Untitled pt. 10 - EPILOGUE

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Luke had felt extremely disappointed to find out his wife was actually on a pill that magical morning in the shower. Although, he kind of suspected she might be lying and was waiting for her to surprise him on any occasion. Especially so since he'd kept bugging her about babygirl Hemmings everyday, making up various stories and scenarios to get his wife to give in and agree on trying to have a second child.

The anticipation left him completely disillusioned. For instance, on Christmas morning, he got a tiny box wrapped in beautiful paper and he felt a surge of excitement flow through his body. He felt so disappointed it was only a guitar string he had been planning on buying for the previous month (and one he really really wanted) or so and not a positive pregnancy test. Then again on the morning of New Year's Eve, when she handed him a white envelope with a smile on her face, he wished he would find her sonogram picture inside, but it was only two tickets for a couple's holiday away. Something he had promised her a while ago, but she obviously didn't want to wait anymore. And then on their son's birthday when she insisted on him picking up a cake she order especially for their little boy, when he hoped to see a 'happy birthday, brother' written in beautiful icing.

So when his birthday came around and his son handed Luke his gift, obviously neatly wrapped by his wife, he didn't quite understand the meaning of it. It was plain black T-shirt, except on the front in white big letters it said "DADD" and underneath in smaller font it read "Dads Against Daughters Dating". Luke knitted his eyebrows, slowly lifting his gaze up to look at his wife with a confused expression on his face.

His little boy was bustling beside his mother, a large smile plastered on his face. "Can I tell him now? Can I, can I, can I? Please, mommy?" he asked, putting his palms together in a praying manner, looking up at Maya with big, hopeful eyes. She let out a small chuckle, "Sure, honey. Go ahead." She could barely finish before the boy exclaimed.

"There's a little baby in mommy's tummy!" he said clasping his hands together and pointing to his mom's stomach. Maya chuckled at her son's excitement, but slowly shifter her adoring gaze at her husband, who shot up on his legs off of the sofa in one rapid movement.

Luke felt his heart stop beating, as he looked at his wife with huge eyes. "Are you-" he swallowed, "Are you pregnant?"

She nodded a few times, biting down on her bottom lip. "It's only just been over a month and it's too early to tell the sex, but I really hope-"

Luke interrupted his wife's babbling snaking his hands around her body, squeezing her so tight that she almost felt blood struggle to circulate, her lungs unable to let oxygen into them. "Luke, I can't breathe." She let out, still a huge smile fixed on her face at how happy her husband was.

"Oh my God, I can't-" Luke struggled to speak as he let go of his wife, cupping her face in his hands. "I've been waiting for this for so long, I can't believe-"

She chuckled, placing her hands over his. "I know, baby. That's why I wanted to make it a gift for you." She said smiling, her eyes slowly pooling with tears as she stared into her husband's blues glistening with happy tears.

"I love you so much," he breathed before placing his hot lips on hers. They felt their son's little hands try and tear his parents apart – suddenly realizing he wasn't getting any attention. So Luke picked his son up in his arms, "Do you also want a kiss?" he teased his boy, who simply wrapped his arms around each of his parents' necks, pulling them both into a family hug.


Having a baby girl proved to be everything Luke'd expected it to be and more. His excitement throughout the pregnancy was clear, as he would spend his evenings researching on how to repair bedrooms and looking up nice colours and furniture for his baby girl, and even educational toys for babies. He wanted his girl to grow up just as smart, if not smarter, than his firstborn. Maya would also notice Luke's constant presence next to her – he was helping her out with the smallest of things, always offering to drive her wherever she needed to go, he'd insist on doing the house chores and driving their boy to school and afterschool activities.

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