Chapter 6

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Finn's POV
I wake up to a cold spot next to me where Clarke used to be. I remember how I rested my head on her shoulder, and how I felt her tense afterwards, but then relax.
At a normal time, I wouldn't have done that. But I was dizzy and my vision was blurry, and I couldn't think straight. All I knew is that I wanted to sleep, and that I needed her. Whenever I think of that I get a warm feeling, because Clarke let me.
I observe the large gashes on my arms. I wonder how much more they did after I passed out, but it couldn't have been a lot because I probably would've bled out. I remember how Clarke ran her fingers up and down the scars, which undeniably hurt, but I let her anyway.
She's the only thing that's going to keep me from going insane in this place.
I sit in that same place for hours upon hours. My stomach has started to growl, since I haven't eaten in days. Are they going to feed me? They have to feed me, right? They wouldn't kill me. Although, even if they do decide to feed me, I don't deserve food or water, or any happiness, including Clarke. So they shouldn't feed me.
For the next few hours, I continue to do this. Have conversations with myself in my own head.
I really need food. Wait no I don't, I can't have food. But if they're going to starve me to death anyway, why don't they just kill me now? Is it fun for them? Of course it is. They love watching me suffer.
After a few minutes they come into my prison cell again. It's the same two men again, but this time they shove water and a small plate of food in my face.
"Eat. Drink." They tell me.
I do as I'm told, because even though I don't deserve it, I can't ignore the burning hole in my stomach that is begging for food. It isn't good food anyway.
When I'm finished, the grounders violently lift me up, yanking me by the tender skin on my arms which is still littered with scars. The next thing they do it tie my legs together using a rough piece of rope, and then tie me to the wall. What are they going to do to me?
I try to get out of the ropes that hold me to the wall, but it's no use. They won't budge.
"Stay still", the smaller one commands. I do as he is told, and I watch them. They have a conversation in grounder language while I just stand there, tied to the wall and helpless.
After a while the smaller one nods, and the larger one takes out a large, but sharp piece of wood. Without any warning, he jabs the piece piece of wood into the skin that is underneath my fingernail and pulls up, causing me to yelp and sending a shooting pain through my whole body.
I scream as loud as I can as they continue to pull off my fingernails one by one. All I can think as they slowly continue to torture me: There's no way I'm going to make it out of this camp alive.
Clarke's POV
I walk into a tent at camp Jaha, ordering my guard to stay outside.
"Did you finish the radios?" I ask Raven.
"Yeah, here you go." She says, handing me the radios.
I look at her work, which is on various pieces of paper all around the room. She is focusing on the dam.
"Why are you working in the dam, Raven? Lexa and I told you that you're supposed to be working on the tone generators for the reapers. That's supposed to be your main goal!" I tell her, a bit annoyed that she isn't putting all of her focus into the tone generators.
"I'm working as fast as I can, Clarke. Wick is just getting me the parts for more time generators. They don't grow on trees, you know."
"Just... just work on it." I finally say, sounding out of breath and exhausted.
Raven looks at me, her eyes showing pity for my current condition; but her eyes eventually show sadness, her mood suddenly getting lighter and more upset as she figures out a way to ask me. "Did you talk to the commander about Finn? Will we be able to visit him?"
"She's allowing us to visit him twice a week. I got to see him today, though."
Raven smiles slightly. "Is he okay?" She asks me.
I debate in my head whether or not to tell her the truth, but in the end I decide that the truth would only distract her from work. "Yeah, he's okay. He's really looking forward to seeing you. He was asking for you", I lie, managing to fake a smile. Although I'm sure he would've asked for her if he were in better condition.
She slightly smiles and pulls me into a hug before saying or final goodbyes.
"Tell me when you're finished with those tone generators, okay?"
"Got it!"
Finn's POV
It's been a few hours since the grounders finished their last round of torture, and my hands are still throbbing with a pain that won't go away. I'm surrounded in a sticky puddle of my own blood. I though the bleeding would never end, but eventually the blood clotted leaving a sticky mess of red and almost-black blood where my fingernails used to be. I'm sure I deserve this, too, but I just keep on wondering how the grounders are okay with this. Do the grounders have emotions at all, or feel even a little pity towards the boy who is being starved to death and soaked in his own blood? Of course they don't, I massacred their village. They take great joy out of my suffering, making it as long and brutal as it can get without killing me, because it they killed me ten they couldn't torture me anymore.
I look at the room around me, and spot a small glass window that is just above me. I do my best to stand up, and I smash the window using the only part of my hand that isn't wounded.
I go to the floor, grab a piece of glass, and begin the countdown on the wall:
_ days until I get to see Clarke.
Hi guys! I take no joy in writing this. None at all. My poor baby Finn :'(
I wish I could just write loads of cute romance and fluff, but sadly I actually have to write a story with a plot. Don't forget to vote if you liked it, and comment if you have any suggestions. Love ya ;D

Finding Myself  {A Flarke Fanfiction}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang