Gay face

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|Phil's POV|

When we make it to the train station we get on the train going into downtown.Then I realize that we're not going to the little coffee shop we like to go to.I look over to Dan who looks really nervous/excited."Dan where are we going?".I question."If I told you it would ruin the suprize."he answers.I groan at the remark and the train start moving.About halfway through our journey into town I say"Daaaaaan,where are we goinggg?"he just laughs and continues to look down at the floor."ugghhhhh"I moan.When the train finally stops we get off and I start to follow Dan.We stop in front of a restaurant called 'The Tigre Nouille'I giggle a little at the name and we walk in.Dan and I walk up to the hostess and the little podium in the front "We have a reservation."Dan says and the lady asks "what's the name?"I look at her  tag and it says Carrie on it.hmmm what a pretty name I think to myself."Howell"Dan says.She leads us to our table and we sit down."Dan you didn't have to take us to this expensive restaurant.I would have been happy with-"Dan cuts me off. "Well I wanted I heard they have really good pasta."."so I've heard"I reply giggling as I remember the name of this place.I look over at Carrie.She has nice legs,I think to myself.i look over to Dan and say"You're awful quiet tonight."I say this because he usually talks more than this.

|Dan's POV|

Phil is being really adorable right now,And it's hard not to just go up to him kiss him right on those perfect lips of his.He the best thing that has ever happened to me.I look over to Phil eyeing the waitress ,Carrie I think her name was, and I can't help but feel a little jealous.I know he's not mine to be jealous of but he is just so cute and I want him to be mine.Phil snaps me out of my thoughts my saying "You're awful quiet tonight"."Oh sorry I was...just thinking"."about what?"Phil asks.I start to think if I should tell him here and now that I love him,then I decide that won't be such a good idea if he ends up not feeling the same way,it will ruin dinner and quite frankly I was hungry and I didn't want to waste the money I spent reserving this place if storms out."nothing."I I decide to stick to the plan and tell him at the park.Then Carrie comes up and asks if we were ready to order.Phil got the Pasta Carbonara and I got the House Salad,because of me being a vegan and everything.So I say to Phil "So have you finished reading The Maze Runner"and the look in his eye when I say that tells me about to go full fangirl right here and now,and I sigh knowing what I got myself into.Im not really listening about the book but I am watching his every move.To the way his eyes lit up when I asked him about it,to when he starts talking about the book and he gets so exited he slurs some of his words,to the way he smiles and his tounge sticks out a little.God I love him.and while he's talking I realize to myself 'wow I'm in so deep' and I laugh to myself in my head.Then Carrie walks over with our food and sets it our table and asks "can I get you anything else,maybe some Parmesan for your pasta?" And Phil answers "No but maybe I can get you number" .My jaw drops immediately.Carrie laughs and says "Are you being serious?" And Phil does this adorable fucking smirk that's makes me even more angry/sad/jealous.In that moment Carrie says "...sure" I wanted to tackle her to the ground and rip out every one of her perfect fucking curls.and then she walks away and I look over and Phil who gives me the 'omg,it accually worked this time' look mixed with 'I'm getting laid tonight look' I I just wanted to kiss that look right off his face.Phil finally says "oh my goodness,did you see her,she's gorgeous,and I'm getting her number!"
And I say in the least angry/sad/jealous/surprised voice "yeah,awesome"and I look down at my salad and I seem to have suddenly lost all my hunger.She returns with the receipt for our food that still hasn't even been touched at all,along with Carrie's number on it.phil signs the receipt and tears off the part with her number on it and puts it in his pocket.She comes back and hands me my credit card and we leave.I decide to just let it go for now they'll probably just break up in a month anyways like always.I start walking to the park and Phil follows."Where are we going now Danny"I feel my stomach flitter an the use of the name 'Danny'"."You'll see soon....Philly"Phil giggles quietly at Philly and continues walking faster with me.We finally reach the park and I slow down and start slowly strolling towards the Forrest trees."why are we here Dan?"asks Phil and I reply with "Because I have to tell you something."we stop infront of the pond,it's I shimmering with moonlight and quiet creeks of crickets and frogs fill the darkness."What is is Dan?" Phil asks as I begin to say "I've been meaning to tell you this for a while,but I'm just gonna come out and say it.I love you.I've always loved you.I love your striking blue eyes.I love your laugh.I love it when you laugh a little too hard and your tounge pokes out of your mouth a little.I love you.And today is the day.Today is the day I confessed my love for you.And even if you don't love me back I hope we can still be friends?"

Phil just stares at the pavement for a couple minutes while I try to read his expression.

|Phil's POV|

I'm thinking.Im thinking how this could be true.I'm thinking why he would tell me that wondering If I would like him back after he watched me ask that chick out.He is just staring at me.what a creep.then he says"Phil say something,please"and I look up and say right to his little gay face "don't ever talk to me again.and I'm moving out tomorrow.I don't ever want to see you again weirdo."and then I walk away headed towards the train station while Dan just stands there.He's so awkward.
Haha you guys probably hate me right now.tbh I hate me rn.ANYWAYS,SOMEBODY MADE ME A COVER ART YAYAYAY!!! Their wattpad name is @ImsoPHANCY it's so great I love ITTTTTT!!!i accually met them on Kik ayeeee.and you should click on the picture in the beginning of the chap yet to see the caption,it fits well with this chapter haha.anywho the next chapter might be triggering so BE WARNED ily you all BYEEEE XOXOX!! <3

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