Chapter 3 - 'Badass Boyfriend'

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Just gonna put this out there: some of this is based in an airport and I've never been to an airport or ever been on a plane so sorry if I get the facts and stuff wrong - Jinxx/Lana


Owen's POV

"Hey aunt Claire, hey Owen." Said Gray smiling as we reached them.

"Hey Gray." Claire and I said in unison.

"Uh, Karen, Scott, can I talk to you two in private please. Owen can look out for the boys." Claire asked awkwardly.

"Sure, Claire. What's up?" Karen asked, she, Claire and Scott walked pretty far in front of us, that's when I decided to tell Zach and Gray about Claire and I. Well, I was planning on just telling them.

"So, you kissed our aunt." Zach said randomly.

"Yes, I did." I said awkwardly.

"You like her then?" Zach smirked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I guess you could say that." I smiled slightly. "Also what was this thing about you calling me Claire's 'badass boyfriend' Zach?"

"Well you did just randomly kiss her, what were we supposed to think." Zach surrendered.

"True but she had just saved my life. For all you know it could've been first reaction. It wasn't but it could've been." I said. "Anyways, you answered the 'boyfriend' part what about the 'badass' part?"

"Well, as for the 'badass' part - you were riding an ATV whilst in a pack of Velociraptors. Last time I checked that makes you badass." Zach laughed.

"That answers my question then." I smiled.

"So now you have to answer our question." Gray said.

"Okay then, ask away." I said.

"Are you Claire's boyfriend or aren't you?" Asked Zach. I grinned.

"That's actually what I was coming here to tell you." I started. "The answer is yes - I am Claire's boyfriend." The boys smiled.

"Does that mean we have to call you 'uncle' Owen now?" Asked Gray making Zach and I laugh.

"Well... I guess if you wanted to you could but seriously though, call me whatever you want Gray." I said, still laughing slightly. Gray smiled.

"Oh my God Claire! Really?" I heard Karen squeal. Zach, Gray and I walked over to them.

"Really." Claire laughed. Karen pulled her into a hug.

"Finally you've found someone!" Karen squealed again making me laugh. "You better not let this one slip through your fingers Claire."

"She won't get rid of me that easily Karen." I laughed. Claire rolled her eyes and pulled out of the hug.

"Hm, attractive and can crack a joke." Karen said as she mock judged me. I spun around in a circle so she could check me over jokingly.

"Do I make the cut?" I joked. Karen giggled.

"Yeah Owen." Karen said. "You better hold on to him or I'll be stealing him." Scott shot Karen a glare. "Joking." She reassured him.

"Oh Karen." Claire laughed as she came over to me. I put my arm around her.

"Aww!" Karen squealed - she sounded like a 12 year-old girl when her best friend gets a boyfriend for the very first time and they hug for the first time.

"Seriously Karen." Claire said shaking her head. "You are so embarrassing."

"Let her have her moment Claire." I smiled, reassuring her that her sister wasn't making me think any less of her.

"Sorry, it's just... cute seeing you so happy - with a guy." Karen said. Claire smiled, as did I.

"Uh, not meaning to interrupt what... whatever this is." Zach said. I had almost forgotten him and Gray were here. "The plane isn't gonna board itself."

"You're right Zach, we all better hurry up." I said. We all started walking to the airport.

Once we reached the airport our plane was ready to be boarded. We were lucky enough to get some seats booked then - again by luck - were really near each other. Zach and Gray sat behind Claire and I whilst Scott was sat across the isle from Zach and Gray and Karen was sat in front of Scott as there was no two seats next to each other close by us.

"Thank God we got these seats." Claire said relaxing back in her chair. Karen and Scott nodded their heads.

"Yeah, who knows how long we would've had to wait otherwise." I stated.

"Even I can't work that out." Gray said from behind me. I turned around and looked through the gap in the seats. Zach was sitting staring out the window - probably reflecting back on the horrible day they had. Claire had decided to snuggle up close to me and I held her with one of my arms.

"Are you always this adorable?" I smirked.

"Seeing as you have to ask, probably not." Claire giggled.

"I'm gonna try and get some sleep, you two alright with that. You'll need to watch the bo--- or maybe not." Karen had stopped in her tracks to notice the two brothers sleeping against each other.

"Sure Karen, you and Scott sleep. If the boys wake up we'll keep an eye on them." I said quietly so I wouldn't wake the boys. Claire nodded her head in agreement. It wasn't long 'till both Karen and Scott had fallen asleep and it was just Claire and I left awake.

"You know - we're the ones that have done the most over the past day yet everyone else gets to rest apart from us. We deserve some sort of rest." Claire said.

"You go to sleep, I'll be fine." I smiled at a clearly worn out Claire.

"I don't want to fall asleep though. I want to remember this whole journey as me being snuggled up next to you, not me being asleep for the entire journey." Claire said sweetly.

"Aw Claire that's cute." I smirked. "What have I changed you into? What happened to the Miss Fiesty, Badass, Not-to-be-messed-with Claire Dearing that saved me from the Dimorphodon and outran a T-Rex in heels."

"Looks like you softened her. Well that and she's tired." Claire joked as she referred to herself in the third person. I decided then was my chance to make a move. I lifted Claire's head up and kisses her soft lips. She sat paralysed in shock for a moment before kissing me back softly. Claire released from the kiss blushing. "Well then..."

"Yeah..." I said. Claire felt really awkward I could tell.

"That was... it was good." Claire said awkwardly trying to figure out what to say.

"Don't feel awkward Claire." I smiled. "You a good kisser. Nothin' I can complain about." Claire laughed.

"Thanks Owen... I think." Claire  said still laughing. She snuggled back into my side and I wrapped my arm around her.

"I love you Claire." I thought out loud. Claire head turned to look up at me. I hadn't realised but I had spoken out loud. I blushed at the look on Claire's face - what was it about her that made me blush - Claire was also blushing lightly.

"I love you too Owen." She mumbled quietly not wanting to let other people hear her say it.

Little did we both know - Zach and Gray had been watching the entire moment...


Hey guys! Another chapter over and done with. I actually really enjoyed writing this one (not that I don't enjoy writing them all) I found this chapter really cute and contained some cute Clawen fluff. It was just a nice chapter to write. Thanks again for all the support!
Love ya's!


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