3: First Kiss

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Thanks for the requests ;)


You were listening to his music, and he sang to you Hooked on a Feeling.

At the end of the song, he said "I'm hooked on a feeling, and high on believing, that you're in love with me!!" and you said, "I might be."

You both smiled, and he leaned in and kissed you. You guys took your relationship slow, but that kiss was the most magical thing for both of you.


You were afraid to kiss him because of the way he was designed, but you knew you liked him too much for that to get in the way.

You wanted to make the move, because you knew he wouldn't, so you leaned in and kissed his bark.

He loved it, and you actually did too.


You knew she wasn't that impressed with stuff, so you wanted to try a kiss.

"Gamora, I got you a present." You said. She sighed, and you put a blindfold on her.

You guys walked around, so you would make her think that you were bringing her somewhere. You stopped, and kissed her.

"Wow, i'm impressed." She said, and you continued kissing.


You didn't wanna kiss him, because you didn't want rabies, but you had no worries, because you liked him a lot.

"I can't fight this feeling any longer." You said, and you leaned in and kissed his "lips"

He loved it, but you don't think it will happen that often. That still didn't matter to you guys.


Everyone knew you liked each other, he was just afraid to tell you, and you wanted him to make the first move.

You guys were taking a stroll together, and then the first move happened.

"I can't handle this anymore." He said, sweeping you off your feet, and kissing you.

When he was done, you were suprised, but said "Fianlly."


That took a lot of thinking tbh...

Someone said that I am a brat who treats people like dirt...

and that someone is my best friend. She wasn't kidding. That was a year ago, and now she is begging to be my friend again. Help.

I am moving so SCREW U BIATCH

she called me that once, i gave her another chance, she does it again, and its been a year. nope girly

I am responsible, and I act like an adult now. what have you been doing all summer? WATCHING TV

I mean I have been watching parks and rec, but I get out and exersice once a day, and i hang with my family every friday, and weekend.

I love my life without her.

sorry i had to talk to someone about this. she was like tammy #2 from parks and rec.

some of you get this. thank you.


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