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Boss stepped out of his car. Close to 40, blond hair, definitely colored, and wearing pink skirt. Egssy didn't like it, but young boy- coming with boss, touching him, everytime he could- apperently did.

Think! Egssy shouted in his mind. Should i hold Harry's hand? Or hug him? God, how he wanted to do it, but he never had a chance even when they were alone, not like this in public. But of course, Harry knew what to do. He put one hand on Eggsy's shoulder and other used to corect his already perfect hair.

"Good morning! I'm afraid i forgot mention, we don't really have any fishing equipment..." said Harry to Smith, as Eggsy finally reminded his name.

"Oh, my dear, it's really not a problem!" Answered Smith with sweet voice, "me and Julio go fishing pretty often, we will find some for you." Julio looks like a cheap hoe. Eggsy was a bit surprised, he thinks about him this way. Maybe it was because he has something, Egssy never will. The man he loves. But in that tight red t-shirt he really looked quite cheap.

"So let's have some fun," said Eggsy, trying to look as comportable as possible. They headed to little house, next to lake. There was place just for small wardrobe, wooden table, two chairs, bench and seven fish-hooks, hanging on wall. Smith choosed the right ones for them, and fishing could start. Smith's guardians brought chairs and bench outside, so they could set fishing hooks.

"We don't have problem with touching each other," Smith started after  a while. Harry and Eggsy looked at him, not understanding the point. If this is gonna be about Smith and Julio touching each other, Egssy was not interested at all...

"What i wanted to say is... you're quite far from each other. Is your relationship going through problems? Becuase we've had some fight, but we always solved them..." He looked almost careful. He really didn't want their relationship to break (like it ever existed). That's not what bad quys ussualy looks like.

"We're fine, thanks for asking," closed the topic Harry. Smith didn't look buying that.

"We're not!" Why the f£#k i said that?! Egssy's ears could't believe the stupidity he just said. He saw Smith becoming suspicious. That could't happen. That could ruin their mission. So think. Really, REALLY quick. "We don't talk about it, but sometimes i feel like, Harry doesn't take me serious." Egssy said, like a jealous wife, after 20 years of marriage. At the end, he almost laughed. In this situation, there was nothing funny, but when he looked at Harry's face, little smirk escaped. He almost heard him sayin 'we talk about this later' in angry voice, but then he probably understood, it is a part of game.

"I'm so sorry... i never thaught you feel that way. If you just told me.." Harry's voice was so protective. Egssy dramatically turned away.

"Why would i told you, when i feel like, i'm the only one working on our relationship?!" Eggsy said, really affected. Who'd say, this game could be such a fun? He was making fun of it, but than he realised, those words were true. So easilly said, but for Harry it was just a show...

"Eggsy, you were wrong, I think you see now, Harry really cares about your feelings..." Smith ended their "arguing". When did we signed to terapist? It is probably part of this pretending-you're-gay-in-front-of-everone-except-Harry pack. Oh, they're expecting some answer, Eggsy realised, swimming in his own thoughts...

"Yes, i" noticed long ago, that's actually what made me love him even more, "did..."

"Great! Why don't you go with Julio, bring some wine!" That was surprising, Eggsy totally forgot, Julio is still there, quietly sitting.

"Sure," he replied, standing up with Julio. He was afraid of looking in Harry's face. What if he'll look confused- because Eggsy played so good it looked real... but when he looked his way, he just smiled, not havin an idea....


"So... have long are you together?" Asked Julio, picking bottle from wardrobe.

"Quite long. Biggest problem was to say it... it was..."

"...terrible." Ended julio his sentece. He knew that feeling, Eggsy was sure. "I know it... when a girl says that to boy, who doesn't feel that way, it is normal, but when man does it's... it's awkward...."

"Exactly..." Who'd say, the only person -ever- to understand his feelings will be mexican hoe in this little lake house? No one...

"And Harry Hart is incredibly hot man..." said Julio while taking glass.

"That was the biggest..." no. How could this happen? How? F$#k, what should he do now? They used diffrent names. Harry Jones? That was it. But that didn't matter, becuase he said Hart. He knew it. They're in trouble."....problem."

One room, one bed. (Hartwin fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now