chapter 6

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Tonight was the night I was going to have to stay with Molly until I get my blood lust under control, the as soon as I get that sorted I can come back to school and see Fred and George, I couldn't wait to see my partners in crimes back at their prime of pranking.

As I had just finished packing Dumbledore had come to collect me to take me to my second home.

"Are you ready Miss Potter?" He asked as I had just finished running around collecting everything and leaving no trace I was ever hear. Dumbledore waved his wand and my stuff was gone I presume to Molly's house. We started walking out of the Gryffindor tower the twins came running down and glompped me into a famous Weasley hug.

"You're not going-" Fred spoke with tears in his eyes

"to leave us are you?" then George finished but his voice broke and he had tears streaming down his face it broke my heart to see him like this but I felt my eyes starting to go red and my blood lust trying to take over me but I was fighting it with all my might that it would take control or I could hurt everyone in this room if it as bad as I have been told.

" I think we should be going now Miss Potter, and Mr Weasley's I will make sure that Miss Potter will get to give you a proper good bye when she is feeling well enough again." it was the first time I had ever heard Dumbledore sound so serious.

Dumbledore put his hand on my shoulder and escorted me out of the tower I let a long breath I didn't know I had been holding. Before I could say anything I was shoved a flask and told to drink I didn't even have to ask  what it was before I drank it as its smell was so appetising so I down it in one go and I slowly felt my thirst disappearing.

We carried on walking all the way to the front gates of Hogwarts, it was sad to think it was only my second year and I have to time out to sort a problem but yet I won't even be able to talk to my brother or see him. I looked up at Hogwarts and just took in the magnificent beauty the castle actually had.

"Mind taking my arm miss potter and do not let go" I did as I was asked and it felt as if I was getting sucked through a million tiny tubes that made you feel claustrophobic, but within 2 minutes my feet were on solid ground and I reckon the burrow not far in the distance. I started running until I realised that I had left the professor behind, so had to run all the way back to find him so I took his arm and ran full speed like I did be for and then it clicked I had super speed to had to my list of skills I have because I'm so awesome.

Before we even got to knock on the front door it swung open to reveille a very happy and relieved Molly Weasley she went to hug me but I had to put my arms out to tell her not to because I couldn't risk hurting her.

"Oh Tanith you no longer have the trace as you are classed as dead as far as the ministry is concerned so you are free to practice magic as much as you want."  As soon as he had finished his sentence he dispirited.

"Come on dear your room is at the top of the house so you're away from too many people at once." Molly spoke softly. She led me up to my room it was nice it was dark but yet looked bright with the colours that have been chosen it also had a big bookcase that was full books from spell books to story books.

"Thank you Molly, but you didn't have to get all of these it's really too much" I'm sure if I could cry I would have done at this moment in time.

"Oh no dear it was nothing at all and between you and me there is a secret compartment in here" she said with a smile as she was walking over to the bookcase, the wall next to the bookcase she tapped it with her wand 3 times and said revello janua. And a door started to appear she opened the door and walked in it was a gorgeous, like a scene out of a fairy tale but there was deer's and rabbits animals of every kind.

"When you kill one another will be born so you should never have to worry about blood so you should be able to help get your bloodlust under control and now I should be going on and when you're done just tap the door twice and say conclude or anyone can get in here and then there sent will be everywhere and it could do some bad stuff to you hunny. Now I believe Bill and Charlie are hear." she said as she left.

I stayed in that room for a while and hunted some animals until I knew it would be safe to socialise with humans, wait I'm half human, I'm still partially like them! As I left I shut the door and went over to my bookcase and set some out to read once I have gone and eaten some human food I miss the taste of the mortal's (it's a funny word when you're only half immortal) food.

I tried to act normal but my normal now was extremely different too theirs this is going to be harder than I thought. I quietly shut my door and slowly climbed down the stairs each step I took the more I could smell Molly's amazing cooking. When I reached the bottom I walked into the kitchen and Molly, Arthur, Bill and Charlie all looked shocked especially Arthur.

"Tanith Potter I was told you were dead, everyone at the ministry was." Arthur said with shock.

"Yeah I'm still alive well technically I'm dead but breathing still." I said still trying to joke around with the situation I'm in.

"Cool!" Charlie and Bill said together with massive grins on their faces, they looked like kids in a candy store.

"So you're a vampire now?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah I guess."

With that I ran upstairs out of the way and started reading because if I stayed any longer I might have hurt one of them and if I did I would have never forgave myself.

I heard someone's thoughts getting closer turns out the book I was read was on mind reading abilities. The person was walking up the stairs as I listened closely I could just define the person it was molly thank goodness I know I can resist her blood for at least 12 hrs, or that's what I think, so I'm hoping it's true.

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