0.1 -The inncident

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CHARLIES POV(Introduction)

My name is Charlie Hemmings and I'm 16 years old and my older brother Luke Hemmings is 17.  My family-Friends are Regan Clifford and she is 16. Michael; her older brother, the same age as Luke, and happens to be Luke's best friend. He is also 17. I will tell you that we all have the same thing in common. Our parents all died in a car crash, the same car crash. I and Luke live with our older sister, Crystal Hemmings. She is 34 years old, herself. Also, Regan and Michael live with their aunt Cheryl. We all spend so much time together.  

CHARLIES POV(Introduction over)

On the 4th of July; I and my big brother Luke invited Regan and her brother Michael over so we could celebrate.  Crystal was away for the weekend on some spiritual retreat so I and Luke decided to have fun, so we invited Michael and Regan over. When they got there and we sat and talked for a while. Since crystal was gone we broke into her "special cabinet"  later we got very drunkenly stupid and started setting off illegal fireworks, which luke somehow managed to find the other day. We continued to break into our neighbor's house. Go figure, they called the cops. Now today, I woke up, majorly hungover, next to someone and I turned to look at them. I jumped because it wasn't Luke; not even Michael or Reagan it was a boy, about my age,  he had dark brown hair and a little tan. I was kind of creeped out because as soon as I looked at him he said "hey beautiful " In sort of a devilish attitude.  I gasped and jumped up. Luke came over to me and so did the nosey wardens. Of course, we were in just a police station cell so the walls were basically nothing. Luke said "Charlie what's the problem?", "Luke, what the fuck?!?! I just gained my consciousness right next to a random creep? How could you let me do that?!?!" I yelled. I got a sharp look from the police officer that said "watch your language!" I stuck my middle finger to him and he rolled his eyes and walked away. The boy next to me says "Damn". I walked away and told this other random guy to move so I could sit next to Luke. Luke said to me " Are you ok, charlie?". "Yeah, I'm fantastic Lucas," I said in a sarcastic manner. He gave me a hug and said "It's going to be alright. Hold on, let me see if I can call crystal " and he then got up and I just sat there peacefully. The same kid I woke up next to, came to sit next to me.  As soon as he sat down I exclaimed "Can I help you??". He replied "I'm sorry, I just want to get away from that lady who was sitting next to me. She was trying to feel me up..." He looked extremely uncomfortable and you could add disgusted. I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. He turned to me and said "Hey my name is Calum Hood. what's yours?" And I was just about to tell him and, Luke came over to me and Calum and said "What the fuck you creep? Leave her alone!" Dragging me out of the cell to meet the wardens and crystal at the desk. 

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