8: You Get Hurt

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It was just a paper cut, but he came to the rescue anyways, and rushed to find a bandaid.

"I'm fine, Peter!" You kept laughing. "I don't care." He said, puttinf the bandaid on you. You laughed, and he kissed you. "All better." He said, smiling.


You got beat up in the 'street', and Groot came to the rescue. He beat all of them up in 3 minutes.

He bridal carried you home, and took care of your injuries.


You simply got drunk, and fell on broken glass.

She treated your cut under your eye, and cleaned up the glass. In the morning you explained, and he apologized many times.

"It's fine. You didn't hurt me." She smiled.


It's really hard to date Rocket sometimes. He climbed up on your shoulder, and accidently cut you with his claws.

You didn't cry, and it barely hurt, but he treated it anyways.


You cut yourself shaving. It usually doesn't bleed that much, but this time it was bad and it hurt a lot more than they usually do.

You wrapped yourself in a towel, and tried to clean it up. Drax came in and saw a lot of blood on the floor.

"Who hurt you?" He asked. "No one, I cut myself shaving."

He treated your injury, but you ended up having to get stiches. It was all good for you, because Drax was with you the whole time.


Yay! I finished a book in a day, and updated 2 chapter!


K now my dad's bday dinner.....


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