Lapis Looks Like Sapphire (At Some Angles)

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(Ruby) Did I just hear that man right? Apart from my Sapphire? No way. I began to yell, curses and complaints escaping my mouth every few seconds. "Why would I ever even leave her side for one second just because of something you said? That is not happening! In fact, fuse with me right here, right now, Sapphire. We'll show this guy who's boss!" I yelled as loud as I could. "No," she replied simply. No? What? "Why not?" "This is our punishment, and you need to calm down. It's inevitable that we will be punished." The argument continued on just like this for a few minutes more, the principle watching on with mild interest. Finally, I said," Fine, fine, have it your way. We'll see each other after school, okay? I still hate this idea." Sapphire smiled her lovely smile and we leaned forward for a kiss. "Ahem," the principle said, interrupting us. "Please refrain from showing affection during school hours." He sounded so professional, really. I scowled, leaving the room. Sapphire was staying behind to discuss the matter of rooming with me, I think. She was always so calm and elegant. I was thinking about her beautiful smile and eye when I bumped into someone. Some tall punk, apparently. "Hey, watch it," she said, trying to intimidate me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. Infuriated by my actions, she ran at me. What a loser. I easily flipped her onto her back with a smirk on my face. "See you around, punk." I walked off, happy with my insult. Sapphire's right, passive aggressive would be better. I'll work on doing that more than I punch. I kept on walking until I saw Lapis. She was standing outside one of the bathrooms. "Hey, Lapis!" I yelled. Surprised, she glanced up. Sapphire must never know that I just thought of Lapis as pretty. Jasper then walked out of the bathroom, latching her arm around Lapis' waist. She scowled at me, but didn't say anything. I wonder where Steven is. I kept on walking with that thought in mind, until I saw Amethyst and Pearl in a corner, kissing.
This chapter was meant to feel rushed. Anyways, Steven Bomb 3? I'm dead, I swear. It's so beautiful. I love Onion.

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