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A/N: I'll be introducing another proper character in this so yeah... thanks 4 the 4 reviews and hope I get some more... I do not own lovelive sadly... I wish I did... Well, heres another chapter...
"Ah! I gotta go to school!" I scream and I look at my clock. It read: Saturday 8 June 6:29. "Ah no I don't!" Suddenly, my phone buzzes. I quickly grab it to see a text message.

Non-chan: I am coming to your house in 1 hour. I've got serious matters to talk with you.

I quickly replied with an ok and almost fell asleep again...

"WAIT! SHES COMING IN AN HOUR!" I whip my head up again and quickly get changed and make some quick breakfast. My sister was still asleep because we usually wake up at 10 on the weekends but today I've got a special matter.

(One hour later)

I actually finished my breakfast and I decided to quickly play my school idol festival in my room, on my bed.

"Yes! I got 50 love gems now! I'm gonna do a Nozomi mermaid scout! Cmon... UR... Please... YES!" I scream of joy and I see I've got an SR which changed into a UR. "Woah... Can I believe my luck?" I saw that I got 2 copies of the Nozomi mermaid and punch my fist in the air. I quickly idolize her and put her in my NozoEri party. Well, all my parties are NozoEri... One is UmiMakiEri though. I've never met anyone except for Nozomi and Nico but I really hope I meet everyone. I really like this school idol festival game.

"Ding dong!" The doorbell rings and I open the door to be greeted by my spiritual friend.

"Hey... So what do you wanna talk about. Come to my room, my sis is sleeping still..." I mutter as I drag her by her sleeve, towards my room.

"Woah... You have a sister? Can you introduce me? I'll stay here till she wakes up Kay?" Nozomi says, shocked.

"Um, what's so surprising about my sister?" I asked and she said that I never mention her at all." Nozomi, I just mentioned her..."

"Well... I meant at school..." Nozomi laughed sheepishly and sees my phone with school idol festival on. She sees my party of NozoEri and laughs.

"Hehe you've got a army of us! That's cute of you Ericchi..." Nozomi whispers. "Actually we should get on with the information. So... My parents said yeah I can stay here and I get my house. They'll occasionally send me money but they want me to get good grades and get a part time job. Once I'm more experienced, I'll do tarot card readings but I'll do shrine myself first." She explained and I nodded slowly.

"Want me to help? And won't you be a bit lonely? Living alone?" I ask but she shakes her head smiling.

"No because I've got you here..." Nozomi looks down and blushes and I quietly giggle.

"That's cute Nozomi... Anyways, I know I told you to stay but do you have any other reason you want to stay? I can't be the only reason that you're staying... Can I?" I laugh but she doesn't. I wonder if that is the truth.

"Well... I want to stay... Because I want to play LoveLive school idol festival with you!" She shouts and we both start laughing. "No... Just kidding... You're the only reason..."

"Oh... That's nice... And wait a minute... You have School Idol festa too?" I exclaim and she nodded.

"Who doesn't? I heard that even our kouhai in middle school have it! Anyways... I have no idea why they used us..." Nozomi murmured and I joined in too. We had a long silence on thinking why they chose us.

"Oh I know! They chose us because we just happened to be in the parfait shop with seven other people! Or maybe they chose us because they had too many flat people and needed someone busty to bring up the average bust?!" I laughed but Nozomi had a annoyed look on her face... Maybe she thought what I said was offensive...

Himitsu no Hanazono (NozoEli)Where stories live. Discover now