Four Scars

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|Phil's POV|

"I'm pregnant." Carrie finally says after removing her hand away from her mouth.I don't know what to say."Really babe!".I don't know if this is a good or bad thing,but I am exited for a baby if she's ready.She finally smiles and acts a little less worried."really,your okay with this.I mean I can get an abor-"I cut her off saying "honey,no if your ready we can handle this."This whole thing is really akward.I internally cringe so hard."really.Omg babe we are going to have a family!"she walks up and hugs me really tight around my neck,I laugh a little because she has to stand on her tippy toes,and I excitedly hug her back.Its all happened so fast!First I had a girlfriend and now I'm going to be a father!suddenly a great idea comes to mind.We finally let go of each other,An I say "I'll be right back babe I have to go get something."I say and I walk into our bedroom to go get dressed.I grab my Oyster card,my phone,and my wallet.I walk back into the living room and kiss Carrie goodbye,"see you later."I say."bye."she says,and I walk out the door.I start heading to the jewelry store to go pick out a ring.I see the most gorgeous diamond ring in the display case in the middle of the room.I go up to tell the cashier and I get the ring and a red velvet box to keep it in.As I'm walking down the street back to the train station,I pass a baby store,I smile a little and walk in.I wander over to the newborn clothes and I see a onesie with a lion on it,I pick it out and then I realize that maybe it will be a little girl!I pick out and adorable pink tutu dress.i pay for the items and hop on a train.When I make it back to our flat,I hide the ring in my pocket so she doesn't see.I walk into the kitchen where I hear Carrie cooking lunch for us.I walk up behind her and grab her by the waist,she jumps a little and then she turns around but before she could say anything I kiss her.She kisses back and she looks into my hand and says"hey,what is that babe."she says smiling."oh look!" I pull out the clothes and I see her smile."aww these are so cute!"she exclaims.She hugs me and says"you're going to be a great father."."I hope so."I reply.I see she was making pancakes and I exclaim"pancakes!"she laughs and flips the pancake to cook the other side.she gets down two plates from the cupboard and some golden syrup.when the pancakes are done we sit down on the couch and watch the cooking channel together.My life is so great right now! I think to myself

|Dan's POV|

When I finally make it back to my flat,I walk up to my room and lie on my bed.I take out my phone and I want to text Pj,but I don't want to bother him and seem needy.I close the iMessage app and go on Twitter.'Carrie and I have a big announcement!!' Tweeted by Phil about two hours ago,but never said what.Then my phone beeps and I see that Pj texted me.I practically jump out of my bed I'm so exited!
Sexy Peej😍😍😘🐯👑💥🔥🔥:so when is soon?😏
Dan🐻:Is coffee tomorrow at 3:00 soon?
Sexy Peej😍😍😘🐯👑💥🔥🔥:perfect,see you then ❤️
Dan🐻:I'll see you then💕

My heart is beating out of my chest at just four text messages.Im so exited for tomorrow!I quickly jump up to go plan and outfit for tomorrow,I want to look good because I looked like a homeless hobbit when he first saw me.I decide to wear a button-up shirt with moths all over it,black skinny jeans,and my back high-tops.I notice it's almost 6:00 and I decide to go to the kitchen and make something to eat.When I'm finished making dinner I go into the living room to eat in my sofa crease while browsing Tumblr.I look at my right forearm and see four scars.I frown and tear up a bit but not a lot,I remember I did this to myself.How am I going to wear my short-sleeve moth shirt tomorrow!?i don't want Peej too see my self harm scars on our first date!I panic a little and go up to my room and pick out a black sweater with zippers on the shoulders .I frown and walk back to the living room and watch anime.The zipper sweater doesn't look as good as the moth shirt.I frown and regret what I did a little.Then I remember who was the reason I did that.Phil.I tear up a little.He probably doesn't even know I exist anymore he has a new girlfriend,a new flat,a new life practically.He doesn't have time to think about his ex best friend.I force myself not to think about him.I decide to go back on tumblr when I come across a post about scar remover.I look to my right forearm and think that'll never work,and just keep scrolling,but my mind keeps going back to that.Its so silly to think that scar remover will accually work.I scroll back up and click the link on the picture.I honestly think this is a bunch of bull crap but if it'll get rid of my scars,I'll do it.I order the small bottle of the stuff but it won't be here in time for our date,of course.I want Pj to see the good side of me,not the depressed side that still cares about Phil.I want to get to know Peej and forget about Phil.But I doubt I'll forget Phil,but I can still get to know Pj.I really like Pj,but I can't tell for sure yet because I only know he looks hot.But is his personality good.Personality is everything.I notice about two hours have passed of me thinking and trolling through tumblr and watching anime.Its 8:14 right now and get back into tumblr and tell myself.I'll only reblog one more thing then I'll go get ready for bed.About ten minutes have passed and I think to myself.okay,fifteen.the next thing I know it's 10:00 at night and I go upstairs and go up and get ready for bed.After I've brushed my teeth,I get in bed and start to think about what our date night go like,the best and worst case scenario.I finally drift to sleep and dream.

|Phil's POV|

It's about 10:00 when Carrie and I finally fall asleep.I dream about our new family and everything that we'll do together as a family like go to the park,go to the zoo,have nice family night.At least I hope we'll be happy!When I finally wake up it's about 9:30 am.I get out of bed and smell eggs and toast.I shuffle to the kitchen and I see Carrie staring off into space looking kinda worried."Is everything okay,babe?".she jumps a little,she probably didn't hear me come into the kitchen."you scared me!and,I don't know I'm just kind of worried about the baby and if we're ready for it,we're not even married!what if we don't end up working out!I don't want my child to have to experience a divorce or if we split up and it doesn't have a mother or fath-"."shhh,Carrie everything will be okay if your not ready.."I question ."no,I'm-im just over thinking things."she says."how about this,we'll go out to dinner and then we'll go to the London Eye or something."I ask and she  smiles " I'd love that."I smell something burning.Then I remember that she was making eggs and toast.I turn around a see the toaster smoking,I run over and Pop the black toast out onto the plate and look over to Carrie covering her mouth to hold back a laugh.I giggle a little and she lets out her laugh and she turns around and flips over the slightly browned egg.I put new bread into the toaster.When they're done I put butter on one and jam on the other,because I know that  Carrie likes jam on her toast.We eat in the lounge and watch one of her tv shows she likes.But I go on tumblr and for some reason I remember Dan,and how we used to wait for one another to wake up so we can eat breakfast to get her and watch anime.I push the thought of him out of my mind because I don't want him in my life anymore.I reblog a couple posts and stand up and take our plates into the kitchen.I start to wash the dishes from this morning and from dinner last night.I walk back to the lounge.And I see something on Carries left forearm that I've never noticed before and my jaw drops just a tiny bit at the sight.

|Dan's POV|
When I wake up,I pour myself some Shreddies and start to browse tumblr.I realize the maybe Pj has a tumblr I search Pj Ligouri in the search box and a profile picture of him looking gorgeous pops up his URL is KickthePj.awe cute!its better than danisnotonfire I made when I was 12.I start to scroll through his profile,and I learn that he is an amazing drawer!He draws all kinds of little creatures.He so creative and talented! It's about 2:00 when I finish scrolling through his whole profile.Then I remember that I have a date with him.I hop in the shower .When I'm finished showering,I put on the clothes I planned,and started to straighten my hair.When I'm done getting ready I hear my phone beep.Its a text from Pj
Sexy Peej😍😍😘🐯👑💥🔥🔥:Are we still going for coffee later,love?

I hope so

Dan🐻:yes,if you still want to💘
Sexy Peej😍😍😘🐯👑💥🔥🔥:perfect!see you in about thirty minutes💕
Dan🐻:See you later💚

I don't know what was up with all the cheesy heart emojis,but it was cute.The coffee shop is about thirty minutes and I've got nothing to do so I decide to walk down to the coffee shop.I grab my keys,my wallet,and my phone,and start to walking.While I'm walking,I think about what to say,and I'm so incredibly awkward,and I thought of every bad thing that could possibly happen.I start to get nervous so I decide to stop thinking about that and focus on my walking.When I arrive to the coffee shop I order a vanilla chai tea latte and I sit in one of the sofas in the back of the shop.I start to look Through Peej's tumblr again and I look and at his amazing drawings.The barista brings me my latte and I thank her and she walks back behind the counter.About ten minutes after I arrive Pj comes in to the shop.He's wearing A grey button up shirt and the sleeves are buttoned up to his elbows,denim skinny jeans,and black converse.When he walks in the first person he see is me,he smirks at me and my heart flutters a bit he orders quickly and walks over to he sofa I'm sitting at."hi Dan!"he says as he's sitting down."hi Pj."I reply smiling sitting up a little straighter to talk to him."wow you clean up nice!so,how are you?."he asks."I'm great how are you?"blushing a little at his compliment and internally cringing at what I looked like at the gas station."I'm good.I just got finished drawing one of my creatures!"he looks down a little as if he's embarrassed he told me about the creatures he draws.Then I remember he doesn't know I stalked his whole tumblr profile so he thinks I don't know about his creatures."oh really,you draw creatures?what do they look like?"I try to sound like I've never heard of his drawings.He looks up and he looks less embarrassed than he did before.What did he think I would laugh at him for drawing cute,funny creatures that I find amazing and creative?He asks if I want to see one and I say yes and he pulls out hi phone and opens his tumblr.I laugh a little in my brain because I've seen every single one of them already.He pulls up one he says is his best and his favorite.Its a drawing of a little monster that's  red and it has horns with a skull looking face and a bag hanging in front of him with three ghosts coming out from behind.That one was my favorite too!"wow,your  amazing!these are so creative!" I notice him blush a little and he looks down I smile at him because that was so adorable.

|Pj's POV|

"Wow,your amazing!these are so creative!"Dan says after showing him one of my KickthePj's  tiny monster collection #4.I feel myself blush because I like him a lot and he just complimented me on my drawings!I look down to hide my blush but it doesn't work so well because I see him smile a little when I look up.His dimple is so adorable it makes me want to just go up and kiss him right now.The barista brings my caramel latte and I thank her."anyways what have you been up to?"I ask sipping my latte.

|Dan's POV|

"Anyways what have you been up to?"he asks.umm eating cereal  while watching Death Note and stalking your whole tumblr."nothing much.what have you been doing besides drawing adorable creatures?".I see him think for a few seconds before saying."I've been wanting to start a YouTube channel,but I've been too nervous."he answers."oh really?me too!" I answer exitedly.His face lights up a little more and he says "we should start one together!"he exclaims."really?!are you sure!i think that's a great idea!,but what will we do for our first video?and what will it be called?"I ask happily."we should call it KicktheFire!"he says.As soon as he said that his eyes got really wide and he blushed a lot and he looked down.I smirk at him because this means he stalked my tumblr too because it's called Danisnotonfire."how did you know that my username for mostly everything is Danisnotonfire?"I question,already knowing the answer, but wanting him to admit to it."uhh,I uhh saw your tumblr,haha".he says guiltily.I laugh a little and finally say,"it's okay I've seen some of your blog too."he looks at me and we both laugh at our weirdness."and I think KicktheFire is a perfect username",I say after we both gradually stop giggling."perfect!"he says.iI check the time on my phone and it's almost 5:00 it's already been 3 hours it only seems like one and a half.His phone starts to ring,he looks at the name and looks at me apologetically and says."I'm so sorry,I have to take this."."no it's okay,I understand."I smile a little and he smiles back and walks off to go take the call.I get on my phone and go on Twitter only to see Phil tweeted again'On a date with my babe!!😍".well I'm on a  date too,I suppose this is  a date.I hear Peej walk back over and I click my phone off to talk to him."sorry it was nothing."he says sitting down again."it's okay."I say reassuringly.he looks down at his watch and says "wow,it's been three hours?it seems like less."."yeah!i thought that too."."well,accually I've  better get going soon.Do you want me to walk you home?"."okay,but you don't need to go to the trouble of walking me."."really,are you sure?" He questions."yeah,I've got it.".He nods and I stand up and we walk side by side out the door.We stop outside and we turn to each other."well..I'll see you soon."he says ."see you soon."I smile,and he smiles back.We stand there for a few seconds staring at eachother.I feel the tension between us.I look down to his perfect lips and back to his gorgeous green-blue eyes.We stare at eachother for a few seconds when suddenly he says "uhh,well ,bye then."."bye."he starts to walk backwards a little and then finally he turns around and starts walking towards the train station.I should've kissed him.I decide to walk home because it lovely out to day I turn around and begin to walk home.I start to replay the day back and I smile.His eyes are so beautiful and is voice is to mesmerizing and his little smirk makes be feel all warm inside.I keep thinking about today and continue walking back to my flat.

|Phil's POV|

It's about 5:30 when we leave to go to our fancy dinner reservations.I'm wearing a button up shirt with a dinosaur pattern,black skinny jeans,and black boat shoes that look kinda fancy.Carrie walks out wearing a casual blue dress and she look gorgeous!I hold out my arm and say "shall we?" She giggles a little and says "we shall."and interlocks her arm with mine.We walk out to get a taxi.We reach a cab and make it to the restaurant.We go inside and get our table."wow,Phil this place is so fancy!" she says smiling."I know,nothing but the best for my perfect girlfriend."I reach and pat my pocket quietly.yep still there."oh,stop it!"she says blushing and smiling.I smile a little too.We order our food and continue to talk.
*about an hour ahead*
We just have left the restaurant and are heading to the London Eye.We make it at last and get on. We finally reach the top and Carrie exclaims "this view is amazing!"."it is!"I reply looking at the sunset.I pull out the box from my pocket and stand up and get on one knee.Carrie looks over and sees me on one knee.She covers her mouth with Her hand and I speak up and say."Carrie,I love you so much,and you make me so happy,but it would make me the happiest man on earth if you marry me so,Carrie Hope Fletcher,Will you marry me?" Her eyes start to tear up and she removes her hand from her mouth and says "yes!!" She pulls me up and we kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel.I slip the ring on her finger and the wheel starts spinning again to lower us back to the ground.We interlock hands and start to walk  happily back to our apartment.

Yay a mostly happy chapter!!!I think Phil and Carrie would be cute together accually !(don't kill me)ANYWAYS,IDK WHAT ELSE TO SAY SO BYEEEE XOXOX <3

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