City Lights

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|Dan's POV|

When I finally make it into the town,I go into Starbucks to get a Frappucinno,I order and stand in the back waiting for my drink be done.When a farmiliar face walks in.Pj.I try not to notice him,I wait for him to notice me.

I continue scrolling through Instagram,as I havn't been on in like a month.I look up to peek at Peej.He's ordering and he turns around and I look down like I wasn't arm.shit.I hide it by pressing it against my hip and putting my hand in my pocket.Pj turns around and,I can't help but to stare.nice ass.

He notices me,and I look down to my phone.

|Pj's POV|

I go into Starbucks and order a coffee and as soon as I walk in I see a very attractive face.I look away not wanting him to notice me.yet.I order and turn around and find him staring at my posterior .I smirk and walk over and lean against the wall next to him with out saying anything.He continues looking down at his phone and he's trying not to smile."so,you like what you see,hot stuff."I say he looks up and I smile at him,and he giggles adorably.

|Dan's POV|

He walks over and leans against the wall next to me like I am.I stop scrolling and just stare at my phone trying not to smile."so,you like what you see,hot stuff."I look up from my phone and I blush at him calling me hot stuff.He smirks and my knees go weak a little.Good thing this wall is here to keep me up.I smile at him,you have a nice butt I think. I say "yeah,your not so bad yourself."I smirk back at him and he blushes and looks at his feet.I feel pride for making him blush.

"Dan!" The barista calls out,soon after she calls "Pj!" We both walk up to get our drinks and we walk out together."So what are you doing out today?"I ask."Oh,you know,I was just bored."  "Me too." I reply."So your free?"He asks sipping his coffee."Yeah actually."I answer.He smiles and says "Do you want to come to my place?".I smile back at him "sure!"I say."okay!"he smiles.His smile is the most endearing thing oh my gosh I think.We start to head to his flat.We talk a little along the way.I love his charming sassy comments ugh I think as we're talking about nothing important.

|Pj's POV|

We finally make it back to my flat and I'm thankful I've just tidied up a little before I left.I walk us in to the lounge and I see Dan looking around the place,observing kind of .He stares at the giant glass window out at the rolling hills in the view."You like the veiw?"I smile at his adorable dimple.The sun is shining through the panes and it catches his eyes perfectly.I finally get to take in all the beauty them.There the most beautiful golden brown and in this light you can see all the little marks in his irises,his pupils at dialated from the sun to reveal more of the breathtaking chocolate brown color.He turns and looks at me.And our eyes meet he just stares at me slighly smirking for a moment."Yeah,the view is beautiful.".I forgot asked him as I got lost in his golden caramel brown eyes.

|Dan's POV|

When we enter his lounge he has a crystal clear floor to ceiling window with the most amazing view of the hills.The hills have patches of purple and blue flowers.Its so stunningly beautiful.Im always a sucker for breathtaking views.Maybe that's why I fell for Pj.I smile at my own smooth comment in my head."You like the veiw?" He asks.I stare out for a couple more moments and I look towards him staring at my eyes.Our eyes meet and I answer "Yeah the veiw is beautiful!" Like you.I look down at my feet and notice the hard wood floors.Dang is he rich he lives in this gorgeous flat at the out skirts of London  and I live in the crap city with sirens.

"I love your flat it's so nice!".he smiles a bit and thanks me for the compliment."Would you like to come out on onto the balcony?".He has a goddamn balcony ."Yeah sure!".He slides the giant glass window to the side and we walk out."This is even more amazing because you can see the city to the side and all the cars and people.I bet it looks stunning at night when all the lights are on in the city.I envy you you lucky bastard."Wow I bet the city looks amazing at night!".He does that freaking hot smirk again "Then you should stay to find out."He says daringly.I smile "Really?I mean,I wouldn't want to intrude!"I say truthfully."No I insist it's completely fine,it's only me here."He persists."Really?Okay"I smile.We walk back inside and we sit on the sofa.We talk about random stories and what we've been doing lately.

*about an hour of talking later*

"Where do you see your self in the future?"He asks me.Wow uhmm I don't know."I don't know.Maybe with a wife or husband and maybe a child and a job I love."I answer."Well maybe that husband is in the room right now."He smirks,looking into my eyes with his beautiful green-blue ones.I blush and smile and I look down to hide my red cheeks.I look up and see him smiling triumphantly."Maybe."I smile at him.

We spend he rest of the evening just talking,and it's so great to hear more about him,he is so interesting and talented.Finally Pj remembered the city lights and I excitedly follow Peej to the balcony.When I see the skyline,I just stare and say nothing.Its so beautiful and nothing like I've ever seen.I live there..I wonder how may time he has seen me walking down the streets not neccesarily seeing me but seeing the crowd I walked in.But the chances are slim.I see him staring at me and I feel self conscious a little and I fold my arms over my stomach to cover my band aids and my tubby tum."So,what if I was your future husband?"He questions somewhat playfully.I don't want to sound too desperate,but he seems to like me so I answer carefully "I think I'd be pretty happy with what life's given me."I smile.He smiles,and I feel some arms around me.I smile and nuzzle into his hug.I really like him.I turn to face him but his arms are still around me.Our faces are inches apart,were staring into each others eyes.He leans in a little and I meet him in the middle with a kiss.I didn't want to be the one to say it first,but I say "I love you.".He smiles and says "I love you too Dan Bear."I smile because he caught my nickname by me putting that bear emoji on my contact in his phone.

|Phil's POV|

Carrie and I have been planning our wedding,and the only time everyone is available is this month.We plan the wedding to be not to fancy but still traditional and we decided we're doing it on August 25th.Carrie is out wedding dress shopping with Louise and Zoey.Shes starting to get I
a tiny baby tum.Its adorable.

*16 days later*

Carrie is in her sisters house getting on her dress.Ive got my tux on and I'm straightening my hair.I'm wearing a purple and white flower in my pocket on my jacket to match her bouquet.

When it's time for the reception,I'm standing at the end of the aisle and I'm waiting for Carrie to come out.About two minutes later she walks out with her Dad.I gasp quietly at how breathtaking she looks,I've never seen her in her dress until now.She has her curly hair tied back and the has a long veil and her bouquet.She makes it down and the prime minister says the stuff."I do."I say."and do you Carrie Hope Fletcher take this man to be your loftily wedded husband?"."I do!"."you may now kiss the bride."Carrie stands on her tip toes and I swing her around and I'm holding her back and I kiss her from above.And everyone starts cheering.I swing her back up and we hold hands.She throws her bouquet to the bridesmaids and Louise catches it.We all sit down and eat the dinner and have a great time!

|Dan's POV|

It's the morning.And I'm in Pj's bed and were holding eachother.We're facing eachother and Peej has is arm over my hip.I smile at the sight of him sleeping.Its so adorable.Nothing happened last night.We were just cuddling.I remember sweet kisses on the forehead and nose.And I feel all warm and fuzzy.I nuzzle closer next to him and drift away again despite me getting a good nights rest.Its just so warm and comfortable under his duvet,and he has cute plushies of Pokemon and totoros around his room.I start to dream again and feel safe and happy in Pj's arms.

OMG SO MUCH FLUFF.I love fluff it makes me happy.and I love where Pj's and Dan's relationship are going.I have a very fluffy chapter coming up soon!also I might not post every week because school is starting soon :( I cri.Im so socially awkward and my biggest fear is talking in front of people especially people at my school because I'll see them every day and be reminded of when I fuck up talking because I'm shy and I shake so much BUT ENOUGH OF MY PROBLEMS...I really didn't want to write about Phil and Carrie's wedding so I kept it brief :/I'm sorry,any ways I hope your enjoying my phanfic as I find it fun to write .BYEEEE !!! <3
--------------------------------------------FOLLOW MY TUMBLR PLSS ILY IM ALMOST AT 200 AND THAT'S A LOT FOR ME YAY

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