Chapter 2

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Lunch came, and I let my body converse freely with it's friends while I waited anxiously for Mr. Nelzon. I couldn't eat because I was so happy to finally be able to learn to control my body.

I felt my body's urge to scratch it's neck and rushed to the controls to help her resist. I won in the end and the hand rested on the table.

I ran down to the neck and greeted Mr. Nelzon as he stepped into my body's lower head. He was young. He shook my hand before saying, "good morning, Ms. Raxon. Now what seems to be the problem?"

I explained to him as I led him up to the brain. "I lose control over my body sometimes. It will just do exactly what I tell it not to. Like this morning, I told it to get on the bus, instead it picked at a scab on it's foot! It didn't eat today because it was too consumed with its reflection. I hate it when it does what I don't want it to. It's just unnatural."

Mr. Nelzon stares at me thoughtfully for a second before answering me. "it seems you're having trouble because you aren't one with your body. I notice that you say 'it' instead of 'she'. And you say 'my body' instead of 'Kimaly' or 'i'. That could be your problem."

"what do you mean?"

Mr. Nelzon looked at me for another thoughtful moment before saying, "I'll meet with you after school. Thank you for your time. I much enjoyed it. And I'll enjoy seeing you again tonight."

He smiled at me before allowing me to walk him to the door. He flicked out his FLY and waved before exiting.

I was too stunned at his sudden leave that I didn't even run to make sure my body didn't swat at it's neck and smash Mr. Nelzon. I felt a sudden jolt as its hand began to itch its neck, bringing me back to the present.

What had he meant about not being one with my body? I'm in here, aren't I?

I had a pretty upsetting day after that. I couldn't concentrate in science, I couldn't find my stem changing Spanish folder for the Spanish test my body had to take. I'm pretty sure my body failed.

In history, my body tripped and crashed into the teacher who scares me. Then in English my favorite teacher made fun of me. It was my body's favorite teacher as well so it hurt both of us.

Finally, we went home. Stepping off the bus, I looked around instantly for Mr. Nelzon. My body headed toward the door but I made it linger outside.

Suddenly, the hand went for the neck too fast for me to react. I held in a scream as I waited for the tiny sound of crunching bones. Of course, I wouldn't have been able to hear it.

I sat down and waited for my body to look at its hand. It didn't.

"that was close," a voice behind me said, startling me. "so anyway-"

I swept around and actually enveloped him in a hug. As soon as our bodies touched I jumped back. I had never touched anyone before. I had seen my body touch many times before but never, never have I experienced it myself.

He seemed just as surprised at the sudden touch. "I'm so sorry." I backed up and stood quietly by a filing cabinet.

"no, it's fine... I've just never been... Hugged." he shook his head as if to shake off the hug and continued, "anyway, we'll be going to the hospital. There's someone I want you to meet."

"how will we get there?"

Just as my last words left my lips, my bodies mom stepped out of the house saying, "oh, Kimaly, you're home. Good, I'm going to the hospital. Want to come?"

My body was about to say no when Mr. Nelzon took my hand and placed it on the brain wall. "say yes." he said.

"yes," I said loudly. My body answered it's mother and got in the car. I looked at Mr. Nelzon and said, "why don't we do that all the time if that works?"

"yes, it's a sure thing, " he motions to my two seater couch, "but it drains your energy extraordinarily fast." I nodded with understanding. "you should sleep, we won't be at the hospital for an hour and you'll need your strength. I'll keep a look out for things." I nodded, suddenly uncomfortable.

He stood and sat at my desk, letting me have the couch. I stared at the back of his head until slowly, I fell asleep.

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