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July 2nd -- 7:38pm

I made sure to be the first one to the building. 

I walked to the door and pulled it... locked. I smiled and went to lean against the pole and smoke. I smoked more than a fucking chimney- a habit I needed to cease.

I wasn't planning on staying for this stupid meeting. I was planning on grabbing the Scorpio boy and getting the hell out of here. I wanted to do something fun with him, rather than being stuck in a hot room full of alcoholics. 

Soon, people started to show. The coordinator lady, who I learned her name was Linda, opened the door to let people in. When I didn't move, she came over to me.

"What're you doing?" She asked softly. I glanced around me. I was obviously standing at a pole. Was I missing something?

"Are you going to come in?" She asked. I shrugged. She nodded. She then took me by surprise by moving beside me and leaning against the pole, standing with me like Scorpio did last week.

"My son just turned twenty-six." She said. "He struggled with alcohol since he was seventeen." 
I cocked an eyebrow. Why did this concern me? I opened my mouth to speak.
"He also just celebrated his one year of sobriety." She cut me off. I looked back into the parking lot, straight ahead. I didn't reply.

"You know, you have potential. I've seen some of the 'doodles' you do. The art? You're very talented." She said. I rolled my eyes. I glanced at her. She was a really nice lady. Why couldn't I be nice to her? Why was I so messed up that I couldn't even be kind to someone who was trying to help me?

"I understand." She said. Fuck, I didn't even realized I said that out loud.

"You don't." I spat. I bet she actually did. I was just a miserable person. Linda took a deep breath. I looked over to the door and saw Scorpio glance at me, and then walk inside. I groaned and tilted my head back.

"Something wrong?" She wondered. I shook my head.

"Let's go inside." I mumbled. Linda tilted her head, but I walked away before she could say anything.

I walked into the room to see the familiar circle of plastic chairs. I scanned my eyes for Scorpio. I suddenly saw his eyes; he was looking for me too.

I walked over to him, and saw he had saved a chair for me beside him. There were plenty more empty chairs, I could've sat anywhere. But I didn't.

What are we? I wanted to ask-- no, scream. Although I felt like I was simply assuming things, and that he was really just being a decent human being. I suppose I didn't really have any experience with anyone being more than civil. 

A Rather Destructive Fixation [Frerard]Where stories live. Discover now