Chapter 1 - For Survival

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Owen's POV

I had just finished off helping a person out when I glanced over my shoulder to notice Claire standing over next to who I assumed were her sister and her sister's husband, of course I recognised Zach and Gray. Claire and I slowly met in the empty lane in the middle of the huge hall of people. As Claire came over I realised she had been crying slightly, her eyes looked watery and she looked miserable.

"So, what do we do now?" Claire asked softly.

"Probably stick together, for survival." I said. A smile curled up on Claire's lips. I smiled back at her. I was in love with her. She was a strong, independent, feisty, determined person who under a layer of steel had a heart of gold. When she needed help to find her nephews she didn't come to me in spite she came to me because she knew I would somehow be able to track down her nephews one way or another, she knew what she needed and her goal and she ended up being the one to save me - twice. I think that's what made me realise I really did love her. I mean, sure I knew I had some sort of love for her ever since our first date, that was the whole reason I always attempted to work little flirts into our conversations but I never knew my love for her was as strong as it had been when she saved me from the Dimorphodon. When I kissed her then, it wasn't because of a first reaction or any crap like that, it's because I wanted to, and that was the perfect excuse.

"Owen?" I was awakened from my thoughts by Claire waving a hand in front of my face.

"Wait, huh?" I said in confusion.

"You okay?" Claire asked, she walked in front of me and stopped so she was facing me.

"Yeah, course Claire why wouldn't I be okay?" Claire raised her eyebrow, not convinced.

"I thought I heard you mumbling something under your breath." She said crossing her arms. 'Shit had she heard what I said?'

"I was just daydreaming." I said. Claire still didn't look convinced but she just shrugged her shoulders and began walking again as did I. We were walking side by side. I glanced down and noticed her hand close to mine, I slowly edged my hand closer to where hers was until we got stopped in our tracks by Lowery. I sighed and quickly moved my hand back to my side.

"Hey Claire, Owen." Lowery said. He smiled at the two of us.

"Hey Lowery." Claire smiled back.

"You guys do know there's a special boat for staff and their immediate family members if they had any family at the park right?" Lowery said. I shot Claire a confused look.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot, thanks Lowery." Claire said. "Will my sister, her husband and my nephews be able to come on?"

"Of course." Lowery answered. "Anyway, we have twenty minutes 'till the boat leaves. I'll see you later."

"Bye." Claire and I said in unison.

"We better go get the others then." I said, slightly disappointed. I kind of wanted Claire to myself. I looked at Claire who was standing smirking at me. "What?"

"Owen, you are such an easy person to read." Claire laughed slightly, her face no longer looking wet from tears. I looked at her confused. She just shook her head and laughed.

"What?" I said once more. Claire rolled her eyes at me and walked up close to me.

"Next time just ask to hold my hand, or even just do it." Claire lightly whispered into my ear. "I don't mind." It was then - for the first time in years I actually blushed slightly.

"You noticed..." I said awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.

"Course I did." She smiled. I then took her hand. She grinned slightly as my fingers linked through hers.

"Better." She said. "Now let's go get the others."

We reached Claire's sister in a few minutes. I had decided to let go of Claire's hand before we reached them, I didn't want to make the situation awkward.

"There you are Claire. I wondered where you disappeared off to." Claire's sister smiled.

"Hey Owen." Said Gray. Claire's sister looked over at me, making me feel awkward.

"Claire? Who's he?" Claire's sister asked politely.

"Karen, this is a fellow worker of mine. Karen Mitchell meet Owen Grady. Owen Grady meet Karen Mitchell, my sister." Claire introduced.

"Nice to meet you Karen." I smiled.

"Nice to meet you too Owen." Karen smiled back. Gray and Zach both looked like they were going to interrupt but Claire shot them a deadly look and the didn't attempt to enter the conversation again.

"So, Karen. We have a boat to get on. It's workers and their families only so you guys are allowed on it." Claire said. Karen smiled at her.

"Thank god, I did not want to wait in that line." Karen pointed over at the line that filled about a quarter of the hall.

"We better hurry up then." I added. Karen, her husband and the boys walked along side Claire and I. I noticed Claire passing Karen something.

"Take this to the entrance and they'll let you right through. I need to check on something." Claire said.

"Thanks, see ya." Karen smiled before her and the boys walked off to the boat. I raised an eyebrow at Claire. I knew she just wanted Karen out the road.

"So then..." Claire said. "You have anywhere to stay." Crap, I hadn't thought about that. The only home I had after I got taken out of the Navy was my small bungalow.

"I... Uh... No." I said.

"You can come live with me if you need." Claire said. I decided to crack a joke.

"Whoa whoa Claire. We haven't even been on a second date yet you're wanting me to live with you." I joked. I expected Claire to slap me or something along those lines but for once she joked back.

"Well you never asked me for a second date." She laughed.

Claire's POV

Owen thought he was the only one who could crack a few jokes but so could I.

"Did Claire Dearing just joke, wow. First time for everything." Owen laughed. "And I'll accept your offer."

"Alright then." I smirked. "Let's go."

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