Chapter 13

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Clarke's POV
His lips were so soft. I tried to be gentle, I tried not to hurt him, but he didn't seem to care about that. He leaned in even further, our lips coming together harder and stronger.
When I pulled away, he whispered into my ear "I love you too." This sent shivers down my spine, making me want to kiss him all over again. But I tell myself no, because he has to rest.
"You should rest", I tell him. He shakes his head.
"I slept all night. You need to get some sleep."
"I can get sleep when I go back to Camp Jaha. I just want to be with you."
He smiles at that comment. I look at the shirt I gave him, which is again stained with blood. I lift my head off of his chest and pull the shirt off of him, trying to think of what else he could wear. I certainly wasn't going to give him my shirt again, because I don't have a different shirt to put on.
I quickly remember that I had a shirt drying on the other side of the room from last time I was here, so I went over to go get that one.
Finn's POV
I watch her as she lifts the blood-soaked shirt off of me. She takes care of me so well. I really don't deserve this treatment, but I accept it, because she's Clarke. And I know she won't take no for an answer.
She comes back with the shirt she laid out for me a few days ago, and starts to put it on me.
"I can put it on myself", I tell her.
"I know", she says adorably as she continues to put the shirt onto me.
"Oh, so you just want a closer look at me shirtless?" I smirk, causing her to blush. "I guess that's a yes, then?"
She sits back down next to me. "You weren't able to put it on yourself yesterday. I was just making sure that you don't get hurt", she says innocently and smiles. "I need to check your wounds", she says after a while. "To make sure they're not infected."
I nod, and she carefully studies my arms and neck. She looks at my chest, and raises her eyebrows asking permission to lift up my shirt. I lift it up for her, and she continues to carefully study the wounds on my stomach and chest. She looks at the stab wounds on my side, and places her hand on them, causing me to flinch with pain. She gives me an apologetic look.
"It looks like none of them are infected!" She says excitedly. "Do you have any more?" She asks me.
I nod, feeling the stinging pain in my legs. I point to them.
"Okay", she says. "Well, um..." she struggles to get out. "You're probably gonna have to take off your pants..." she quietly says, looking at me and then the floor in an awkward way.
"Umm... okay." I say, slightly shocked. I try and stand up, but wince at the pain.
"Don't", she says. We're going to have to figure out a way to do this. I try and take them off myself, but any large movement sends a shooting pain through my spine.
So very awkwardly, she unbuttons my jeans and slowly pulls them down, trying not to look anywhere she shouldn't be.
Once she has them all the way down, she looks up at me. I give her a soft smile, trying to take away the awkwardness. She smiles back at me, reassuring me that she's okay. She runs her fingers down my leg, examining the cuts and making sure that they are all healing the way they're supposed to.
"Okay, Finn. So most of them are healing okay, but there's a few on your left leg that are looking suspicious." She reaches into her bag and pulls out a bottle of liquid. "I'm going to have to pour this on them, okay?" She says with a comforting smile.
I nod, and she grabs my hand and holds it tight. Clarke pours the liquid onto my leg, and I squeeze her hand as tight as I can, almost feeling a fire starting on my leg. Once the burning finally dies down, I loosen the grip on her hand.
"See? You're okay." She sits back down next to me, burying her face in my shoulder. I still don't let go of her hand, but hold it tighter.
"Thank you", I tell her.
"No problem", she says sleepily. I wrap my arm around her again, ignoring the pain. I know she's tired, so I sit and watch as her eyelids flutter trying to stay awake.
"You tired?" I ask. She shakes her head stubbornly. "Yes you are", I tell her, as she slowly lowers her head. "Yes I am", she whispers, falling asleep.
"Goodnight, Princess." I whisper into her ear.
"Goodnight, Finn. I love you", she says at a hush, right before falling asleep on my chest. My smile grows, as I think about how Clarke loves me. She doesn't like to admit it, but now I know it's true.
I can feel her rise and fall as she sleeps, her head on my chest and her arms wrapped around me. That crease that is usually on her forehead disappears, because she doesn't worry when she's sleeping. And I like her like that. I like it when she's just relaxed. So I watch her sleep for hours before eventually falling asleep myself, her arms still wrapped around me like I'm a big teddy bear. Just before I close my eyes, I put a gentle kiss on Clarke's nose.
Clarke's POV
Did I really do that? I remember telling him that I love him right before I fell asleep, and I hope it was just a dream. I always act stupidly when I'm tired.
I notice that both of my arms are wrapped around Finn, which I like a lot, so I cuddle in closer to him. I know that I should probably get going soon, people are going to start to worry. Maybe soon. But not now. Now I'm just going to start at the sleeping boy above me, and think about how lucky I am that he's alive. That he's here with me right now, his heart beating, and his chest rising and falling to a beat.
I feel him wake up, his breathing getting the slightest bit faster. "You're awake", he states, rubbing his eyes. "How was your sleep?"
"It was good. I like sleeping in your arms." I said, being too truthful for my own good. I still am in the same position I was before.
"And I like it when you sleep." He admits to me.
"Why?" I ask.
"Well, you aren't worried when you sleep. You see that crease right there?" He runs his hand along my forehead, causing me to blush. "That isn't there when you sleep. You look much more peaceful." He leans down to me and whispers the next part in my ear. "And, you don't blush every time I say or do something that's a little bit too close when you sleep", he says seductively, yet again causing my face to heat up and turn a deep shade of red. He laughs, and I give him a stern look.
I readjust myself so that I'm sitting next to him, and my head is resting on his shoulder, my eyes staring into his. For most people this would be an uncomfortable position, but I can't think of anywhere that would be more comfortable then right next to Finn.
He smiles and looks down at me. "Would you mind if I kissed you?" He asks permission. I think about this. As much as I want to say yes, that I would mind, I answer truthfully.
"Of course you can", and he once again places his lips onto mine for a short, gentle kiss.
"I will never get tired of doing that." He smiles sheepishly.
I laugh and look into his eyes, trying to find the Finn sparkle that they had lost that day in the village. I know that he has the old Finn in him, but I need to find him. So I know what to say.
"I love you," I tell him, and then I see it. His eyes light up, and his smile grows a bit wider. "You did it!" I say excitedly as I lean up to him again, my lips passionately crashing into his. When our lips part, I can see him hint a smile.
"What was that for?" He asked, curiously.
"I'm just so glad you're not dead," I whisper into is ear planting a kiss on his neck. He gently places his lips onto mine one last time, before Lexa walks into the room.
"Clarke, I really think it's time we go no-" She gets cut off by the sight of me and Finn, our lips intertwined. I look up at her to see the hurt in her eyes, that are now watering.
"Lexa I-"
"Just... say your goodbyes and meet me by the door." She quickly excuses herself from the room, but not before I see the overflowing tears in her gray eyes.
Finn looks at me with a worried look, but I quickly give him a smile and a nod to reassure him that it's okay.
"I should go," I say, not moving from my current position.
"I don't want you to leave," he responds truthfully, playing with my blonde hair.
"I'll be back, Finn. I promise."
I pull him into a warm, passionate hug before I leave.
"I love you, Princess." He whispers into my ear, before I grab my bag and walk out the door.
Hi guys! Oh I enjoy writing Flarke very much ;)  I hope to have more fluff in there soon :D Comment any thoughts on the chapter, and vote if you liked it. Love ya ;D

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