chapter 3 memories

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George's pov

when I woke up and found Tanith gone panic was sent straight through me I woke Fred up as soon as possible and told him to get dressed quickly as he could "why what's wrong George" Fred groggily asked me " Tanith's not in bed " I told him panic covering my every word he looked at her bed it was made and very neatly it looked like our mother did it. As we ran as fast as we could down the many stairs in our house we finally reached the bottom and shouted in unison "MUM WEVE LOST TANITH" mum said with a hint of amusement in her voice.

 "Oh no, I haven't dears, I thought she was still in bed" I walked in to the living room with Fred hot on my tail.

 "Mate where do you think she is because she was there last night I remember seeing her" as I get even more scared than earlier.

 " Look mate it properly might be a joke but if she has gone she would have left a letter so let's go look around for her" Fred said a nervous glint in his eyes all of a sudden we heard an amused voice shout.

 "Guys" as Tanith slowly appears from round the corner "Tanith!" as I pull her into the famous Weasley hug.

"cant-breathe-Georgie" she managed to chocked out

"I'm so sorry Tanith are you okay? Where did you go? Why did you leave without a letter?" I ask as all the relive fills my voice as I make sure she wasn't hurt.

 "I was hear all the time George you just never used your eyes" she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left as soon as she left I felt my cheeks burn a bright crimson colour.



Present day 

As I woke up from the dream of our 3rd week at Hogwarts it was one of the happiest thing ever happened to me but that year will always haunt me as I remember what happened one night at Hogwarts.


Tanith came down the stairs of the girl's dorms to find us waiting like she had asked us.

 "Guys I think we should go to the ROR (room of requirement) it's really important and I don't want any one else to know but you too" she said sounding really scared and worried but yet there was a hint of happiness.

 "Okay lets go then" I said in a false cheery tone as we reach the ROR Tanith thinks of  some where no one will find us or hear us we all step in and once we are all seated she randomly bursts out.

 "I'm an animagus" we look at her in shock then Fred asks

 "Can you show us please" with totally awe filling his voice all of a sudden a beautiful pure white wolf with bright blue eyes is standing in front of us then all of a sudden Tanith is standing back in front of us.

 "With being an illegal animagus no one will know it's me but you two and if someone else is in the animagus form and it's a male wolf there is a high chance it could be my soul mate" and she bursts into tears and runs out  of the room as I go to follow she is still in my sight until something fast in front of me and I hear a scream like Tanith's and then I'm pinned up against the wall facing a window and I see someone dragging her off but then I hear an unknown voice in my ear.

 "She will be fine one bite is all it is. you might see it's my brother going to do it because he's been watching her since she was born and he always felt a connection with her but when we said it could never happen he freaked because apparently he's her soul mate but she would never know that because she was still mortal and has got feelings for a mortal " but just then her screaming stopped and the mystery person carried on.

"As you now can't hear her screaming it must mean my brother is done and by the sounds of it on his way back look just there with her in his arms like a baby looks so peaceful don't she but now it's done we must go I would fetch the head master if I was you I don't want her to die my brother would be most heartbroken and so would you " and with that they were gone and Tanith was laying on the floor placed so gracefully I ran as fast as I could to the headmasters office and started to shout random sweet names at it until it opened I don't what name I just ran into the heads office without permission but this is too important.

 "Something...... bitten ............ Tanith .........needs... help now" I manage to get everything out just as he is quickly going out the door just as soon as I finished my sentence.

 "Come on Mr Weasley you have to show me where Miss Potter is" as soon as we get there are many other teachers and my brother there.

"I suggest you both go back to your dorms and we will get you in the morning if she has changed or woken but now we must get her to the hospital as fast as we can " Professor McGonagall says sternly

"BUT WE SHOULD BE ALOUD TO GO SHES ARE BEST FRIEND!" Fred whispers / screams at her.

"Yes I am fully a wear of that but you need sleep now go "She says.

" Yes Professor" we solemnly say.

(*****end of flashback*****)

We are now in our 4th week of school and McGonagall comes over to say something.

 "Mr Weasley could you please come with me" she says, she looks quiet sad and takes me to the hospital wing as soon as we step foot I know why she's sad there is Tanith dead and no plus but I see movement out the corner of my eye it the boy from the night of this mess, he sees me he walks up to Tanith and kisses her and she kisses back but as soon as it started it needed and she is awake; everyone is shocked but the sun is on her and it looks painful so I ask the Professor.

 "Professor can you closer the curtains in front of the widow so its darker in hear please" she obeyed my request and I slowly walked over to Tanith with McGonagall behind me I was shocked at what I say a pale face and bleach blond hair an bright red eyes McGonagall gasped and went to get Dumbledore .

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