Hermione VS. Bella

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Warning: This book is strictly off-limits for Twi-hards. Look, I don't want to offend anyone, and there are a lot of insults towards Twilight and Twi-hards, so please I ask that you don't read this book. I know some awesome Twi-hards, though. And if this book insults a Twi-hard, I'm sorry but I have to say I warned you.

Okay, I just.... gGvityVtvvYtvgvGfftFt... I read a Harry Potter VS. Twilight book. Except... It was about WHY TWILIGHT IS BETTER! The author had stupid reasons, which made little to no sense, and her arguments were stupid, so stupid, in fact, that it made me almost break my keyboard! Okie, dokie, then! Let's get started!

Hermione: Hermione is a warrior! She is a strong, courageous role model! Hermione was brought up with muggles, when she got her Hogwarts letter her parents were proud of her. She didn't need to catch up to the purebloods, in fact, she raced far past them! She may be smart, but she's also wise. She knows that wisdom isn't just smartness! It's a balance of intelligence, bravery, and cunning! She stuck by Harry's side even when the love of her life left her. She kept fighting to destroy the villain!
Bella: Bella hid behind Edward the whole time! When her left her she tried to commit sucide! What? She's weak and pathetic! She has
no brain!

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