17. Girlfriend

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The ride to the awards show with Steven was deathly silent, I could tell something was off. "Steven?" I reached out a gently touched his knee. "Yeah?" He lightly stroked the top of my hand with his thumb, and looked at me with big sad eyes. "What's wrong? I miss the happy Steven...." I questioned taking his hand in mine, which made him smile. "Nothing.... It's just that well your friend hates me, and to be perfectly honest Charlotte I really, really like you a lot...." He quietly whispered as he scooted over closer to me. "I like you too Steven...." I replied looking up at him as he stared at my lips and gently brought his down to meet with mine. He snaked his arms around my waist, and pulled me up onto his lap as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

He slowly kissed a trail down my neck and searched until he found the most sensitive part of it. "Steven..." I whispered lightly tugging at his hair, "hmm?" He mumbled out stoping to look up at me. "Let's do this later ok?" I smirked as I played with his hair, "I'm sorry.... Am I moving to fast?" He questioned looking down disappointed with himself. "No it's not that at all it's just we're going to be at the place in like five minutes." I replied laying my head on his shoulder. "Ok..." He smirked laying his hand on my leg making me shutter. "Do I make you nervous Charlie?" He asked reaching out and cupping my face. In the whole three weeks I've known Steven every time I talked to him or something I would get so excited. "No..." I blushed starting to feel butterflies in my stomach. "Good.... Because the last thing I'd want is to make my babydoll nervous." He picked my hand up and kissed the top of it, as we pulled up to the awards show.

Fast forward 3 hours


"Ugh..," Steven sighed before yawning as he walked me back inside my apartment complex. I giggled "are you tired?". "A little bit...." He trailed off, "you wanna come in for a little while?" I asked raising an eyebrow and giggling when he excitedly shook his head. "Ok I'm gonna go change though and these shoes" I started before I kicked them off "are killing me." I walked into my room and put my pajamas on and looked in the mirror and began to be haunted by Dana's kiss, I shook my head 'I can't do this right now' I thought as I walked out. "Hey!" I said as I ran out and jumped over the back of the couch landing next to Steven. "Hey..." He stared down at me, "so.... Charlie I was thinking and I know we've only know each other a few weeks but..... Charlie I really like you and..... I was wondering, I mean you don't have to say yes you can say no. But Charlie...." He paused and ran a nervous hand through his hair, "Steven just say it..." I smiled reassuringly, "Charlie would you...." He paused again making me silently giggle, "be my girlfriend?" He finally finished after about four minutes of sitting in silence.

 "Steven, of course I will be!" I smiled as he snapped his neck towards me and lunged at me engulfing me in a hug. "Thank you..." He whispered in my ear as his breath ran down my neck and I shivered, as he started kissing my neck again and pulled me onto his lap. I was enjoying this until I started thinking about Dana. 'What if he gets mad at me..what if he starts to hate me...what if..' "Mmm....." I sighed out as Steven gently bit at my neck and slowly found his way to my lips. He smiled as I started to kiss him back when a familiar knock sounded at the door. "Damnit...." I whispered pulling away and getting ready to answer the door. "Don't answer it...." He pleaded look at me with puppy dog eyes. "Charlie I know your in there I can see light coming out from under the door." Dana yelled pounding on the door. "Shit....." Steven sighed as I stood up, "coming!" I yelled to Dana as I pivoted to look back at Steven, "go hide in the closet in my bedroom!" I whispered as I went to go answer the door. 

"Hi..." I paused as he stood in front of me taking in my every detail. "What happened to your neck?" He asked while he studied it and his face grew redder. "I ugh.... I poked it on accident with a straw." I smiled lamely as I covered the spot with my hair. "Oh..." He smiled as though he didn't believe me. "Charlie I just wanted to come apologize if I embarrassed you...." He pause as we both heard a giant thud. "Ouch!" I exclaimed faking a fall onto the floor. "Are you ok?" He bent down beside me eyeing me suspiciously, "yeah I just banged my knee into the wall really hard." I lied pulling my leg up to me. "Do you want me to get you some ice or something?" Dana said stepping back. "No I'm fine I think I'm just gonna go to bed, I'm really tired." I did my best impression of a yawn as he looked down at me. "Ok I guess I'll see you later then...." He said as he walked out my door shutting it behind him. 

"Steven?" I yelled walking to my bedroom, and saw him laying on the floor. "Hey gorgeous!" He exclaimed holding his head, "what the hell was that thud?" I halfway shouted trying not to laugh, "why are you in here laying on the floor?" . "Well I ran in here and saw your closet and ran into the wall and fell down onto the floor." He smiled like a five year old as he picked himself up. I started to giggle, "you think that's funny huh?" He smirked coming towards me, "no...." I lied as I continued to giggle. "Come here." He pointed at me and moved his finger in a come here motion. 

I shook my head and started backing up, "Charlie...." He smirked as he ran towards me and tackled me onto my bed. "You don't listen very well!" He joked as he began to tickle me. "No Steven stop!" I screamed laughing, "nope...." He trailed off continuing with the tickling. "STEVEN!!!!" I screamed after about five minutes of tickling, my stomach was soar from laughing. "Hmm? I like it when you scream my name" He smirked and looked down at me, "please stop" I giggled blushing as I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer to me, "only if you give me a kiss...." He smirked bringing his face closer to mine. "deal...." I smirked putting my arms around his neck and pulling him closer as he brought his lips to mine.  

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