Chapter 3

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I woke to his hand on my back gently shaking me. "we'll be there in about five minutes."

"in this five minutes, can you explain things to me?"

"well, with what? You know about the council, right? The command centers?"

"just start from the beginning. Cause I want to know how everything worked out just like it did. You... You make me wonder..." I say sitting up on the couch.

He gives a short laugh before starting into his answer. "before us, humans were dumb, antisocial (because they couldn't talk), and honestly....barely knew how to keep their selves alive. When the first Osimi came (us), or brain beings as they're called today, everything was a mess. Sickness, indecency, just disgusting stuff. So these first brain beings entered the humans brains and began to make better lives for the both of them. Now brain beings, being only the height of a quarter, were never discovered by the humans. Still haven't been. So, the Osimi became accustomed eventually to controlling humans, but they have to set up a few rules, like for instance, not using all your energy at once to connect with the human to get them to do what you want unless it's an emergency, because like you saw, it drains your energy. Or, not using the human for selfish reasons. Of course, this one is only ignored by those who cause trouble anyway and there isn't a way to stop them actually. That's where all the "bad guys" of history come from. The Osimi, unfortunately. Of course, if we had let the humans be, I'm sure it would be much worse. So, life goes on. The Osimi leaders are those who have lived their whole life in their human and then they spend the rest of their own life as one of the council. The council is spread all over the world now. It's quite cool. So, the Osimi children are furnished into a newborn baby, complete with everything they need to survive with daily check ups from a council member until it is sure they are good on there own." he takes a breath. " I think that's it. Do you have questions?"

"well, my history makes a lot more sense. But I do have a question, it's kind of....personal."



"ah, yes. I will be explained soon enough. Come on, we're here."

I let my body follow it's mother. We brain beings apparently didn't communicate with mothers or fathers for some reason. That's just how it is and how it's always been.

The mother told my body that it could wait in the lobby while she went and talked. As the mother walked down the hall, I influenced the body to start walking. Influencing takes a lot of energy as well, but not as much as absolute control according to Mr. Nelzon. He directed me down a hall and then another before telling me to slip behind a door marked: Critical.

My body walked quickly and quietly down the hall with surprising ease. Maybe Mr. Nelzon was helping me gain control of my body. Or maybe my body just liked breaking the rules...

Mr. Nelzon pointed to a room and I steered my body toward it. It only hesitated once before slipping inside. The door shut behind it with a soft click.

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