15. Girls night

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I ran into the bathroom not wanting to have to deal with anymore guys today. Inside I knew I liked Dana but if it didn't work out I was scared to lose him. But then there was Steven, I was really starting to like him, I somehow felt safe around him, like he would protect me. All these things whirled around in my mind until I heard the door open and someone walk in. I looked up into the mirror to see who it was, it was Jan. "Charlie..... Are you ok? Do you want me to tell Lorne you're sick so you can just go home?" She asked sweetly laying a hand on my shoulder. 

I shook my head no and ran a hand through my hair, "Charlie what's wrong? You're not being your normal chipper self that you always are...." She stated with a look of concern. "Well..." I began as I looked up, "to make a long story short I like Dana, but there's this guy named Steven I'm starting to really like and I'm scared if I go with Dana and it doesn't work out I'm gonna lose him, and I slapped him earlier today and I just.... I don't know what to do." I finished looking at Jan. "you know what you need? You need a girls night! And that is gonna be tonight! You are coming out with me we're gonna go get drinks, you're gonna come to my house, we're gonna have a sleepover and do each others nails, and we're gonna talk ok?" She smiled before hugging me. "Ok!" I said rather excitedly, as we linked arms to leave the bathroom. "Ok I better go do my job and I'll see you after the show ok?" I said as we parted ways. "Yeah!" Jan smiled, as I walked to my station who should sit there but Dana. "Hey...." He trailed off as I bent down to get my things out of my drawer.

 "Hi....." I muttered setting things up, "Charlotte....." He whispered causing me to turn around because he almost never called me by my real name. "What?", "can we talk after the show tonight?" He asked as I got ready to do Jon's makeup. "I can't." I said not explaining why. "Why not?" He gently grabbed my arm, "because I'm going out with Jan...." I said pulling my arm away from him. "Oh.... I guess I'll see you later then." He said sadly walking off. As Jon sat down in the chair, "boy trouble huh?" He joked as I smiled at him. "Tell me about!" I laughed as I started his makeup, and glanced over to see Dana with his arm wrapped around a girl laughing. "Jon who is that?" I asked as he looked over his shoulder to see what I was talking about. "The girl Dana's getting cozy with?" He smirked at me lifting an eyebrow.

 "Yeah....." I trailed off a little embarrassed by my concern. "I can find out." Jon replied nudging my hand lightly, "Hey Dennis!" Jon screamed out making me laugh as Dennis came running over. "Yeah?" He asked as I continued laughing, "go find out who that girl with Dana is." Jon ordered, "I already know who she is" Dennis started, "it's his side piece that he hangs around when Charlie isn't giving him enough attention." I immediately stopped laughing. "Really?" I asked glaring over at Dana, "yep, her name is missy." Dennis said walking off, as I felt myself get angry, if he really loved me like he claimed he did why would he need her. If he wanted a chance it sure as hell wasn't gonna happen that easily now. 

I mean I had obviously gone out with Steven, but I didn't try and woo Dana and profess my "love" to him before I did. "Charlie" Jon snapped his fingers in front of my face bringing me back into reality. "Yeah?" I asked looking at him, "you wanna get back at him?" Jon asked nudging my ribs. "No.." I shook my head, "I'll help you." Jon smirked, I laughed "no I'm fine if that's what he wants that's what he wants." I said as Jon got up and walked away because tonight was his night for the cold opening. Dana and missy were making their way over to my station, so I decided to go try and find Phil as I hadn't talked to him in awhile. "Charlie!" I heard Dana yell as I turned to face him and Missy. "I want you to meet Missy she's kinda like my girlfriend." He said as she eyed me up and down and scoffed. 

"I'm Charlie nice to meet you..." I held my hand out to shake hers. "Thanks but I don't shake hands." She snapped at me. "Oh.... Alright then, hey have you seen Phil?" I asked growing concerned I couldn't spot him anywhere. "Last time I saw him he was getting coffee by the water cooler." Was all Dana said before I bolted out of there. "Phil!" I shouted trying to find him. "He left miss wilder..." I turned to face Lorne. "Why? Where'd he go? Is he ok? What happened?" I shot out my questions rapidly. "Slow down one at a time, he got sick and so I told him to go home. And you, you don't look to good either you want to go home too?" Lorne asked with sincere concern. "Oh. I'm ok I don't need to go." I smiled at him as best I could, "ok then...." He smiled back before walking away. I let out an exhausted huff and went to watch the rest of the show from the sidelines.


"Charlie come on we're only gonna have a few drinks!" Jan exclaimed pulling me into a bar. "Ok but I don't want to end up completely drunk." Were the words I last told Jan before we both ended up completely sauced. "Heey!" I slurred out as I held onto Jan for support as we both started laughing hysterically. "Let's goooo to my house!" I exclaimed as we stumbled down the street and almost bumped into people. Once we survived the walk to my house from the bar who should be sitting by my door but Dana. "Charlie?" He said as though it was a question who I was. 

"Yessss?" I hissed out as Jan fell down laughing. "What happened to you?" He asked jumping up to steady me as I stumbled backwards. "We went out for a little drinky." Jan answered for me as I laughed. "You guys are completely shit faced...." He trailed off as I went to unlock my door. "Hey let's watch a movie!" I yelled out. As Jan nodded in agreement. "Shhh! It's like three in the morning!" Dana whispered as I walked inside my apartment followed by Jan and Dana. "This is supposed to be girls only...." Jan giggled out looking at Dana. "I don't think I should just leave you guys though." He replied as I walked out of my room with a bunch of movies. 

"I GOT ALL THESE!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I dropped them all on the floor. "YAY!" Jan screamed as Dana glared at both of us. "Ok guys, you need to just go over there and sit down." He ordered as Jan and I made our way to my sofa. "What movie do you wanna watch?" He asked kneeling down beside me. "The Godfather!!!" I yelled excitedly as I clapped my hands together like a toddler. Dana laughed silently as he put the movie on and Jan got up. "Hey! Jan where are you going?" Dana yelled out. "I'm getting ice cream!" She exclaimed stumbling to my freezer. "Bring me a spoon!" I screamed as the opening music for the movie started playing. "You actually like this movie?" Dana asked blinking at me. "Yes! Al Pacino is so beautiful it hurts!" I yelled as he shushed me, and Jan came in with a carton of ice cream and two spoons. Together we ate half the carton of ice cream before I ended up falling asleep. 

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