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Eggsy woke up. He was freezing, tied, to very uncomfortable chair, and slowly started to realise what happened. They were compromised. At least he was. Without any idea what they did to Harry. But they wouldnt kill him right? If Eggsy is alive, somebody who works undercover as long as Harry would be even more precious for them. For who? He was trying to remember why they were following Smith but his head still hurted like hell.

"Oh you woke up," voice came from behind. It was one hard to forget.

"Yeah. Where is Harry?" Eggsy knew he wont tell him, and now he even show how much he cares, but he would hate himself, if he wouldnt ask. Julio came infront of him and smile.

"Dont be afraid. This pretty friend of yours is totally safe." I don't trust a word you say, but maybe that means he is still alive... Eggsy tought. It gave him a little hope.

"I wanna see him!" Julio chuckled.

"Ehm, no. I dont thing you can. But i know what he means to you. Maybe you wanted to tell him as well. Before i decide what to do with you." Eggsy tried to untie his hands once again. No chance.

"What you're talking about? It was all just masquerade. There is nothing between us. And don't you play, like you had a word in this. You're just makig Smith company. He will decide what will happen with us." Julio laughed once again. It was annoying.

"Oh, you bought that too, huh? Dont feel guilty. Everybody did. But since youre not getting alive out of here, i can tell you this little secret..." Eggsy was interested only in Harry's location. But why would he stop him, if it could help... " I am the boss here. He did all the public work, so nobody will have an idea. But he is just my..." "Get it!" No details. Thank you.

"Good then." Julio pulled out little knife. "Now we have done formalities, im sure you will tell me more about kingsman." Now it was Eggsy's turn to laugh.

"Keep dreaming. They've already once killed me for kingsman information. Didnt get a word. And im not telling you either." Julio came face to face to Eggsy.

"Then it was too quick death i assume." He said, as stabbing Eggsy in tight. He shouted, but then tried to calm down and even smile a bit trough teeth.

"That's all you can do?" he asked. Julio pulled out a little package. There was some white powder. As he came closer to Eggsy, he realise it is salt.

"No dear, that was just caress."
There was no clock and Eggsy couldnt count time. It may be hours. Or minutes. All he knew was- he cant say a thing. They've stabbed him, choked him, hit him and many other not very pleasant things. But somewhere in this buildig -or warehouse or whatever- is Harry. And that's what matters.

"So you wont talk, huh?" Julio held his collar. He looked really disguisted and. angry.

"I already told you," Eggsy hissed, "i wont. Ever." Julio smiled, and it was that kind of smile, you hate to see on enemy.

"Oh no. You just told me, you're not afraid of yours life." He put hands off Eggsy's collar and headed to door.

"No!" Egssy tought he shouted it, but it was just a whisper.
When Julio brough Harry, Egssy got happy for a second -just a second- that Harry is alive. But he was so hurt and not really very far from death. Just like Eggsy.

"Im sorry," Eggsy whispered, standing next to Harry. Julio gave them obviously time to talk. How nice of you bitch, Eggsy knew he didnt want them to talk to calm down. He wanted to terify them.

"For what?" So many things...

"He brought you because i told him im not scared of my death." It sounded a bit weird out loud. But he wanted to make sure, Harry will know he didnt want it this way at all. How could he?...

"No Eggsy. He brough me, because I said it." Julio came back from shadow next to them. He held gun.

"Yeah, awasome, you both did. So now...," he aimed gun at Harry. Egssy wanted to shout but didnt say a thing, just looked, death in eyes "...let's end this soup opera. But since i like you more..." Pointed gun at Egssy (that actually calmed him down a little) "you get to die first."

"No!" Harry shouted. Eggsy looked at him disbelieved. Of course. That's what friends say. Even just friends.... "kill me. Not him."

"Oh what a beautiful friendship. Right, Eggsy? Didnt you want to say something? This can be that last moment we talked about," smiled Julio.

"Yes. I wanted," Eggsy replied. To say, that im in love with you. It tears me apart to see you hurted like this. And something else. "I'll die gladly any day, if it saves his life."

"You dont have to say that, Eggsy. Every kingsman would die for another." Harry looked at him. Is he playing dumb now? Eggsy was trying to figure out. Maybe. Right now, he wants you to say it, cant to see? You die anyway. And if there is a world after this, you are gonna hate youtrself in there for being queit.

"I have to say that, Harry. I must. Becuase i dont mean it the way- kingsman to kingsman. I have feeling for you. They are not usuall, nothing like I ever felt before, and of course they are not appropriate. But they are true, and im sorry for that. I just had to say it. Now, Julio, go ahead. Kill me. I finished all

One room, one bed. (Hartwin fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now