give her my all. Just like she gives me."

Silence fell throughout the table. Kevin swore he saw his mother take a napkin and wipe her face off with tears. John finally cleared his throat. "No need to explain yourself Kevin, you seem to be a fine man. You'll have to excuse my boys. We all are really protective of our Nippy, especially with what she has been through." Whitney put her hand up. "Listen. I appreciate you all having my back. But I am a grown woman, and I have been for quite a long time now. I know what I want and what I don't want. And after hitting a few brick walls in my past relationships, I think I finally got it right this time. So please, just let me be happy for once."

"We are happy for you Nippy," Cissy began. "Like your father said, we just get a little too protective of you sometimes. But I know that Kevin is a good guy and I haven't seen you as happy as you have been with him." Dionne elbowed Michael in the shoulder, prompting him to say something. She wanted the tension to be settled once and for all "Hey man. I apologize on how we came at you. Just be good to our sister man." Gary finally nodded in agreement. "That's what I intend on doing," Kevin said as he looked over and smiled at Whitney. For the rest of the evening, the families were able to enjoy each other's company and finally get along well. It was a big relief for both Kevin and Whitney.

One Week Later

"Let's get married." Kevin told Whitney. Whitney, who was in the midst of brushing her teeth, gave him a puzzled look. She continued brushing and gargled before speaking to him again. "Come again?" she asked. "Did you just say that we should get married Kevin Costner?" Kevin nodded, barely able to contain himself of excitement. "Does this answer your question?" He took out a 5 Karat ring with the pale color of Whitney's favorite color, Lavender and got on his knees. He grabbed her hand. He didn't plan on proposing when they had just woken up; but he was too giddy and antsy to wait another minute. "Look, I know what I want in a wife this time around. And you've already told me what you want in a husband this time as well. I think we fit what we are looking for in one another. We love each other's kids. Our families get along and accept us." He told her, looking into her eyes. "I love you so much, and I would be honored if you would be my wife, Whitney Elizabeth." It took Whitney a few seconds to register what was happening. My man on his knee? Check. A beautiful ring on deck? Check. He's asking for my hand in marriage? Check! She thought to herself. She finally smiled and nodded. "Yeah! Yes, I would LOVE to be your wife Kevin Michael!"

She kneeled down to meet him, and they both grinned as he put the ring on her fourth finger. It fit like a glove and looked regal on her hand. Whitney slightly teared up as she embraced her soon-to-be husband. They kissed as they rocked back and forth in jubilation. They had finally found what they what they had been looking for: unconditional love.

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