0.3 An awkward situation

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Sushi was delicious, I should know because I and Luke made sure there were no leftovers.  I and Luke were downstairs when I got a call from one of my old friends, Ashton. Although Regan and Michael were very close to me. Ashton is one of my best friends, it's a tie between him and Regan. He is actually 16 like us. We were school friends for a couple of years back. That was when I actually went to school. I quit high school on my 16th birthday. He asked me to come over. I told Luke I was going and he nodded. When I arrived there we were messing around the neighborhood. Roaming the streets doing whatever we felt necessary. Me completely ignoring recent events. We finally made our way back to his place. He started telling me about life and what was going on with him. We made our way into a deep conversation and he revealed that he had an interest in, Regan. He didn't know how he should approach the situation. I gave him her number. I mean it never hurts.


I love hanging out with Charlie. We are so close. She knows everything about me and I know everything about her. She has helped me a lot, especially with my home life. She treated me with no judgment. Most people look down on broken homes. I did manage to get Regan's number from her. Regan is practically Charlie's sister. I have had a crush on her for a while now. She is so beautiful with her long brown hair, sparkling hazel eyes, she is also a little taller than Charlie but not very much. Probably about an inch or so. I adore her and not just for her looks but for her personality. She is genuine, sweet, and she brings out the best in me. I hope I can use her number in a way that will benefit both of us. 


Ashton looks so happy, I'm glad I can help him. He deserves it and so much more.
He has just been dealt the worst cards of life. We all have. There are just some things I have been pondering on. Michael was acting a bit weird the other night. I've always thought he was attractive. His personality is spontaneous and unique. We have always been weird with each other like that. Even when we were younger. He is like my family but I've never thought of him as my brother. I've always thought of him as... Luke's best friend. So, I can't go out with my best friend's older brother. It just wouldn't be right, ...right? I decided to head to the park. I just wanted to swing and watch the sky. It was a bit of a walk but it was supposed to be a clear day. I wasn't concerned. I got there and it was empty, it was later evening on a "school night" so there was barely anyone there. I just sat on the swing and listened to music. I was thinking about all my friends and how lucky I was to have them. Of course, crystal and aunt Cheryl were included. For a teenager in my situation, my life wasn't bad at all. Me and luke both received a "paycheck" from the government. Because of our parent's situation, every two weeks we get a portion of their social security. It's not a ton of money and it stops at 18, but it's enough that I can save and have some. I get my mom's account, while luke gets out father. The only reason we get the money is that we were underage. I never really have to worry about working. Sometimes I do help my neighbors with their yard or inside their house and they give me some cash on the side but not much because it's not necessary. Right now, I just am content and I want it to stay this way. Disrupting me from my train of thought, I realize that it's starting to rain. I figured I better start walking now, I thought it was supposed to be a clear day. As I was walking back home the rain got way heavier. I went underneath a canopy-looking thing that was from a store and I called luke. I asked him to come to get me, but he said he was caught up but he is gonna send someone to come get me. I patiently waited for a bit. I was still listening to music and watching the rain and cars when I realize that luke sent Micheal. 


I just have had my mind buzzing about charlie. I am not sure why this is a sudden thing. The other night marked a new event for all of us. In many ways. As I've gotten older I've realized that I've never thought of her as my sister. She has always just been special to me. I honestly may think I love her. I think I have always had this "school-like" crush on her but now that I'm entering adulthood. I've realized that these feelings won't go away. Maybe I need to go see Luke and ask him. I know it's his sister but I think it's right to consult him.  Praying he won't kill me right then and there.


LH"Hey mate!"

MC "Hey, I need to talk to you. Can we hang out tomorrow? "

LH "Sure! I'll be over in the morning. BE AWAKE! " *Laughs*

MC"ugh, why did you have to say morningggggg, I suppose I'll wake up"

LH: "Hey, could you run me a favor and go get charlie? She is in front of that Indian food place in town, its raining and she was at the park I guess"

MC: Uh... yeah sure mate, I'm heading out now"

LH: Thank you!!!

*Line goes blank*

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