22. Evening from hell

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After spending the remainder of my week barricaded inside my apartment exchanging I love you's, kisses and doing other things Saturday finally came. I sighed pulling on my shoes as I got ready to leave for work as I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist. "I wish you didn't have to work...." "I know but I have to pay bills around here." I turned around in Stevens arms and kissed his neck gently nipping at the sensitive flesh smiling as I bit my lip and looked up at him with an innocent expression. 

"Don't do that and give me that look you cute little shit." He smirked as he pulled my into a kiss, "I'll have to be punished I suppose....." I whispered into his neck as I giggled. "Yes you will..." He spanked me as I glanced at the clock. "I have to go...." I replied wiggling out of his grasp and heading to the door. "I love you Charlotte!" He yelled before I shut the door, "I love you too!" I grinned shutting the door.

Once I arrived at the studio everyone was gathered in the middle of the stage. It was a giant chaotic mass, people shouting, people shuffling around, others just talking loudly. "Charlie!" I heard someone shout out as I made my way to the stage. Pivoting on my heels I saw Lorne beckoning me over. "Yes Mr. Michaels?" I asked as I sauntered over, "do you know what's going on?" He asked gesturing to the cluster of people that had grown even louder.

 "No....." I replied looking around as he raked a hand through his slicked back hair. "Have you heard from Dana?" He asked as I watched Phil give Jan a hug. "No sir, I haven't. Is something wrong with him?" I asked scanning the gathering of people for his face. "He hasn't showed up today, I need you to go find him." He smiled as I looked at him nervously. "Mr. Michaels, with all due respect I'm a makeup artist....not a skip tracer...." I replied as he chuckled. "Charlie please? I'll give you a raise...." He smirked as I nodded and he gave me directions to Dana's hotel.


Once I reached Dana's floor I scanned the halls for his room number, "ahh, here it is...." I smiled to myself as a wave of nervousness washed over me. I cracked my knuckles as my palms became sweaty. Lightly I rapped on the door, "Dana...... Are you in there?" I asked unsure of what to do, "who the fuck is it?" I heard him slur loudly as the door swung wide open revealing a thrashed room and a drunk comedian. "Holy shitballs....." I gasped peaking over his shoulder at the mess he was living in. The curtains had been all ripped up and there where shards of glass all over the floor, from where he had thrown bottles at the wall and they'd broken. 

The TV had been pushed off the dresser and the screen had been cracked. "You see what you did to me?" He yelled angrily as he gestured to the mess. "I hope you enjoyed that junkie screwing your brains out!" I looked down embarrassed, "how.... How do you know that? And don't call him a junkie you asshole!" I asked amazed at his acquired knowledge. "Are you really that naive? I came to your apartment that night and heard you fucking!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. "You made me into this mess you bitch!" He screamed as I felt tears build up in my eyes. "I loved you! And you took my heart and cut it right out of my fucking chest!" He continued throwing the empty Jack Daniels bottle on the ground causing it to shatter. 

"Dana.... I....I just came by to tell you that Lorne wants you at the studio....." I said as I turned to walk away he lunged out of his room and grabbed my arm. "Ow.... What the hell are you doing?" I shouted as he pinned me to the wall and looked down at me with eyes that were darker than I remembered. "I want you....." He whispered as he leaned down and pecked my lips. "Cut it the fuck out!" I yelled pushing him away from me with so much force he fell to the ground. I began to walk away but not before he grabbed my ankle and pulled me down onto the ground. 

"You know Charlie....." He paused thinking as he ran his hand up my thigh, "I could make you enjoy this....." He smirked drunkenly as I swatted at his hand. "This isn't my Dana... My Dana would never do this, it's the alcohol...." I thought, as he crawled over to where he was hovering over the top of me. "Dana get off me...." I demanded as he smiled and shook his head. "As much as I don't want to do this.... You're not giving me much of a choice." I stated before I brought my knee up and slammed it right into his groin. He gasped for air and rolled off of me onto the floor.

 "Holy shit....." He wheezed out as he grabbed himself. I took this opportunity to make a run for it and ran down the stairs not wanting to wait for the elevator. I ran all the way back to the studio and burst in through the doors before collapsing into a chair. "Well my workout for the year is officially done..." I gasped as Lorne made his way over to me. "Where's Dana? And what happened to you? You look like you went to hell and back...." He chuckled softly. I glared shaking my head, "he's on the floor outside his hotel room nursing his balls back to health."

 I replied smirking as Lorne started laughing hysterically. "Ok..... You know what Charlie, go ahead and take the rest of the night off ok? You look disheveled." He patted my shoulder before he walked off. I sighed as I opened the door to my apartment and slowly strolled in. The lights where dim and Touch Me by The Doors was playing Steven waltzed out of the kitchen "baby what are you doing here? You just ruined the surprise I was gonna have for you..." He frowned making his way over to me. "After the three hours I just went through....." I paused plopping down onto my couch, "I've had all the surprises I can take....." I replied still flustered by the events that had happened. "What happened sweets?" He asked turning off the record player and flipping the lights on, as I went through the evenings events.

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