11. The Fight

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"Ok this is it! You guys ready to meet the bands?" Steven said excitedly. "Yeah!" I exclaimed as he opened the door and slid out with me and Dana following behind him. "Charlie?" Steven asked, looking at me with a giant goofy grin, "yeah?" I replied smiling because I knew another pick up line was coming. "Would you hold this for me while I go for a walk?" He asked holding out his hand while I giggle and grabbed it, as Dana started to glare at him again. "You and your cheesy pick up lines." I laughed silently, as we walked through a door that led backstage. "Hey guys!" Steven bellowed dragging me forward with him. "I brought the girl and her friend I was telling you about!" As people I instantly recognized poured out of a dressing room.  

"Woah!" Duff Mckagan exclaimed, "you found a good one popcorn! No way! Are you Dana Carvey!" Duff shouted running over to talk to Dana, as Slash, Izzy, and Axl appeared. "You must be Charlie!" Slash said as he held a bottle of Jack Daniels, "nice to meet you." Izzy said quietly, as I shook Slash, and then Izzy's hand. "Nice to meet you Charlie...." Axl said before walking away to go look for something. "Don't mind him he's just being an ass cause he doesn't like me. Want something to drink?" Steven asked leading me over to the table where Dana and Duff were talking. "Sure!" I exclaimed as Steven handed me a beer. I took a sip just as a guy with a clip board came in and shouted "Guns in 2!". "Ok well I gotta get going but if you and your friend wanna stand over there at the edge behind the curtain it's a good spot." He winked before giving me a side hug and walking off with the rest of the guys. Dana joined my side at the spot that Steven suggested.

 "So, is ugh Steven gonna you know stay with you tonight?" Dana asked narrowing his eyes at me. "Are you asking if we're gonna sleep together?" I asked sorta taken back. "I'm asking if you're gonna do more than just sleep." He replied glaring at me. "Dana Carvey!" I exclaimed kinda insulted by his question. "What Charlie? What else am I supposed to think? You told me before he came along that you loved me and now you're screwing around with a guy who's nickname is popcorn! And you're dressed like a wall street hooker, and your acting like a slut!" He shouted over the top of the loud music. "You know I'm not like that! I've never even kissed a guy before!" I shouted back at him. "Well I wouldn't be surprised if you did more than kiss a guy later on tonight!" He yelled back his words cutting me like a knife. "When I told you I loved you... I told you I loved you like a friend and didn't know I it was more than that!" I fired back feeling myself get angry. "Whatever Charlie, how could you not know?" He replied cynically. "Because Dana!" I shouted, "It takes time for me to know these things! I don't wanna end up divorced and alone like my parents!" I added, as I shot him a piss off look. "Oh whatever nobody even said anything about getting married." He replied not even looking at me. "God Dana! It's like you don't even listen to me!" I shouted throwing my arms up in the air.

 "I'm done with this." He snarled walking back towards the table with the booze. "Good because I am too! Why don't you shimmy your jealous ass over there and drink until you get sick." I said coldly, "I will!" He shouted flipping me off. "Who's that dude over there by the booze" I heard a man ask as he stared over at Dana. I recognized him as Vince Neil lead singer of Mötley Crüe. "Stop the press!" He shouted as Nikki, Tommy, and Mick walked out behind him. "Who's she?" Vince asked the other guys wiggling his eyebrows at me as they all made they're way over to me. "Holy crap!" I whispered to myself with excitement as Nikki Sixx stuck out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Nikki, what's your name beautiful?" I shook his hand as he looked down at me with hazel eyes that matched mine. "I'm Charlotte but you guys can call me Charlie!" I smiled at them even though I felt like crying because of the fight I'd just had with Dana. 

"I'm Vince nice to meet you!" Vince said kissing the top of my hand, "and I'm Tommy!" The drummer said shaking my hand, as Mick my favorite member of the band opened his mouth to speak. "Nice to meet you Charlie! I'm Mick Mars." He said shaking my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you all!" I said glancing over at Dana who was on his fifth bottle of beer already. "Do you know him?" Tommy asked looking down at me as Dana glared over at me. "Yeah he's my friend Dana Carvey, you might recognize him from Saturday Night Live." I replied as they all nodded. "So did you guys come here together?" Vince asked staring straight into my eyes, "yeah we came with Steven." I said looking over at the blonde drummer bouncing up and down. 

He turned his head and smiled at me real big and waved. "Oh you mean popcorn!" Tommy shouted as Steven and the boys finished walking off stage. "Well it was nice to meet you Charlie!" The members of the Crüe said before going on to preform. "Likewise!" I exclaimed as they walked off. "Hey Charlie!" Steven yelled before guzzling down a beer. "Yeah?" I yelled back smiling, "come here!" I walked over towards him smiling the biggest I could and made sure Dana saw. If he was gonna be an ass I was too. "What's up?" I asked smiling up at him as he smiled down at me. 

"I want a hug." He said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his sweaty chest. "Steven! You're all sweaty!" I shouted laughing, "I know!" He exclaimed, releasing me. "Hey Charlie, I'll make you a bet." Steven said looking down at me as I glanced over to make sure Dana was watching, which he was but jerked his head away when we made eye contact. "Ok.." I smirked, "what is it?" Steven started laughing, "If I open the door over there and it's raining you have to go on a date with me, but if it isn't raining you're off the hook." He finished smirking at me, I looked over to see Dana's head shoot up. This was just what I need! I knew how badly he wanted me to not like Steven. 

This was perfect! "Ok Steven I'll take your offer, but it's obvious that's it's raining." I said looking up at him, as a giant smile crept onto his lips. "How do you know? Have you been outside?" He asked laughing, "no but I can hear the rain pattering on the roof!" I giggled, as he walked over to open the door to see that it was in fact raining. "Well angel face...." He started as he walked back over to me, "how about we make it Saturday?". "I work Saturdays though.... But anytime before nine o'clock will work." I smirked at him. "Ok Saturday at seven, and I'll take you to work." He replied drawing me into a side hug, as I looked over at Dana and saw him shake his head and walk out the door.

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