Chapter 4 - Their Moment

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Zach's POV

"I love you too Owen"

I couldn't believe it.

Gray and I looked at each other, our jaws dropped. Claire and Owen hadn't noticed us watching from behind them.

"Oh my God!" I whispered. It was literally all I could say. Gray was speechless. Sure we had already seen Owen kiss Claire before but this was a moment that nobody but them were supposed to see.

"Zach... should we tell them?" Gray whispered. I shook my head, I didn't want their moment to be ruined.

"Let them have their moment Gray. We can tell them once we are getting off the plane." I explained. Gray nodded.

"Are Zach and Gray still asleep?" I heard Claire ask. Gray and I glanced at each other and quickly made it look like we were sleeping.

"I'm not sure." Owen replied. The two of them turned around and looked at us. I decided to make it look like I was just waking up. I opened my eyes and yawned. Gray did the same except he stretched.

"I guess that means they're awake." Claire smiled. I found it hard to look natural whilst looking at them. It was so awkward. Suddenly there was an announcement saying that we would be landing in ten minutes. It was then mom and dad woke up.

"How long have we been out for?" Mom asked.

"Quite a long time, we'll be landing really soon." Claire said. I glanced at Owen and noticed he was looking at Gray and I strangely. I gulped hoping he didn't know that we had seen his and Claire's moment.

Once the plane landed Gray and I told our parents we had to talk to Claire and Owen. They both let us and went ahead to the car they had parked beforehand in the carpark.

"Uh... aunt Claire, Owen?" I said awkwardly.

"What have you done?" Claire immediately asked.

"What?" I was confused.

"You only call me 'aunt' Claire when there's something wrong or you've done something wrong. So what happened?" Claire stated. I gulped but luckily Owen saved me-ish.

"Claire, can you give the boys and I time I private for a sec. Guy-to-guy conversation." Owen asked. Claire nodded and walked away from us.

"Are we in trouble Owen?" Gray asked.

"How much did you see?" Owen sighed. Gray and I shared a glance.

"All of it..." I admitted.

"Claire's gonna freak." He said. "Come on, you better tell her." Owen took us over to Claire.

"Aunt Claire... You know when you and Owen had your - uh - moment on the plane." I started. Claire's eyes widened. "Gray and I sorta seen it - all of it." Claire blushed hard.

"You seen it all?" Claire questioned.

"Yeah." Gray answered.

"Oh God." Claire mumbled. "Alright, just don't tell your parents - especially your mother." Gray and I nodded our heads.

"We won't aunt Claire. Promise." Gray said.

"Thanks Gray." Claire smiled. Suddenly her facial expression changed.

"What is it Claire?" Owen asked.

"I just realised... I don't have any transport for us to get back home." Claire said.

"Maybe our parents could, we have a seven seat car." (I don't care if they have this in the film, I need it for plot so :P) I suggested.

"Really? I thought it was a five seat." Claire said.

"We updated a few months ago." I stated.

"I guess it wouldn't harm to ask." Claire said. Owen shrugged. I then realised, where was Owen going to be staying?

"Owen? Where are you staying?" Gray asked - it was as if he read my thoughts.

"Claire said I could live with her." Owen smiled.

"Ohh, okay." Gray said.

"We better hurry up if Owen and I need to ask for a drive to my place." Claire said. Gray and I nodded our heads.

Claire's POV

Instead of Karen and Scott taking Owen and I to my place, Karen insisted we stayed with them for the next few days.

"Karen are you sure? I mean we wouldn't want to cause you any hassle." I said.

"Claire, Jurassic World has just had one of the biggest incidents in years - you are one of the highest roles now that Masrani is dead. The press won't leave you alone, trust me you'll be better staying here." Karen stated.

"Karen's right Claire. The press will be lining outside your door trying to get a statement from you and that's probably not the best thing seeing as you'll probably wake up tomorrow traumatised with all the memories." Owen explained. I sighed.

"Alright, I guess we can stay with you guys for a while." I said.

"Okay, you two are getting put in the back, is that okay?" Said Zach. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine then." Owen laughed. He pulled the back seat forward making there a way for the two of us to climb into the two back seats. "After you."

"What a gentleman." I mocked as I climbed in. Owen climbed in after me and pulled the chair back until it clicked into place. The two seats were crammed but it was cozy and meant I had an excuse to snuggle into Owen again. I was really tired but didn't want to admit it and I could tell Owen felt the same.

It took just over half an hour to get to Karen's place. I felt myself nearly falling asleep throughout the journey.

"Thanks for this Karen." I smiled as I got out the car.

"No problem Claire, your my sister, I'd do anything for you." Karen smiled back. Owen and I decided to lag behind Zach, Gray and their parents.

"You don't mind us staying here do you? " I asked Owen.

"Of course I don't mind. I think it will be quite nice getting to spend time with the boys - I can get to know them better." Owen smiled as he took my hand. I squeezed it.

"Thanks Owen, you're being so supportive through all this." I said. "Also you're right about it being a chance to get to know the boys better, I definitely need to."

"Yeah. Plus I don't care where we're staying as long as I'm with you." Owen said making my heart melt.

"Aw Owen." I blushed. I pushed him playfully.

"Come on, let's hurry up." Owen said. We both walked up to the house hand-in-hand.


Chapter 4! Done. I am really enjoying writing this. I've got quite a lot of cute Clawen fluff to come in future so yeah.

Like always thanks for your support, it's highly appreciated and please share your thoughts about the story in the comments.
Love ya's


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