sexy Peej

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|Dan's POV|

(This chapter might be triggering so be warned)

"Phil say some thing,please." I say.Phil look up from his feet,looks me straight in the eyes and says "Don't ever talk to me again.Im moving out tomorrow.I don't ever want to see you again,weirdo."and then he walks away,probably in the direction of the train station.I feel tears welling up in my eyes but don't let them fall yet.and I'm just stand there.This is the most shocked/sad/suprized I've ever been in my ENTIRE life.When he is out of sight I just collapse on the side walk and start to sob.Im thinking how could he have had such a strong reaction?How could he have been so harsh?Is he homophobic?I doubt it he loves everybody..almost everybody.I continue to cry for what seems like ages.The tears won't stop coming.I start to think to myself,I didn't have a best friend for the first eighteen years of my life,and then I met Phil.He was my everything.I loved him so much,and not just romantically either.I loved him as much as anybody could love a best friend.I cared about him so much,we did everything together.A phone call breaks me out of my thoughts,I get my phone out of my pocket and lowkey wish it was Phil calling to apologize but I highly doubt it.I see the name and it's Connor.I answer him.when I speak I realize my voice sounds croaky."hello?"Connor says "Hello."I reply sniffling."Dan are you okay?you sound like you've been crying.What happened?"he answers sounding genuinely concerned."not really.Phil and I had an.....argument."I reply.there are a few seconds of silence.Connor speaks up and asks"Do you want to come over to my place for a while?It sounds like you and Phil won't be speaking anytime soon."."Thanks Connor."I say standing up "okay see you soon"he  says and hangs up and I start heading to the train station.

|Phil's POV|

I finally made it back home about an hour and a half ago.Ive started to pack as soon as I got back to my flat.I don't want to see that fag again.And to think I've been friends with him for almost six years.I bet he only wanted to be friends with me because he wanted to do who knows what with me.I grab my suitcases down from the closet and start packing everything I own into them.Ive packed all my clothes and just started to pack my plushies(I don't care if I'm 28 I'm bringing my plushies)especially Lion.just as I'm done packing the last of my things,my phone rings.Its an unknown number,I answer it "hello?"I question "Hello!"the person on the other line says "who is this?"I reply questioningly "oh,it's Carrie."she answers."Oh hello how did you get my number?"I say giggling a little."oh you wrote it on the receipt, remember?".oh I've completely forgotten I also wrote my number on there too."oh yea,"I laugh "what's up.isnt it kind of late?"I question "oh yeah,I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place tonight?"she says."sure we can watch Netflix and chill."I say."sounds good to me,"."see you later!"I say ."wait,I never got your name at the restaurant." I hear her say."oh,it's Phil."I answer her question hear her giggle a little "cute.anyways see you later,bye"."see you later".I hear my phone beep.its Carrie she texted me her address.I put her in my contacts under "😻❤️Carrie❤️😻".I set my phone down and change into my gengar t shirt and put on my shoes,grab my Oyster card and phone and head to the train station. When I finally get to her flat,I hear singing coming from the other side of her door.It sounds beautiful,is that Carrie I wonder?must be.I ring her doorbell and hear footsteps coming to the door,she opens the door and smiles "Hello...Phil."she smiles again."I like your t shirt!" she says.i remember I'm wearing my gengar t shirt and blush a little until I realize she is wearing a pastel pink hoodie with jiggly puff's face on the front.She is perfect.Carrie invites  me inside and leads me too her lounge and we sit down and she starts a movie on Netflix.A couple minutes in I out my arm around her and she smiles and nuzzles into my shoulder.When the movie is over.I look down at her trying to find the tv remote so I decide to help,she gets of the couch and I sit up.she bends over to look under the coffee table and I duck a little too.Then as she's starting to look up she turns her face towards me and I realize our faces are about an inch apart I see her look down to my lips and I start to lean in.Our lips collide and electricity shoots through me.she starts to push me back until she is sitting on my lap,our lips never come out of contact with eachother along the way.i reach my arms out and put them on her back slowly moving down until I Reach her butt.I grab her bottom and she gasps a little but  we keep making out.i start to stand up and she wraps her legs around my waist and she says "second room on the left" and continues to kiss me.So that's where I go I enter the room and lay her on the bed I go back and lock the door and I come back to her and she grabs the back of my neck and we continue where we left off.

|Dan's POV|
When I get to the station,I get on the train heading to the north side of London where Connor lives. When I arrive at his flat,I knock on the door and  wait for him to answer.When finally open the door he see me and says "oh my god Dan you look horrible."."thanks."I reply sarcastically."I'm sorry but your eyes and nose are so red!here,come in.".I walk inside it smells like vanilla.Then I notice the candle next to sofa.Phil's favorite scent of candle was vanilla.I remember how I always use to nag him about how he's gonna burn our building down by not blowing out the candles when we leave or go to bed.I remember going to the store and him always wandering to the candle section first.I remem-I stop my self from thinking about more of our memories together.I feel my eyes start to tear up and I choked back a sob.I remember that Connor is watching me and I look away feeling embarrassed."Dan what's wrong ,what did you and Phil argue about.It seems bad.come, sit down."he says leading me to the sofa.He sits down and I follow."it's all gonna be okay.You can tell me everything,If you want to .Maybe I can give you some advice."he says.then I remember that he's come out already and that maybe he could give some advice to make me feel better.So I tell him everything.I tell him everything from when Phil comes in my room to see if I was ready to right before I came to his flat.I told him about all my thoughts and feeling I had during the night too."wow.i-I don't know what to say other that to just get him back or let him go and see what happens."Connor finally says after couple minutes .Really,that's  the best advice you can give.But I guess he right but I just can't stand not being able to see him everyday.And not being able to make pancakes with him in the mornings .And not being able to go into town with him and look at all the shops.And not being able to watch anime in the morning while we're on tumblr eating cereal.And everything about him and the things we do together.I start to feel tears well up in my eyes and I just let them fall.I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.I remember that Connor is here,and I'm in his flat and I manage to choke out the words "I'm sorry."."for what?"he asks.and I reply"or coming here and and talking about my problem and crying my eyes out,for being a burden."."oh,no Dan it's completely okay it's what I'm here for.I don't mind you can come talk to me any day about any problems your having and I'll try to help the best I can.Plus I invited you so I kinda signed up for it."he laughs.i manage to let out a small laugh but continue to cry."here,I'll get you some tea and you could have my guest room all to yourself."."Connor,I don't want to bother you its-"he cuts me off saying"no I insist.I have some pajamas you can borrow and you can stay for as long as you need."then get gets up to go make some tea.I am so grateful for the friends I still have.I stand up to go into the kitchen with Connor but he comes back out and heads into his room and grabs some sweat pants and a t shirt and hand it to me."here."he says.then walks back in the kitchen to get the tea.he leads me into his guest room and says"what's mine is yours feel free!""thank you so much,I owe you."I reply."no problem." Then he leaves.i change into the clothes he lent me and I remember that my MacBook is at our old flat.I sigh to myself and pull out my phone and open Twitter to try and cheer myself up.'hanging out with my new girlfriend!! 😻😻' Phil tweeted two hours ago.I remember him and start to tear up again.I can never escape him can I.I will never get over Philip Michael Lester,the boy who stole my heart and ran over it with a army tank,in my entire life.I start to cry uncontrollably until I fall asleep.I dream about all of our memories together.Its like my whole friendship with Phil flashed before my eyes.When I wake up  I see that it's 5:27PM the next day.I get out of bed and waddle to the kitchen where Connor is "good morning sunshine."he says handing me some coffee "I was just about to go bring you this."he says walking around the breakfast bar to come sit next to me.i don't feel like talking.I don't feel like doing anything but sleep,because that's where all the happy memories are and I don't have to think about the fact that he hates me."Feel any better?"he asks I just shake my head.when I'm finished with my coffee I go back into the guest room and think I should go back to my flat,all my stuff is there and Phil said he would be gone by now.So  I throw on my clothes from yesterday grab my stuff and put it in my pockets I make the bed,fold the clothes Connor leant me and bring the mug from yesterday's tea into the kitchen,he treated me so well I might as well clean up after myself.I tell him I'm going back to my flat and he just agrees."remember I'm always here if you need anything."he says before I leave.."thanks Connor." I say before I shut his door and head to the train station yet again and go to my flat.

|Phil's POV|

When I wake up I'm laying next to Carrie.We are both under her duvet covering ourselves from what happened last night.I see its almost 5:30 PM and I get up and put my clothes back on,and start to leave her flat.I then realize it would be really rude to just leave.So I write a note saying I left and asked her to meet up for coffee later.I quietly open her door and leave her apartment building.I hop on a train headed back to our old flat.I can't help but remember all the fun memories Dan and I had.Too bad.I get off the train and start to walk to my old flat.When I enter I walk up to my room and start to search up a new place.I find a nice one in my price range.I have been looking at it anyways because Dan and I were planning on moving again anyways.I call the place owner and ask them about it and they say I could come and look at it but I already knew I wanted it.we would already be living there if Dan wasn't so stubborn.I grab my Oyster card,my phone and my wallet and go to check out the place.

|Dan's POV|

I hear someone walk through the door of our old flat and freeze.I am in my room laying in my bed.I am terrified because I know who it is.Its Phil.He just comes in and goes into his room on his laptop.I later hear him on the phone with someone discussing something about a new flat.When he hangs up he leaves,presumably to go look at the flat.I stay frozen trying not to make a noise so he doesn't know I'm here.When I hear him slam the door shut.I let out a loud sigh.I would be so horrified if he came in And saw me just laying in my bed like he didn't just say he hated me and said he never wanted to see me again.Suddenly,I'm angry.I make a snap decision and put all of Phil's suitcases and put them outside the door I realize he left his keys here.I take the key that leads into our apartment off the chain and set the rest of the keys on the suit cases outside.I walk back inside and lock the door.I walk back into my room and lay down thinking about what I just did.I smile slightly to myself and think I I'm moving on right!?!?!hahaha.I fall asleep soon after.I wake up and see its three in the morning.I realize what I did before I fell asleep.I panic a little and look outside through the peep hole.The suitcases are gone.I panicked a little more and I just go lay down and think to myself,at least he didn't try to come in.He just took his things and left.I drift to sleep yet again.I wake up at 7:30 in the morning.Then the Reality of the situation finally hits me.Phil ACCUALLY never wants to contact me ever and I'll never see him again.I feel tears well up in my eyes and I let them fall.I will never see my best friend again in my life.I cry myself to sleep tonight.I wake up on and off but force myself back to sleep.I wake up at 2:57 in  the morning and feel incredibly sad.I walk into the kitchen and see the knives.I walk over and grab a little one about the size of my index finger.I bring it up to my bare forearm.I press down a little,But I chicken out and put the knife back into the block where the knives go.And just walk away back into my bedroom to sleep away the pain from my ex-best friend.I wake up later at about  8:30 am and I don't get out of bed but I check Twitter 'I found a new flat to live in!my old flat mate and I weren't working out he did something horrible.' Tweeted by a @phil Lester .I begin to feel tears rolling down my cheeks.I did something wrong?!?i did something wrong by being myself!?!.I walk into the kitchen,grab the knife and cut 4 slits into my right forearm.It feels so good.The cool metal of the knife feels so good slicing through my skin.I drop the knife on the kitchen floor and slide down the wall and begin to cry.I cry myself to sleep.I dream about Phil and I and what would've happened if I hadn't told him I loved him that night by the pond.We would still do our everyday thing.We would eat cereal and watch anime while trolling through tumblr occasionally showing eachother cool posts we found.I wake up from the dream I had with a headache and my forearm with dry blood on it.I walk into the bathroom to wash my forearm and I go back to bed.All I feel like doing is sleeping.I fall asleep again.I wake up a couple hours later,and I check Instagram for the first time in a while.Phil posted 3 pictures.One of him and Carrie at what I assumed was her flat one of Him and one of his old friends at a bar and one of him and Carrie at his new flat.'Carrie and I decided to move in together!!😍🏡' I feel like I can't control what I do anymore I begin to cry again and I want to cut my fore arm but I decide against it because I would have to get up and I was just so tired.All I ever felt like doing is sleep.Sleep away all the pain.I hear my stomach growl and I ignore it.I turn on my other side and try to sleep the pain away again.I aren't good enough for anything.Why am I so weak.I just want to die.I bet if I killed myself nobody would care.Nobody cares about me.The one person in the world I thought cared about me hates me.I cry myself to sleep.I wake up at 12:00 pm  and can't go back to sleep.I get up and get dressed.I throw on my old green hoodie,black skinny jeans and black converse.I grab my wallet and my phone and start to walk towards an old 24/7  gas station.I walk to the back of the drug store and notice the most gorgeous pair of  green-blue eyes I've ever seen.He has the perfectest Wavy brown hair in my life.His hair is similar to mine when I don't straighten it.I realize I'm staring,luckily he hasn't noticed.I remember how awful I look,I didn't even bother to even look at my hair before I left.I look away from the stunning green-blue eyes.But I can't help but keep looking back over to him while I'm browsing the selection of  sweets.When I look over once more I see he is staring at me.I see him look away.i look over at him once again and see him looking at me again.I look away and giggle quietly to myself.He really is adorable.I hear footsteps walking towards me and see the blue-green eyed boy coming closer.I begin to panic a little because I look so terrible,but I have no time to look my best.I ruffle my hair and scoot it back over to the side."Hello."the green-blue eyed boy says."uhh..hello." I reply nervously."I'm Pj." blue-green eyed boy said.Pj that's a lovely name.I think to myself.And his voice is so nice."Hi I'm Dan."I say nervously.I don't know what to say I start to panic a little."I couldn't help but notice you and your beautiful chocolate eyes looking at me."I feel myself blush because he saw me looking at him and because he called my eyes beautiful."oh..uhh.haha yeah."I say nervously.I try to calm down a little.i hear Pj giggle a little"your being really cute ."he laughs again.I feel my cheeks heat up and I look down at my feet.i finally look up and my brown eyes meet his blue-green ones."no,your being cuter.thats why I was staring."I immediately regret saying that but I just laugh it off and he says "I'd love to get to know you more.How about we get coffee sometime."."I think that would be lovely!"I answer.We exchange phones and out our numbers in them.when he hands me back my my phone he made his contact name 'sexy Peej😍😍😘🐯👑💥🔥🔥'I laugh  at the name and I hear him say"see you soon."he jokingly blows a kiss and I laugh again and say "see you soon."and catch his kiss and put it in my hoodie pocket,ironically of course.I smile to myself as he walks away.I grab a bag of Maltesers,pay,and begin to walk back to my flat.Smiling the whole
Way back replaying what just happened in my head.

|Phil's POV|

I've been living in this flat with Carrie for about two days.I really love her and living with her.We have just gotten back from IKEA we bought a queen size bed for the both of us,a sofa,and a wardrobe.Im in the lounge sitting Watching anime trolling through tumblr when Carrie rushes in with something in her hand."what is it!is everything okay!?" I exclaim.she just stands there with her hand over her mouth."I'm pregnant."

___________________________Woah!what a cliff hanger!this was a really offensive chapter,I was trying not to be too mean but get the fact that Phil is Homophobic across.ANYWAYS I hope the few people who are reading this are enjoying it,because I find its really fun writing it!although it is really hard to find words to say other than 'says' but I'll try find some.also sorry for any words I didn't capitalize I didn't have that much time to proof read it.ILY ALL BYEEEE XOXOX!!! <3

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