Chapter 1

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"arrrrggghhh! Why won't you listen to me!" my body, again, decided it would rather look at it's reflection than cooperate and go eat breakfast before the bus got here.

Again I told it, " Kimaly Ann. Will you please stop and go eat breakfast? It's almost 6:45."

No response. I fumed in my seat as my body wasted precious time. That was it, I had had it with my stupid, unresponsive body. As soon as it was safe and sound, asleep on the bus, I would call the veterans.

As I skillfully maneuvered my body into a seat and pushed the sleep button, I relaxed. Finally, some peace.

I usually read during this time while it slept but I was in a slow part in my body's information so it could wait until tomorrow.

I hoisted myself up onto the ear ledge where I got better service before voicing, "Kimaly Ann Raxon to command center."

A few seconds later there was a reply. "Kimaly Ann Raxon, this is Kevin Isaiah Nelzon from command center. How may I help you this fine morning?"

Thats weird, he sounds young. "Hello, Mr. Nelzon, my body hasn't been functioning properly, I mean, it has, but not the way I want it to."

"I see Ms. Raxon, would you like me to send someone over?"

"yes, Mr. Nelzon, that would be splendid."

"good. Hold on while I make some calls if you will."

"of course." I unconsciously kicked the side of a file cabinet lightly while I waited. I heard a noise outside my body and looked out of it's eyes to find Beatrice sitting next to my body on the bus seat. I pushed the sleep button again and my body snuggled deeper into it's team spirit sweatshirt.

"Ms. Raxon?"

I straightened at his voice before saying, "Yes, Mr. Nelzon?"

"I couldn't find anyone free to take a look at your body but head commander said that I could come if you would be willing to allow that?"

"that would be wonderful, Mr. Nelzon."

"good. I'll be over on your lunch brake."

"I'll see you then." I smiled as the calling system shut down. Thankfully, my body hasn't figured out how to use the calling system or it would never hang up.

The bus came to a clunky stop at the high school and I ran to my seat in front of the eyes. My body woke with a start and yawned before standing and filing off the bus with the rest of the kids.

Inside it moved to find Alexandra, my body's best friend. She was talking to a body who I hated the owner of. My body did too.

Lorenzo flipped his hair and smiled in my direction. I didn't even have to tell my body to grimace and turn away. Alexandra followed after my body as I called her.

"Alexandra? Talking to Lorenzo again?"

"I'm sorry, I think he's kind of cute." her voice was sickly in love.

"you or your body?"

"both, I think."

"oh, Alexandra. Forget it. He's a nut ball."

"I know... But he's still hot." I gave an exasperated sigh before hanging up on her.

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