Chapter 1

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Alex P.O.V.
"Hey Alex we need to meet up. I need to talk to you."
"Okay let's just go to Starbucks or something."
"Okay. I'll see you there in five."
"Wait Ash, fiv---"
Ashton hung up the phone. I wonder what he needs to talk to me about. I got into my car and drove to Starbucks. When I got there I saw Ashton standing outside. I got out of my car and ran to Ashton. I gave him a hug and we walked inside and sat down at a table.
"Okay Ash, what's up?"
"Well Alex, we've been best friends for what, 6 years now?"
"Ashton! What the fuck dude! Just tell me what's wrong! Remember, we're best friends and you can tell me anything."
"Look, Bryana doesn't think it's a good idea if we hang out."
"Ashton you're not going to end a six year friendship over a girl right?"
"Alex, me and Bryana are getting serious and I just think we need to stop talking."
My eyes started to swell up with tears.
"Ashton you can't do this. I thought you cared about me."
"I do Alex! But you're just a girl, Bryana is my girlfriend."
"Ashton wait--"
Ashton got up and stormed out of Starbucks. What the fuck just happened?
I ran outside and got into my car. I started to sob. I just turned on some All Time Low and tuned out the rest of the world. I can't believe that my own best friend just chose a girl that he's known for two months over his fucking best friend of six fucking years. What the fuck. When I got home I called my sister Taylor. She's married to Luke and they have one kid. Maybe she could get Luke to talk to Ashton.
"Hey Taylor."
"Oh hey Alex, what's going on?"
"Ashton just told me he can't talk to me anymore because of Bryana."
"I'll be over in a few minutes."
"Okay. See ya."
Taylor was always supportive of me. She was the best sister. She's always there for me. I heard my door go open and Taylor walked in with Luke and their child, Cassidy.
"What the fuck did he do?!"
"Just come sit down Taylor. It's okay."
"Okay. Luke watch the baby!"
Taylor and I sat down in my dining room and I poured up both a glass of wine.
"Okay so tell me what happened."
"Today Ashton told me that he wanted us to meet up because he needed to talk to me. When we were talking he told me that Bryana didn't like us hanging out together. I got angry and he just said 'Alex you're just a girl, Bryana is my girlfriend.'"
"What the fuck man. That dude is about as deep as a fucking kitty pool."
"No no Alex don't get upset. I'll get Luke to talk to him."
"Okay thanks."
"Luke come here with the baby!"
"Alright babe!"
Luke walked over to the table and sat down with Cassidy on his lap.
"Would you like a beer, Luke?"
"Yeah, that sounds good. So what's wrong Al?"
"Well I need you to talk to Ashton." I started to cry. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.
"Alex don't cry, I'll talk to him, but if you don't mind me asking, why?"
"He told me not to talk to him anymore because Bryana doesn't want us hanging out."
"Jeez. I'm really sorry about that, but I'll talk to him. He needs to think about what's really important."
"Thank you so much Luke."
"You're welcome. Anything for my sis."
After Luke and Taylor finished their drinks, they had to go. We said our goodbyes and they left. I'm so glad Luke is going to talk to Ashton.

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